


It is very early but I find myself brought to Facebook to answer a challenge written in the Script which I have been expecting..

I was given the choice between trusting People or the System.

I chose the people…

And the people led me through their homes for 15 years, each person directing me to the next…

I did not begin this social experiment in a shelter..But at Columbia Harlem where I had been invited Chuck and asked to leave the next day because of his girlfriend…

It began with. Jonn and Nicholas in London..

Columbia.. Chuck… C.

And then I met Eric and Todd… E.T

Then Lawrence and Kurt…L.K.

Then Donald…911..I at his place in Staten Island. D.

Then Alberto and Beverly. ..A.B

And Finally in an Assessment Shelter 15 yrs ago…Eric and David. E.D.

Grace of the Victory of the People.. J.N.

C.. E.T .. .B E.D. (007)… G.

*This time 15 yrs later…(27th State 28th State.. Florida Texas…F.T..6 20…Ohio is the 13th State..M…13 to 11th to 27th…same journey as myself following. Erik EBright. .but I lived in Augusta Georgia too.. The 4th State…Ohio 13..Columbus C..M..Georgia G..D..)

O! Kolo versus Kolo… And Colo…

( Columbus Ohio…Brother undercover in Colo the Female Gorilla from the Mists..of Magic Avalon, West Africa…)

E.Nri meaning versus Slav-e meaning.

Response to the Challenge of Existence by my Sister (7-28..Noni) undercover in the E play as Izzi Creo (M.M…)

I.Collective Woman…

(Really Kristina Michelle Womack…K.M.W…11 Milky Way Kolo Man Woo-Man )

Versus I People Mannah..

I.P.Man….Universal Sensie.

In a set up play from the 4th Dimension play- unseen my 3 and 2 Dimensional Human Beings.

9:05 p.m.




379…37..9…3. 79


7 3 9…73..9…See Bed Eric Eposito.. 009.

73 is (Sensie EE undercover in the human form of Eric )




G See I See….G..S.I.S…(Sister)

G..Cee I Cee…G..C.I.C.. ( O I O)…OWL.

9:11 a.m.

See Asmodeus post yesterday section


911 code..I.K..

Name of Bio father…

Twin Towers..

Emeka John..

Twin Towers..1999…


Infinite Limitless..

Infinite Consciousness.

9:19 p.m



I.S.S.I…Is Yes…(voice of Spain)

9:22 p.m



I am Life.


Victorious rep of the (V=5),

5th Dimension. ..

Expression Throat.. E.T… Extraterrestrial Truth.

Expression Third I…Eye..

Mouth Third Eye.

I would like to quickly respond to the Espirit of my Little sister…moving through the body of Erik Ebright and Izzi Creo…


No you do not see…

9:26 p.m.


There is no such thing as the Individual and the Collective.

There is the Individual and the Collection..of the sum total of all the fractals moving in the air seen by the Anointed..not Initiated…the but the Anointed Initiators..A.I.

SUM ERI-A.. SUM A.R.E. ..A..


A.F.A. E.R.I. C.A. ( A.F..R.I.C.A… Add A E)

Fractaling As Emeka Eze..F.A..E.E.

(I AM)

And the Individual represents the People, because the Plural of the Individual is the People..

A Collection of Fractals of Self, Light…

People are the Fractals of the first Individual…

The Source of Existence…

Infinite Eternity

9:35 a.m


They are Individuals in their own right..but they are all E.

These are the People…

I.P.Manna-H…. Harmony.

I.P Address.. Where ever I am is my home…not wherever I lay my Head,..Please!

It means by physical circumstances do not define or limit me…

I ascend and rise to my own consciousness and Cee-See..of the 5th dimension

9:39 p.m.


9:40 p.m


The Individual is the Example of the People…

He S.he is the Literal Will Desire..Helmet..Protector of the People..Alexander!

Defender of Man….

Nikolay Krusser

Nicole Gallant

N.G.. 147….( 1+4+7…21…3..C)

See sacred portal 147.

Victory of the People of through Gallantry…

By a person simply and naturally representing the people…The all,

by simply being themselves…


Beautiful Pride


Self Love is the ability to see and Cee yourself literally in each person….


Collecting the fragments….

The Eternal Truth.

I am in a Shelter..

I arrived 555 (15 years )

This is where I was led by the Energy of the People. .This is what they wished to show me…

Their fear. ..

And it is that fear which twisted thier expression.

Rush Rush…

Mt Rush More.

Rat Race.

No time to rest..

Or your Home your bed

your sense of Self Pride and Dignity

Is taken away…

Food and Cleanliness

A Bed and Shelter to rest

Is paid at the greatest price of all…

Self Worth taken away.

But where is the Victory of the people here in this situation.

It is in my proving that it is a play..

A set up..007…

To see the real cause of peoples fear and compromising to the system of the damned..

Is really nothing but the betrayed expression of ppl chosing fear condescending superiority..

Get your I.D. govt issued..fool.

No…Don’t you See me.

Don’t you recognize who I am?

I recognized all of you…

As for dependency…

Money versus Energy.

In every home I worked cleaned constructed as well as healing on 3-4 dimensions.

Expression Energy Spirit Physical Manifestation 360…

I saved and healed.

How much is a simple doctors bill..

10:52 p.

Monies given me in Energetic exchange was so unequal and unbalanced that except for Jonn Blackwell

Donna O’Sullivan

Marina Burini And few it was an insult.

But it was never about money

It was about Fear and Fair Exchange


And as to who was dependent on who and who was source of money and jobs which sustain you..

Including the 14,000 USD which Erik gained through a conversation confirmed in my presence b4 Izzi moved to the Casa…

Well I am calling it all back..

All the Energy i gave…freely.

Unfair Exchange.

That should answer that question of who is Kolo

And who and what makes the World..Existence go Round.

Not in Circles …




Around the World in 80 Days.

80 U.S.D.

Beginning. Jonn Blackwell. .J.B..007

80.U.S.D in the End…Donna O Sullivan. .D.S.

Dharma Santana’


Eternal Law.


April 19..

Robert O’Sullivan…R.O.S…e…


Robert Ebright..Coffee..Q.

Fantastic 4.

Mr Fantastic. .

Elastic Man.

E.M.E.M…. EE..MM…not I.C.



Yes I am also Witch Doctor…

Dr Frank Storm and Victor Van Doom.

Activation Code


This is not a game.

Watch what will happen.

I am not Alone.

I have the Collection of EE.EE..E.T.C..with me Unseen but now you will see

Divine Wrath.



From the Forest and Woods.

Magic. And Woman’s Curse

11:11 pm

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