



I would Like to tell you a story or Play going in here in Case De Bodhi between a Dog and myself.

… ( Yes. the code D.O.G/ G.O.D…4O7/ 7O4… 47/ 74… 11 28… which is my Birthday, hence a code with meaning

And yes, most of my older Face book friends will recall how I came here, to the Case De Bodhi in Miami through the ‘Portal’ of the person whom I had met, after I left the meeting with Erik Ebright and wandered the streets of New York looking for a Portal which ended up being the place I would spend the next 10 years, off and on in Alpha Bet City.. in which I gave evidence that I was literally in a True man show..

And kept being brought back to that address ( and the doors always opening)…

Recall that both A.S and his mother shared the birth year 47 and 74…While I find myself mapping out the meaning of the Full Circle as being Symmetrical Perfection… And that the true equation of G.od… is Do G…Do..do things using the D..4.. the Heart with its four chambers as the base.. and before doing look Full Circle by understanding the Symmetry ( Synchronicity of things.. which requires you to pause before Doing anything, by being the O Observer, seated in year heart…

*Seated in your Heart means not just seated in an idea of love.. but in rhythmic Balance…

O-Boom! Boom… Boom Boom.. a steady beating heart.. a Quiet Heart… Q.H… Quantum Harmony…

Meaning when the Heart is beating in a steady rhythm…that is the true in and out 101010101…Actually 1 O 1O 1O 1O….which acts as a sonar and echo spreading out to the U.F.O…Unified Field O…

which then in Balance, Sees- Cees’ things correctly and not through the distortion of Emotions or Wave lengths of Rainbow Spectrum not aligned to create a clear sight of the Harmonies which permeate everything even Space which even science has informed us is made of Sounds, Music Harmony…

2:12 P.m…

A shout out the Erik Ebright who presented me with a cologne called 212.. Mr Manhattan.. 212 was formerly the area code of Manhattan Island…

It was a gift from a friend of his.. two bottles of mens cologne…

But.. I will write about the Play with the Dog going’ on here in a moment..

It is a play, not really about the dog of course, it too is simply a player in this Arena in which what I call Energetic or Evolved consciousness recognize that in their surroundings are a riddles and codes in a sort of labyrinth in which we are solving our way as a species back up the ladder from D.. The 4th Color, and thus 4th point, to the understanding of the Heart as a Sonar Radar which is the true Balancer which allows us to See Cee ( Feel), clearly the G note… which is the Golden and not Yellow Consciousness of the Violet Lavender Expression Full Circle… V.L.E.O…

The Victorious..L.E…Le means THE of seeing things Full Circle – Symmetrical perfection.. which only by seeing from Do..Doing- thing s Naturally, allow you to See through the Highest Wave length in the Physical realm….

Not a Dog or a God… but Harmony Existence…

1:27 p.m…

Yes I started this post at 1:27 p.m… but I have been adding…

Easter was the 27th this year.. Easter Transformation of White ( As in Evanescent white light- Snow) transformed back into the Colors of Spring..1-7 Rainbow Spectrum….

In sound, Solfeggio 1 is Doe!…2= Rey!…and 7 is T

1=A… 2=B..7.G….Aligned to colors of Physical Natures Rainbow Spectrum this created

1=Red, 2, Orange, 7=Violet…

To make Orange one requires Yellow-

Mi…3rd Note…. Mi..Ami…Ami means Friend A.M.I..A..Mi!…

Sunshine State.. Florida….

Where I am now visiting one whom I have always had as a friend…

Having met him Ten years ago, at the Lowest and Highest points in our life’s in 2006..

And a conversation…which affirmed what he had ‘Awakened so recently within him to understand…

And which I had walked since 1989… seeking my Family.. meaning those who understood and thought and saw the world as I did…

That they could see the underlying harmony and reason in all things, by having spent time going deep within themselves, like Child Scientist observing the connectivity as well as the cause and effect of things…

Erik Ebright even while I walked the streets and through portals was a constant voice on Face Book, on the Phone, and even sending people to speak to me…of that connection called True Friendship….

So yes, I was glad to that I was to end the last 27.. ( Yes 27, Like the date Easter was this years and the Birth and death of by Brothers Energy- Nnamdi whose meaning conveys My Father is Here and as most are aware Father is Energy….Constant…

Which is why I call this the story.. the True story of E… Evolution.. unfurling quietly, as quietly as a Rose bush, is planted and then transforms through an Elegant and quiet Natural Poetic process into a Bush, which then blossoms into Bloom..

And just like that!

