


I really do not think, that I require to prove, provide evidence, Link and Weave into this Awareness and Existence-Created the E any longer…

It has been such a great War to manifest into this quarantined zone called the this World.

– The Battle has been ridiculous, finding the source of WAR

(Yes, represented by Bed 4-007 Edwin Dominic.. The urge to Win by Dominating and go to whatever length and doing whatever it takes. How far will you go for Love… but I will not do that..)

which is the Spirit of Jealousy… which comes from Need, the sense of being incomplete….

And so, I have found myself explaining, then proving the truth of all already having attained completion.

The Double You…Vie… Lives….

Theia Fotizo!

Jay Livesay!


The one who dwells, who is settled in Eternity.. two places yet one.

A Journey which you came into one world undercover, on an adventure, to explore, to investigate and to learn something and then return to your home, to yourself…

Lost in Space?

Paradise Lost?

In Stasis.. Coma, Comma.. A terrible Dream…Star Wars….

George Orwells 1984…

Orson Wells..

* Oct 30, 2013 – On the evening of Oct. 30, 1938, Orson Welles and his troupe went on the air to say that Martians had invaded New Jersey. Ever since, stories have made it sound as if the broadcast caused a mass panic. But that might not have been the case

10-20-19..38….20-1–38 T.J..Bed 4-009.. (S.P 49).. 2018…38

Hawaii 50th State.. 8:10 am.. 38 minutes…

47 6… 36 32…

4 76 36 32…. This was the equation represented by Joseph Carey of the two War or Peace…. Which side are you on.

What do you create with your expression, the one who Thunders and using Lightening Bolts, T L..to bring 20 12. 32.. C.B… Clarity.. Beauty.. Symmetry… Perfection.. Harmony… 5..E

Electrifying.. sending Shock Waves.. of Awe.. is not necessary the one who brings War. He may just be Raw from fighting, calling out.. that which remains silent, cloaked in darkness.. Words which have the affect of bringing War, Conflict…

Sacred Portals 47 and 76… The Former 47 represents Arch Angels of Destruction who lead you to the Mouth of the Abyss for what you have used your mouth to do,

While sacred portal 76 represents the The Awakening of the 123 First Dawn Awakening

I am at Delta 4.. And my existence has been devoted to sacred portal 76… Awakening the World.. an my battle has been with that Spirit of Jealousy which seeks to negate that effort, by twisting and distorting my ( our expression ) out of Jealousy.even if it brings the end of the World.

This is what I was surprised to find myself accused off, by those who lay in bed 47…..

But I am on Bed.. 4..4-004… and that principle is in bed 4-007…

4 7….1-4.4-1…1-7/7-1…

Linked to Blair G Andrews code. .. B… G-A… 7-1…

The foe of Evolving back to Eternity, back to Self was blocked by that which was represented as bed 4-007.. E.D…Edwin Dominic.. ED.. To Win and to Dominate….

But that is not me… that is and was never my desire,, and to be falsely accused of that by the Jealous.. the Empty…

Is what so much of this was about, for me personally and for all of you seeking to find your way home back to your seat, for the cool journey Home on the Shuttle craft Ascension.

I am 4.. D.. DA.. Da Enlightens..

Edwin J. Chisom E J C…

Christain Edwin Edwin.. C E E..

Dominic… Is that not strange, that I have 1027 facebook friends and not one is called Dominic.. Dominate.. Dom I Nic.. Nicholas…?

Ah. you see… I am War.. which brings Peace… Warrior of Peace, and this is how, the Warrior of Peace Destroys Annihilates the Gods of War finding its Source in a pre set up play set up in a Mental Health Shelter in the Bronx where I have found the original seed of War… the Jealous Old Man..

Jealous of Youth, Jealousy of Beauty… And in rage of a life story not resolved of childhood lost…

47.. 11 28… 39… You see, tis I the Arch Angel Messenger of Death Disease Destruction to those who bring the Decay and Decomposition to the True Word, the Expression the W.A.V.E.S of Desire and Love, for Truth and Lightness…

I become Terrible Death, I always suspected a Judge Dread. J.D in me, people even my Violent but brilliant father brother, my Charming and beguiling beautiful warrior spirit mother sister in quiet much like Amoza Born would see a look in y eyes which would make them shudder i fear…

I have discovered why at last by exploring that part of me, which I was not i fear of but which I did not truly wish to explore…

The rage and Wrath the Violence I am capable of in those who constantly intentionally destroy the Peace and Harmony of Being in Existence…

47.. 6… 11 28 39… C.I…Emeka…6 source of Sixth Sense…

*Yesterday a play took place with Allen Murray.

I had reflected ( Reflect is to send out rays..of your reflections light thoughts…).. I wished to take my gloves, and thought about looking for them.. but then decided that I would not need them, and said to lightly to myself that perhaps I will ask Allen.

Just as I completed that reflection and walked up to him, he said Aren’t those your gloves on the bed, ( is that not what you are looking for).It would have passed without me noticing .. that his expression if I had not stepped out of myself the very moment I was contemplating taking my gloves to observe and watch hear myself..

I had not uttered those words aloud…

I turned to him as we headed downstairs You have extraordinary Sixth sense’ I said, which he responded by accepting that as a fact

But I said lightly to myself, Yes but I am the Source of that expression which you are surfing upon, without which you would not exist.

I knew that, with him when I had called him out before he left, and the Money code was delayed after, by Joseph Carey putting it in his name.

He had been about to be admitted in the hospital… his children took care of him…

But that is because, I sent him a message that grace had been extended to him, to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was being used even though, I had pointed it out.

His expression afterwards of the old mans enjoyment o setting people up to conflict, fighting..

came from his surfing my expression which is every where even to him being made a facebook friend.

I bring 4-012.. bed… 444… Death Destruction Devastation..

Hurricane Katrina.. me.. at Hell’s Kitchen in 2005… 25… Y.

i AM ALSO 4-004… 44… 8 16.. H.P…

David Powers Dawn Piercy…

16+4=20… T.. T.R.U.E…

44 44 44… 24… X…TEN..

4 7… 28….

47 11 10….21… 1 1 1… 3….C..

i am both Sacred Portal… 76… 47…

See what I mean…?

I came to the computer, because the computer was left vacant staring at me and twice the Old man was placed on my way.. thrice…

So I link this.. even as I prepare to leave…this play.

I wait for a code from Fritz Venneiq and Amoza Born.. and I will stop this encoding because as far as I am concerned all is proven all is done…

Prince of Peace… who will go to War, defeating all the Gods Goddesses Lords and Woe Men or War of Death and Destruction to do it…

10:15 a.m

J O..

A O…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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