
Hello…A Quick message…

Hello…A Quick message…

Why do people sometimes text me talking.about being sorry for.my.Plight my situation.

Its is so.strange after all.I.have explained, how people continue to.wish to.see and interpret me as in.Need.

I.am here by Choice made by Forcewhich made me see, and take responsibility.

I.am.here because I was given.a. task and am.solving my.way out of it because it was set.up.to.show all.that.not only.can.you.get out of the worst situations but.that you.are in a Riddle.

31 Months…

What you were meant to.do.is show support…

If you.had wished to.contribute a donation, it was never.my.place to.Ask…

But.that would have been the logical.thing to.do…

It would have supported me completing this mission without.having to deal with being concerned with.the Basic requirements….

That was Your Responsbility….and Choice.

Mine was to.complete the mission…

I.did mine…you.chose not to.do.yours…

I.am not going to.tell you what you.already.knew.

No, it.made my.burden a millions times harder but hey, I.still.did the work.13.8 yrs of it.

No, if you.valued the work, recognized its value, you all know what ones does.

You.show support.

I.did not uses excuses of not.having comfort to.not complete my,mission…

And I.called it out because I.wished All to.know in.the Future that you.chose, and it was not.because I did not.hint or.mention and give reason as to my.state and why I.am.not earning my.own.income.

I.gave evidence again.and again and even.during the 13.8 yrs I.preferred working and earning money.rather.than.the insulting way.many.treated the 24-7 work.I.was doing.anf the Benefits…

No, I was.calling it out to Existence to.Lady Echo, to God, to the Future Generations that they chose…

They chose to.reinterpret what I.was really.saying to.seem.I.was wanting and.in Need..

They chose to.keep.me waiting, to.choose when.they could see me, even.having evidence that it was for thier.Benefit that I.was being put.in.this position.which.the E line knew of course…


No, they would rather twist.that which is written, deny.cancelling.meetings until.later realizing they.had denied themselves thier Existence…

Judged me by creating the illusion.that I.needed and Wanted of.them…

Even.after it has been.spelt out by Existence Echo.Universe Being this play over and over.again…

No, I was not asking you for anything, I.was setting you.all up.so.all could see the Truth of you…And that I.never forget the Fil.,.the.Line…

Of cause effect…

And nor does the Truth…

I.do not forget…which is the tool most.of you use…

Creating a Gap…change the Facts the Truth…

Creating Death Negation…

No.I See You Clearly….

I.just wished the witnesses to see you.clearly.too,..

And thus have no.second.doubts about manifestation of response.

I.am no.Fool…

If this was priceless and of value then.you.would have supported it, me during.this process without my.askng…

That is why.I.never.asked for Donations on.F.B..bc even.in.this realm.ppl.support.what.they believe in…they.give.

And in.this case it.was denied.

Which.is fine…

Its is not.worth anything to you…


But don’t turn.around.later and lie.

Consequences is Effect…No Effect?

Cause and Effect.

The Truth I was sent and set up.to.show

Not by.me.by Energy God is denied as of being of Worth.

This is what I called out to they.who sent.me…

And by.my.Last.Post…


Loud a Clear..

They are spies inside of you



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