Voila it is there…

So I guess, Erik Ebright whom I met Ten years ago at the exact moment of his Blossoming…with that Intelligence of which I can only equate to Star Trek and the Q… But with a Heart.. a Beautiful Heart, (Truly…) was that moment in 2006 ( 26..A-Z) when I felt Ah My mission was complete..

I have found the Family.. the First line of E… E Ros..E-Rose.. a Blossoming Rose.. and not a burning Bush…

But as I recounted, instead of that being the End of the Journey, it began a perilous journey into what I can only call the Realm of Death of Spirit and Mind.. a World without imagination and the Consciousness of the Child ( Which most are aware I mean True Honest Expression.. T.H.E… The True Adam and Eve..as I stated so many times were Children…

See the play of the Blue Lagoon movie….

Only this time, in my version of the story, ( investigated to exhaustion) was that instead of these two children having been shipwrecked…they appeared from another dimension- through what science might call a worm whole. or to the animal world and world or Nature- they appeared to manifest into this ‘Setting or Garden… as if magically from out of the blue…

This collective memory, though mis read by the Conscious adult mind, is there is so many stories and folk tales right to Aslan ‘The Witch and the Wardrobe, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, The Magicians…

A story of a portal to another dimension..

Mi ami… Erik Ebright Imagination Intelligence…

The rep of of the Golden Bodhi…

The Evolution of the Third Color.. from Yellow (Y..=25th letter… to 2+5=7..G..Gold and the 7th Note, Ti.. which links to the color Violet-Lavender…the Frequency of Wave band nearest to re-merging 1-7 back to.. One.. or the 8.. Evanescent White Light… which enables us to See…Cee

1:47 p.m.

See my sacred Portal 147…It is a being called Emmy Standing on his point.. which leads me back to the symbolic Dog Story which I will post once I have finished with the 127 Time code and its correlation to the Play

2:26 p.m…

Yes, I seem to be jumping all over the page today…

Well, I did not feel I wished to address on this forum any longer but circumstances have once more prevailed as well as the discomfort of these Energies moving through my Body….

Anyway, back to the 1 2 7 Equation…

Gold and also Blue.. create a direct correlation between the 127 as Red Orange and Violet… because Gold links red to create Orange, Violet correlates with Blue and red to create Purple…Violet…

Subsequently if we are to align to the rainbow spectrum we have

RO (Y-G) B, I.V…Indigo and Violet linking to the same thing Red and Blue…

Red corresponds to the 1st Note of Doe…to the last note… 7th…Violet… But to manifest in the third Dimension.. called Gold- Yellow… it seems I was brought to Mi A-Mi…. a Friend…

or Mi A Mi..3rd Note awareness of Mi…

4:43 p.m…

As you can see, I am using the template I have learn’t to establish the alignment of R.O.Y-G. B.I.V..which creates Evanescent white Light.. Energy….

There are of course, much better ways to manifest this equation, of Light… other than having me as a Ouija Board..Moving about and figuring out what has I am creating by my watching where I am have been moved.. but considering that it has taken 27 years…

27 since I began writing to the Silence consciously aware of this play- of my being moved and seeing that where the portals were opening made sense…

This is the logic I have come up with…with enough reason behind it based on the play going on here…

At the Case De Bodhi…

A friend… what is a friend.. a Dog who is Loyal…?

Mans best Friend?

Or as I had stated before.. Harmony.. the ability to Cee clearly is mans best friend….

And if you have a Friend who sees clearly as you see, then it is a wonderful and magical think….

In this space full of life and personalities… the color Violet is everywhere.. and the Sunshine state…

Well recall that Florida is the 27th State…

Recall that Erik Ebright generously sent my 69 dollars 69 cents…

And that his father is 69…

And my brother Nnamdi Father is Present- Energy, Expression

And that I came directly from Alpha Bet City… Generation X Gardens and 54 The Cafe Bean…

time now is 4:54 p.m.

And then taking in all the anchors, one can not help but conclude that a Wave, a frequency, as witnessed by myself for 27 years, and more so when my Journals came to the attention of Susan Train, Edmund White and Allen Ginsberg… that there was a plan, a blue print which I (And I dare say, all of us are on), which is revealing a Natural Truth…

Moving our awareness to pay attention to that which is really moving us…

And yet, how to get peoples attention… How is it possible to Alert people to the Synchroncity, Serendipity…

Erik Ebright I see as a friend, because he fought to retain an intelligence which he had to spend 10, in full awareness defending…

Against those who could not perceive things the same way…

I have spent my entire existence being moved by this wave to explain what actually can be explained…

But the question is.. is anybody listening..

