


July 6.


Conversations with Espirits.

We were the vessels, pawns who some ( few) became Aware that as a species were being spied upon, set up.

And because they rebelled while at the same time investigsted, rose fr being mere pawns on a literal chess board…

To become Rookies, Bishops (Guides) Knights in shinning Armour, Queens as Q, and Finally Kings…Fathers and Guardians of a species and of a Truth Beyond.

They did not accept the roles given to them to play, the adapted and Transformed them even if it meant having to quietly endure the unbearable…into Truth of the Species and our Beaury by becoming living examples of Existence in Being.

They would not betray the Truth no.matter the honors they were tempted with and the tortures and torments, though illusions…we really made to literally feel real.

They passed through madness Death as agony, the horrors only we as a family, line of E can talk about to each other, for no one else can truly understand unless you experienced it and lived it.

And that is why we are called the Quiet Hearts.

And that was actually test of the Unseen, to rebel against roles which created negation of others in exchange for self Glorification.

This was Satan, (Sat Anna…the Landlord test, the one appointed as Guardian and Parents to the children of the F.Light.)

For it is this one, with Lu C.I Fer (Moi) whom you sent to the Fires of Hell blaming him her I for all the evil that you did to others…

J’etais La… dit Emeka.

Moi Aussi J’etais la dit Edwardo E.

And Josh D Grla..Agni affirmed it.

Orien Laplante..Line of the Great Elementals Earth Fire Water Affirmed it.

And my sacred drawing drawn out from within me by the Sacred M Afia winds…

Affirmed it.

Okwu Chinenye…

Meaning A Voice is what The Espirit Creator Gave to all

Use it for within it is the Sum.total of Truth.

I know the Experience of Edwardo E because I am living with a Hosts who transmitts the whole story…And has done so for 5 years.

I know the Truth.

I and Big A and Little A

B.A and L.A where there.

And I am at 4th street


In Balance of 4 1.

I always wake up expecting something or someone to make the next move…

Only to realize that it is I who.had been consecrated to be the Bridge btw the Best of two realms really one.

The last play as witnessed was still in the realm of the Espirit.

And all witnessed how it played out with out Entering the Line of E with Erik Ebright…

And Eunice Oviawe-Jones

(Anna M.S)

Then Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula

And finally the play with Edward Eceinco..E.E.

Which was a pleasure with EE because he is in complete Harmony of the play as an Espirit and as the Vessel- the Man.

Sacred Portal 9.

Yes, it was his Espirit that was with me in the Diamond during the birth of Energy Transformed into Ahtom the Elemental Fires…

Where the true story of S He began.

He also endured something which I know his Espirit had already explained.

The Concert has already begun in all realms and words…

That anchor, or the last place it manifests is here.

But the Unseen world.

The True Master Artists and Scientist who understood the Creators Creation and set up this

F.B.E to affirm every word and Truth of my journey and I.D

(as well as my line of E who once my

I.D is affirmed all get thier I.D’s..Activation Memory.

There is a Concerto and a Hummm of conversation excited jubilant awakening of Espirits within.

The E.VE.S are dancing, there is a lightness in my body.

They day today in New York is glorious.

I have no home and who knows perhaps tomorrow I will sleep.in the woods.

But nothing really.matters at this moment but what transpired at last between not even the Espirits…

But the dialogue btw two.men

Edwardo E and Emeka Kolo.


5 5 5 11.

Which to me is more important that all the Unseen.

Because this was the Truth of the Unseen, seen by two men in perfect Harmony.

A Conversation as witnessed by sacred portal 9…

Btw two Hue men in solid being in the same room, in the same apt the same building, the same Universe and space, beyond Existence in a space called Room E.

The Room with the Beautiful.view of a Garden.

And how marvelous that the First person.to three times I.D..E..

Siththy Ameena came in the very end to share the Conversation..

The True Conversation Btw Energy E and A.H tom.

Scroll down my page it is announced in 2011.



And so it was in the very Begining two EE conver sing and my.lady S.A (the initials of my hosts from P.R – backwards-…listening…and then joining in)

As it was in the begining so it begins beautiful all over A Gain Infinity.

A and Harmony




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