


1:14 a,m…A.N

Still Completing the play of yesterdays date 12-18-8…L.A.H.H..

Though we are at 12-19-8…L.S..H…Code Love Supreme=Harmony…

I have a New Face Book Friend Todd Ovsiew….

Making him my 453 Face Book friend and the literal response to my :Proofs and Translations of the last equation prompted by this Cause Effect, transformed to Effective Cause. 45 month long face book play…


Now please recall, I just posted the Equation prompted by a like on Rachael Devon Rios Sessions share literally to the Day three years ago…

And I have been a guest and undercover at the Home of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan solving the last equations, of the last of this 14.9 months journey deep undercover in New York City…and now here in Poughkeepsie New York at 18 Mountain View for the last five months..

Sitting on a Deck outside facing all Nature.. Having passed through a Glass door marked with a red Letter C… and the code Name Chocolate..

Which is the complexion of my skin…

After completing the codes and the riddle, I received an immediate response..

A new Face Book friend, and pictures of me Naked (But artful and discrete) taken by well known photographer and friend Kerem Sanliman…


Recall the equation K.S…IS…K.I.S.S…

He sent the images at 5;53 PM…

Todd is my 4 53 Face Book Friend…

And recall 268 Generation X Gardens, Al… Axel Anderson, Axel Love…


And the Equation of Fox Mulder F.M…Father Mere Marie…F.M Band…

Dana Scully D.S..of the X Filled and recall how the equation moved us to X and then 6=F…

By understanding the X Files, by using the X Factor…

Similar to X men Professor Xavier…

Captain P.i.e-Card… Proto Indo European Lexicon of Vocabulary Expression L.O.V.E.. Lex Luther Le x LL..1212 24 Super man… Lucifer Lucy ..Luc Besson 5th Element…Captain my Captain… Walt Whitman… And Still I rise Angelou Maya..A.M…Area 51… Are A 51 Evolution Awakening…Enterprise Voyager Evolution Awakening..

The true Area 51…Is the Kristna Radar of 6th Sense understood by a purified Body and being which cleanses toxic expression from the water U R IN E…Which allows you to ascend and descen accessing the River which runs through us… The True Akashic Records.. Interstellar where through a stream of constant expression from the throat Cou Koo, Kwo…comes a river of expression.. Which flows and where you emerge as the Silver Surfer… Ofo Dile!.. Meaning the Surf Board is your Tongue..And the Tongue is the Sword and the Supreme Word of Truth..

The Silver Surfer is the navigator on his Truth, balancing everything He She says..,This is the only way to Ride all the Waves… All from that First Drop…Which formed a pearl of Wisdom and causes ripples on a Still Pool of reflecting Water called transparent reflection…

*The Transparent Pill in the Movie Limitless

the same dude who played the character in Silver Lining Playbook…

So now we all can see the link between the First Contact made with Donna O’Sullivan on Face book and how It linked to a Garden and the same C while I was at 268 generation X Gardens and She was up here…

That play is all recorded here, if you go back to back five months..

David Duchy (Duke dom) OV..N.Y…Meaning Beloved E-Spirit..

Dana means Dane.. Viking Code name Kasper Lomholdt Serup…

Den Mark…It also means Danu the Fertility Goddess just as Denny Denu Dean..

code name Dean Rodd…DR…Aligned to Dionisio Dios Eros..

Scully means Town Crier..T.C…Some one who has the task of announcing important news.. it also comes from the World Scholar…

A scholar who cries out the News…DA-N.E…E.N.A.D…5 14..1 4…all end up equaling 5…


code name Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

The name Todd means Fox and also describes people with red Hair,

See image of Mars Bars….And those who are clever and are able to exist under cover… In Tube Tunnel Furrough, Boroughs William Burroughs – the Five Burroughs of New York City.. And the Beat Poets On the Road’ traveling through the Hitch Hikers Galaxy to all 5O states which form Universe Supreme Awareness of A=1…

Sananda…JOY Bliss Extase…J.B.E

Julian Brown..Eric Lile Brown…

F.O.C..Mulder the Miller, the Tunnel the Trough…the one who rides the tunnel created by the Fold of the W,A,V.E….

Sadanandam Krishnakumar

Yeshua Sananda Daitenku

Yes 24 Hours..

sacred Portal 53..

*Reference M.Y. A.L.B.U.M…

code Albeumuth (AL BE Mouth.. a Radio Station..)

Called ‘One Dai and Day has Come..

Todd also is ‘Tod the German word for Death…Thantos..Hypnos.. Erobos Eros Cadmus Cup-I.D…He-NRI.O INRI…All of them manifest Twin- Twin Mots Tom Time- To me Ti me…Twin Words and Expression all originating from the One Source ON- E..


