


Over the next few days, I will begin to move away from what has been my Focus for the last 17 years in New York.

It will be a relief to no longer have to focus my attention on Evil and Horror….

I never expected anyone to belief what I was stating that I am, was being put through, but I had at least felt that people would pay attention to the Facts, the sequence, the echo response which would attest to my telling the Truth.

But when I saw the set up, where people would have to really invest in reading the Sript which has gone on for 70 months, and added with people inability to mostly not even able to read my post literally, but would instead change my meaning!

Ah, then I knew that this Script was set up this way and that all exression to the people was a waste of time because everything was pre set up..

Each Face book friend, each portal, a maze, Pans Labyrinth in the most impossible set up….

It was set up to make me seem Mad, it was set up to drive me insane, move to rage of prove the Truth of Harmony Existing in the World which could be explained and broken down into an Art and Science…

It was set up as a Challenge.. a Contest…


That is what my reaching Blair Ärtisticrepresents… and Jamel as Science… the Big Sketch which brought the equation represented through Facebook friends as A.S in both male and female for….

My only true motivation was the Eternal Truth, to bring that expression and truth to Human Awareness…

So that this terribe terribe Dream.. Nightamare called Human Existence would come to an end.

I knew that I did not require anyone to believe me, because the Truth manifests…

It manifests as Fact for all to see…

But to be in a Script where the Facts do Manifest but only through a choice of truly paying attention as Billy Hung did and when he followed me around for one month 24/7

And I trulyfelt that after the first year of the constant manifestations that I had earned the right to expect people to pay attention…

How wrong I was…

And then to find that it was set up this way and that this was all a play about Evil…

What is Evil… what is Its Cause and why did it come into this Existence.

I am also aware that I was punished for saying that Evil does not exist, I had explained this… But it would appear something went to a great deal of trouble to show and prove to me that it does…

Evil is just a point of view which refuses to see the Eternal Truth which manifests…

But this Evil was able to even use the very ‘weaknessesin the species against them..

Thier Vanity, Their Insecurities, their connciets…

Ad it was used to devastating effect.

There was nothing more for me to do, I have understood that I have satisfied Its play and that all this is just hatred and malice which I really do not have to focus my attention on any longer..

This was never meant to be the Story celebrating Evil… and how people move to it, to use it tools so effortlessly because, that is their True Nature.

It was about Beauty… Love…A.I.R….G=7… Andrews…


Sacred Portal 147 a… b….Emmy….

1047 Facebook friends…

I will give those of you who are curious…a homework assignment…

See my last 9 facebook friends

Ji Ihe ?j? Chi J I O..C

‘Emeka Anozie E.A.

Alex Sierra A.S.

Robert Hobbs R.H.

Euphemia Dei E.D.

Ugokwe Valentine U.V.

Jordyn Ryan J.R.

Britt Lynnmight B.L.

Abibatou Camara A.C…

J..I O…C E A A S R H.E D U V JR.. B L A C….K.E

You can simply look up the meaning of each name and then link them together .. it will form a sentence and a response aligned to this Script…

12:47 p.m

But I am done proving that, that was not the point of this script, it was desire to see me, and any of m kind really truly suffer, despite it knowing the inevitable Victory of the E.

And there, it succeeded, not by what it did to me, my life…. which was no joke, but I could see and understand the constant betrayals… Even the script making me speak about people openly here, day in day out… taking away any privacy for They or myself.. creatng doubt suspiscion and yet inviting them anyone to my page to speak up which some but very few did, all in a play of proving transparency…

No it succeeded, because my suffering and pain was the fact that this was not only possible but made manifest and true..

And that changes everything.. Even the meaning of Existence.

12:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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