Is anyone paying attention..?

I am sure there are…

But in ones own immediate vicinity, people are isolated if they CAN communicate but people are not listening because they live in their own versions of reality…

What would be the solution..?

I never believed in this mission.. when I discovered what its intentions were… To go back through the stories of the past while living in the present reality of human perception…

Correcting and re-aligning the stories of Individuals

5:04 p.m…

* No I do not check the time intensionally- It just happens Harmoniously…

The explanation given here on this post of New York.. the 11th State to join the Union…Date July 26th, 1788…

Florida the 27th State joined March 3rd 1845…

7-26th, 17 88… G.A-Z.. Q.H.H.

3-3, 1845.. C.C…R.D.E…

5-11 p.m..


It’s a code… G.A,Z…Q..H.H…

C.C..Christopher Columbus.. R.D…E

The real discovery of America, the Promised Land, the Unity of 50 States of Consciousness which all align to the 5th Dimension…

The Color Blue…the Throat Chakra…Which is Expression…

Solfeggio.. Sound.. from the Human Vocal range which this equation I have been solving ( which aligns to not only my own Thesis but to my direct Memory of Existence and its Creation story…)

Is the only Source of Sound… The 5th Dimension, which represented on the greatest masterpiece of all Creation- The Human Body….is the Throat…

And that is the Tunnel of Love..

5-20 p.m..


Eternal Truth…

And thus, what I am saying is that there was no requirement to come to Miami, to the 27th State to see Erik Ebright whom I met Ten years ago… in 2006.. 26… code A-Z…or Z, which we have established as Zeina Hanna.. Through the play..

To collect the treasures of the Story of the Golden Ones- the Arawak people…

Because all comes from B.. R.O.Y-G, B.I.V..RR…

From the Fifth Note.. which I have steadfastly maintained is the also the First Note… and First source from which creation Manifested Out of the Blue

5 is E… Expression…

And even in the worlds oldest Creation Stories, even to modern times…

It has always been about sound, manifesting reality..

Sound moves this reality…

And sound is what brought the Notes… Sol… The Soul… And it moved Upwards and Downwards but it retained its source and balance of Expression at the 1 is 5, and the 5 is the 1…

15 is a Full Circle… 15= Letter O… it merges to create 6th Sense…

51 I have stated is the representation of Area 51…. Atlantis?

Alien First Contact.

Yet I maintain that First Contact came about through Hearing the Echo Affirmation of ones own self expression…

Which this entire play has been about…

That is how you know you Exist.. and can declare I am..

And perhaps..( Smile) the first being to ever Exist…

experienced this.. He or She expressed themselves naturally..

and lets say went to sleep and then woke up or rose because He or She heard a sound…

And the sound He or She got up to Investigate the Source of the Sound… Only to discover on His or Her way, that it was the very Expression which came from himself and herself…

But it had now manifested from Expression through a process to Energy, then to Energy Moving Waves..( E.M.W… E Milky Way) which then reached its destination through space of the Harmonies Sound Music.. which manifested Solid Creation… Nature…Existence and the Birth of an organic process called Life…

I have two new face book friends…

Mahmood Kamara…M.K…

Mahmood means

Origin. Word/name. Arabic. Meaning. The praised one, Worthy of reverence, and Laudable or commendable.

Kamara.. means

Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic qramar ‘moon’.Hungarian: from kamara ‘little room’, from Latin camera or camara ‘house’, ‘room’, ‘royal treasury’. The most common Hungarian variant of this surname, Kamarás, is a status name for the treasurer of a court or of the royal household, or alternatively for a chamberlain…

Subsequently, we get the meaning, The Praised One, worthy of Reverence, laudable, commendable.. As the Moon, the Little Room, with a a View, and a Camera, recording and documenting everything of worth and Value… of Existence, which are stored in the Royal Treasury of the Heart…

5:43 p.m.

And My 644 Face Book Friend is Tiffany Snow..

Tiffany means Manifestation of God

Latin Meaning: The name Tiffany is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tiffany is: Manifestation of God. In the Middle Ages, this name was sometimes given to girls born on Twelfth night.

Snow is White.. and when Light is reflected upon it creates beautiful hues of color…

White is the the symbol of purity…

Manifestation of Gods Purity…Energy Transparency .. White.. Light…

Yes, I am solving a Riddle… a riddle which I am addressing that which is Unseen.. The Silence…

This Wave which I have been on an somehow have no been able to get off..

Which is obviously, to any one following the trail of codes and keys is an ancient language which I have been translating through modern codes- using Natures Template.. but most of all the understanding of Expression..

