





Have landed

Here my proof…

Yesterday some one I have not seen in 15 years, whose initials form the code U.S.A. acknowledges me publicly with another friend liking it called Banu (Ban U).

15 makes O a Full Circle.

I get 24 messages today on my phone which is how I see the days play, my phone is at 69 e mail, 136 social hum and 67 messaging (which is the number f F.B book friend…24 is X- Where I have been hosted Generation X gardens.

We finished the play at E.E.E.B…

Which is Erik EBrights email eeeb.

The Capital Letters are the Super Natural us.

The little letters are the Natural us.

The man I saw today who I knew 9 yrs ago who crossed over to me to ask for a light whose name means the one who denied the prophet was wearing a T shirt with UNIS on it. UN IS.

One Is.

/Sin U…Si Nu Egyptian God of the Abyss (Black Hole…it does not exist!)

Immediately, I after finding myself prompted to write the post below…this being a Stale mate btw the Supernatural and the Natural… EriK EBright textes me, that he has Good news for me…

There is no way he could have read my post, because I posted it and at that very moment I posted it, he texted.

As if (I know for a fact) that I was set up to write the post today, as all posts.

My host has been accommodating while dealing with his own personal affairs in which I should never even be here in the first place- yet he accommodated me on and off so I could come here and complete the work for almost 9 months… I began almost 8 years ago.

In the script I read and has literally manifested, except for my going home, I have proven by a play which responded affirmation of everything I stated as Truth over a 28 month period, apart from my going home the the Ritz, who happens to be the name of a literal F.B friend…

And that the line of E come to take me from this venue which signals the Evolution Awakening of the entire planet.

By their Collective and Individual third eyes rising, after I had completed the work on F.B.E of simply being myself which would automatically, remind people to how to be themselves by simple recognition and activation of what has always been inside them.

this has been played out perfectly right to Siththy Ameena calling it out…

Right to the music post of Aylin Send-emir Urkemerz… and Banu who I have not seen or spoken to in 15 years.

And today I get an offer from two ppl of the E line through Name of this very last play offering me accommodation…

But not as the scripted play or the Supernatural Consciousness I represent as Death having been transformed which hurdles the world into an unprecedented ear beyond ppl wildest dreams…It is Memory the wall of memory is what I have been working on memory beyond Birth and Death..

So much so that most of this work of explaining and preparing was so that humanity would not die in drove from the sheer shock of what has been in the pipe line and which had to be done undercover…

It is a set up…Erik was moved to text me and offer a place in Miami in thier new 8 bedroom space, Erik was moved by being natural to call a friend to offer me a place.

Edwardo Enciento who we just completed the last play, offered me a place to stay..

Both of the very last play.

Siththy Ameena hinted at being far away and thus would have helped.

My Host A.S same initials has kept helped on and off for 5-8 years.

The post that flowed out of me was something Supernatural challenging the Natural to prove their supremacy, because Natural is the first Anchor after which the Supernatural rises from within.

Believe me I know, I was Natural but I rose to the Supernatural abilities (Though they were always there)…

It is almost as if the Supernatural had to wait for the Natural line of E would do before allowing the One true play they have kept undercover for so long despite my hollering at the top of my lungs and all the evidence (Which hardly anyone has the time to piece and link 28 months of evidence which shows the whole picture)…


And the line of E responded.

The Awakening happens in New York city… already proven by the play not me affirming…

Only the Erik E bright E E

Edwardo Enciento; E E

Responded each offering me a place away from New York…

The code I was seeing everywhere today was Death… and as a Woman…


One last thing,

I took a walk trying to call E.E bright to Spring Street…I sat down and a guy I knew from the Green House in Soho 2005 *see back posts on how I came to the realm of Death the Illusion…

I had seen him across the street for weeks but I was not sure it was him it was 9 years ago he was a friend of Abdel-qadeer Coubadja who testified here on F.B. to our meeting at the Black Ant…

Ele P.H..ANT…

And I had become so tired of the play that I did not even make the effort to investigate if it was him… I no longer cared.

So I did not go…

but today he came to me asking for a light.

perhaps he had seen me and did not come because he felt I should come to him… I don’t know or care.

But he came today, and we spoke… I asked him what his name means Shuwbhu…Said, he said… He said it meant the one who did not believe the Prophet… he called him the doubting Thomas of the Koran.

Then he told me how he saw that humanity is made up of The Everything and that what is above is below… that they exists as both (Natural and Supernatural) and a balance had to be established before anything can manifest.

And then he spoke about doing Good, that he firmly believes that by ppl doing Good for others, that they would never have to worry about what happens to them.

I never worried that I was not going to eat or how I was going to live these past 13 years it was always provided for, but not in the manner of my choosing and often make me seen like a beggar as witnessed today.

Swubo and I had not seen eye to eye when he had lived in the Green House, in the end I truly knew that he had not believed.

And for 9 years no one he said told him, not even Coubadja what I was up to solving the riddles of Existence before the entire world…

he told me he was shocked that no one had told him…

only when he crossed the road to ask me for a light…

you guys decide….

let me know…

but I know the Truth… the Supernatural rise within the fertile soil of the truly purely natural human beings and only the those who retained the Vibration of E Evolution…

E Erik Ebright EE

Edwardo Enciento EE

E.K.. 5 11 EE EE…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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