Todd was the name of the first portal I passed through after Columbus New York…

I met him and another guy called Eric who looked alot like Jim Carey…Whom I never met either before, but who each offered me their homes to stay when my place arranged fell through after spending my first day in New York…

the date I met them both was March 21st…3-21…2OO1… C.U…U…321 21..C.B.A…/12-123..L..A.B.C..and their names were formed the code E.T..

5-2O…May 2Oth, which happens to be my youngest brothers Birthday…


April 5th Nnamdis Birthday 45/54…

July 28…7 28…My Sisters…

November 22…11-22..My Mothers Cecilia Onu (meaning Sixth Sense Mouth) and David Roman Nicholas ..C.D…O.D..E…

See the meaning of Ode…C ODE…OF Conduct…

Duct tape the Mouth forever of those who abuse the power of Expression…

Sending them to Eternal Sleep through the portal of the Black Well…

and rising the Beautiful to rise to Eternity through the Hawks Eye..H.E

Phoenician He is the Letter E

Eagle Eye…Is E

August 26..8-26…62 8..26 8…My Bio Fathers..

The codes rests in others in your families,..

That is why those who put themselves always first before others,

no matter how they act and pretend, can never experience the Kingdom of God,,, Beautiful Harmonious Expression is the Key to Entering the Realm of E..Expression which is of Harmonious Blance causing others to rise to True Life and to Fall’ into the Black Well of the the ones who always judge and criticize, looking for fault to pick on others whom they feel resentment or slighted Jealousy and Deception…

That they are better more important than they Source though they refuse to publicly prove How why and in what way…

That is the portal to Existential Death – Oblivion to fade from Existence..

Because they codes are contained in the putting others first without you yourself becoming a Slave,,

You put others first because you see their worth and value, not for them to turn round and treat you like their Slaves…

Such people the E line never come to raise…

but only those who expressions have the potential to rise because they a refine their light and expression to Light and use Laughter- not derision and mockery, to make people rise…

In did not take a Genius to figure out that from that first day I arrived March 2Oth 2OO1, 3 2O/ 2O 3.. C.T..T.C… that I was in a Play…

Of sacred portal 32 EROS Kali..

and 2O..3 see sacred Portal 2O and 3 the Play of the Dream made real of Ma- Donna, Rachel Ruth Truth aka Lady Echo…C,..Is the Vision she was Seeing Really true…

this play has proven it Fact..not an act but how do you Behave and Act..when you think no ones is watching… you…

Outside and Inside…

The Name Todd Ovsiew T.O…To DD…O.V…SI..(Yes) W.23..is Only you.. B,C..E..

Could not find the meaning of the name Ovsiew…So codes can decipher its meaning…

TO DD…O S..View…

WE IS..Supreme Victory O..Full Circle Dot Truth…

See the post I solved of Rachel Rachael Devon Rios SessionsM

Pearl Moon OHM..Sine.. Cosine.. the Voice and song which took me Home.. A Human Heavenly instrument, a fine toothed instrument who sings a Song that leads her brother Home recognition of the Truth of you…

The Light way not the Black B Lack way…

but the way of Love Light Laughter- Life… Lucifer Lucy..

I C Y that line can never come home to the Palace of E…

And why the portal is She..Wu man….

time now 2:43 pm…

B.43 See sacred Portal 43.. True Life’s Portal…

Respect for the Source and Truth of Existence

which when we see we can not sincerely trust the ones who think themselves too proud and what they are experiencing is more important than those who have been through hells for others, and you dare criticize these others and bit yourself as more important that HE, so pampered and spoilt because they spared you that true experience of the play.

Ha.. you will stay behind in the forth coming play seen only by those who use expression to enslave and there you shall stay..

proving the truth of why you challenge the E…

and the E turns their faces from you forever and leave you to face your own Judgment Criticism and expressions..

in the exact same conditions…

As that whom you denied as your Source…

Expression Truth..

Gratitude Appreciation..

G.A… to DE E…


2:51 p.m..

Smooth Criminals…

thinking they got away with Murder..

Slick and Quick with denial…

Let us give you a Taste of your Own poison…

While we give the True…the Cure..


Healing Song of Love…

Whew… Welcome… …T.O…DD..T.O….V.S..I.E..W

2:54 Agent Fox Mulder…

F.M..Under cover with D.S Diana Scully ..

Hawk Eyes for Facts…


2:55 pm.. B.E.E…

Peace Bee..

Begone the Tyrant Mars always Constant War and Strife..

begone from All Existence….

2:57 pm…

2:58 pm…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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