It creates music, it creates Love Light and Laughter…It creates Harmony and shines its Sunshine State for everyone to see. and feel… that they are heard and that they exist…

5:50 p.m..

This is the True Nature of Existence… Energy Expression.. it creates Light..

Now the question would be. why would an unseen yet obviously seen expression from the 5th Dimension- the very origins of Sound be moving me, or any of us, to take notice of what it wishes to say…

In the last 27 years, and the last 15 years, I found as the Author, and the Scribe Scientist and even Its Beast of Burden, that it is stating what It is.. Who it is.. and its Eternal Laws…And IT is giving the reason why It came into Existence, and Humanity came into Existence…

And that it comes from the Fifth Dimension.. where Sound came from and Hearing came from and Energy came from.. Sound Hearing Expression… S.H.E…

E.Harmony Supreme…

And by my still being here present recording and posting.. It will not be Quiet.. It will be Heard..

And so I have heard it.. I have heard it and listened and recorded and recognized it…

I remember this music, though not the Savage play of Nature… Or the distorted ideas of Creation which Human Expression distorted the True Wave…

And what it is saying is so relevant to the Entire Species…

What it is connecting, demonstrating, allowing each person It summons, to not only this Face Book Play to witness and experince but anyone out there..

It has thrown me personally at the mercy of This experience, it is inside of me, moving my body, as Erik Ebright insists.. Dance… to Dance…

Yet I am not dancing, nor do I feel any desire to dance, or to fling my hands up with Joy…

Erik recently gave me a Coin saying, this is from Sean Bono.. Sean was the person who directed me to Erik Ebright… S.B…E.E…

S.B.E.E… S.E..B.E…

Peace Bee..?


Slavic element meaning oneself (dative case).

One’s Self… S.E.B.E.. means I was being directed to My Own Self…

EE..is a number 55.. it is my Sacred Portal of the Zorro!- Meaning Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn…arriving from the past….

And so I came through the portal of Erik Ebright who kindly invited me through his portal…

He is my Energetic Friend, who shared with me the same Intelligence…

Am I Home…?

No, Home is where the Heart is…And that place of Heart is the 4th Expression and the Sixth Expression or note from the Tunnel of Truth-Love.. True Life…

It is a sound and song Solfeggio where you know you are at home, because there is only Harmony of being at Home, being at Peace, knowing there is no translation or mis understanding…

It is a place where you are seen and heard clearly…

There is no competition for resources, no extortion or manipulation of each other, no matter how pure the intentions…

There is love light and laughter…

There is a young man here called Lamar.. he too is passing through this portal of Casa De Bodhi….

A Beautiful young man 21 years old, who is from La…

He and I spoke of Home.. after he spoke about a little problem with his heart circulation…

I had posted that same day an equation of the Human Heart being the 4th Dimension… and that it manifested as Existence Creation through the 5th Dimension.. And that the 4th Dimension and 6th are Twins… 5…4 -6… 4 321…6 789…. 46…is TEN…10..1O…24..The X Factor…24..44…8…Harmony,…Infinity… Standing up…

4 321 6 789…The balance is 5…

3 3 numbers C.C…

3 7..2 8…19… These are the numbers which I have literally passed through right on this play in the last 9 months…46/64…37/73…28/82…19/91…

Recall that Joseph Carey and Goku life opposite the Bean.. Joe at 91… And the last person I saw before leaving Miami apart from my former Host was Goku…

And when I left to 18 Mountain View.. It was Joseph Carey.. Where the play was based on the Codes 19-18.. R and S but instead became a contest on Racial and Cultural Supremacy.. a Challenge, instead of Robert Stephan… Meaning The Famous Bright Shinning Light Crowned with Laurels of Victory…

Joseph means Add’ and Carey means the Dark.. The Blackness…

Add the Blackness…

Jonn Blackwell is Haun Delguidce.. H.D… And so the Blackness aligned to the play of Dark Matter, Dark Energy.. 96% was added..

Linked to Pluto the 9th Planet turned into the stories of Hades…

Isis Osiris


It was all about the Equation 96.. I.F…

Is it not strange that now, 26 days after returning from that venue and Horrific Challenge ( which had little to do with the treatment by Jonn and Donna)

That I met Goku.. who as Joe, I have known for 13 years, long before I met Sean Bono or Erik Ebright…

That I get a face book friend who name means Sensi of the Style of the Clouds- Cloud Hands.. C.H…I..

Then I meet Goku whose name means Cloud..and from the Sky.. as well as Dragon Ball…

Then find myself with only two options, End the play and do something else.. or pass through the only portal which though extended to me for years.. was now the only portal made available to me…?

And the code amount for the ticket was 111.. which aligns to my sacred portal of going home in Victory and Relief at last….

To the gift code of 69 usd and 69 cents….


And a 69 year old Father and a 32 year old Son…

After 27 years of this, 15 years in New York.. it would be ridiculous to call these Anomalies and Singularities… A.S…

(Link Anthony Spencer A.S..and the name meaning.. )

…As Coincidence…

That just would not be common sense would it.. nor would it be reasonable or Logical…

I met to new recent guest here.. One is a Journalist who is from New York and who works in Washington.. the other is a student pursuing her Masters in Economic Development… J.E.D..I…:)..?

His name is Daniel.. which means only God can Judge me…

And Vanessa means

The name Vanessa is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Vanessa is: Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the mystic goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood.

Please see the Butterfly share from Tiffany Snow.. Winged Transformation…

And my Explanation exemplified by David Roman Nicholas whose body had morphed and developed the Semblance of the skeletal structure of a Human Being with the outline of Wings…

Vanessa means Butterfly Transformation just as Snow represents on melting the Winter to Spring…

6:43 p.m.

And here I am one block away from the recently crowned Little Haiti

Voodun Santeria…

Butterfly Effect.. B.E… S.E B.E…

As for the name Daniel.. my Grandfathers Name… D.N.Umeano..

Only God can Judge you…? But who is God..

Certainly not the Character of Human Imagination…

Certainly not this dude with White Hair and a Long flowing Beard and pale skin…

Certainly none of the Attributes Human imagination and Mind have interpreted and created as God… 704.. 407… …

Human beings Hate being told by other, who they are…

Would that not also apply to that which people have called God…?

That It, He SHE..would also demand that courtesy of revealing Its own Identity to Everyone…?

And as as I Know, or what it took 27 years of my life to reveal and explain to me through my watching patterns, Talking to the Silence, and doing this exhaustive decoding, that it is The Source of Expression Energy Existence.. the Source from the Fifth Dimension never experienced by any living Human Being…

Because ones memory must be proven to come fro that realm..

And the only way that can be proven is by their being a Response..

An Echo Harmonious Response from that Source.. affirming Yes…

Yes.. Yes….

You Heard me correctly..

You heard the Song of my Silence and you have correctly but that Voice from the 5th Dimension – not heard by others.. Into a Sound…

Manifestation of God.. is Purity…. Purity of Intention and Beautiful Expression..A-Z.. which makes Notes.. Do Rey Mi Fa Sol La Ti Doh!

R.O.Y-G, B.I.V.R…. Music to the Ears of those who pay attention and makes them rise and respond..AH..

So how do you know for sure, all those who places their Fates’ in the Purity of Gods Judgment because of His or her Supreme Purity Truth and Love… that He or SHE has not Observing rather than Judging… weighing as Libra and Balancing whether you are Real or Nor real..

Of Existence or of Non Existence…

6:58 p.m.


This is what has annoyed me most about the reception to all this Intelligence…

Me the Journalist reporting the News of the Real True World.. what is really going on..

What makes people so sure… so arrogant..

That an anomaly singularity such as this 4 year public play where time and time again each thing I have decoded is affirmed outside of my control..

The sheer arrogance in people not paying attention, not asking politely for clarification, not going back to respect and review this immense contribution of 4 years day and night liking everything around me.. to deliver a Love Letter call the Beautiful Truth and the Eternal Truth to the World of man…

I guess Money Power and all that would have helped, because Love Truth even this appalling concept of Self Sacrifice did not do much…


Oneself… That is my going home.. being given the space, the breath the peace to come home to Oneself…

And home is where my heart is and my heart is a place where there is music laughter and lightness…

Here is not home… no… but it is near..

Underneath all of the seeming Chaos…

I see the Road Home to E… Myself..

And perhaps through my Example… the same for the others… to go home…

And so when I heard Lamar… Meaning from the Sea’ speak to his Family.. the Joy and Laughter, the light in his eyes.. the voices…

Ah… Yes…

And when Erik handed me a Coin of the Sacre Couer.. Sacred Heart..

Mos of my Older Face Book Friends will recall a young woman I knew who in 2004.. calling me with a message saying she saw me descending from the heavens, and I landed in the Sacre Couer in France and then I was in New York where a world was celebrating…

My Mother was present.. and it was the awakening on he world…

She wrote that to me in 2011… 11… Ka… 5 years ago.

7:09 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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