
Harmony is Perfection. – Manifes

Harmony is Perfection.
Manifestation is Perfection.

There is Order, Logos, Meaning and Purpose in all things.

Eternal Law, and Eternal Truth is based on Cause and Effect.
Effecting Cause and Effect.
E is Constant: C.E=3 5 and creates 8 Harmony.
Infinty- I.

5:05 pm.

E O E.


25-8-2020=1. 2021-41-5.



Its Ferrell Gemino’s birthday today, He Turns 21 Today.

5:11 pm.

I wish him a Happy, Blessed Birthday.
And as you can see, from above the perfect trimming, to my own name initials, as well as Obi Etuka number of Facebook Friends, it all aligns and included me, who took over Ferrell’s room when he was 19 and moved out of the family home and moved into the bachelor pad on his parent’s estate.

I love Ferrill, because of himself but also because of the force moving through him which was a sixth sense, and because I know and recognized that Energy moving through him.
That is why I wasn’t surprised when I took over his room, complete with a fencing sword left there.

Tomorrow will also be the 15th years anniversary of my arrival at Generation X Gardens a vacant Lot that overlooked 268 East 4th street, directly opposite 269 East street which was a Family shelter,
15 years.

5:22 pm E.V.

69= 15 Letter O.
Alexander Eric
Arden Emeka.
A Full Circle.

My mother spoke to me right up to 2017, as if I was 21, the age the last time we saw each other Dec 1988.

Ferrell means Valiant Victorious Man.
Rielly who is, who was Ferril’s girlfriend is called Rielly it means the same thing.

And while I lived at 900 South Road, I observed how Leander became friends with a young Riely moved in with her family and parent D.S directly across the road,

Ferrill Noah Riely.

Leander Noah Rielly.

Yesterday, after coming back from the store, and finding a picture scattered on the streets of an ocean view and a black letter O in italics over a view to the ocean and sky, I picked it up, not even knowing why, I had long since stopped picking up objects from the street which would magically appear- aligned to whatever equation of this reality I was solving.
But I picked it up and returned to this apartment and then a moment later came out to find a Rat, sitting in the Kitchen starring at me.
I starred back, and then picked up by slipper to whack it, it yelped with a sound, that actually touched my heart, it sounded so human.
It scurried away, and I paused wondering why I had not killed it, lord knows I was in that killing mood.
Suddenly my thoughts went back to the 61 days I had slept in an alley, after being sent away from the greenhouse.
It had been another terrible time, and I remember there were rats there, I found two experiences, in particular, it involved two rats, one malicious and the other, which I woke up one night to find that it had climbed up my trousers and was in my crotch.
It scurried out, and though shaken and horrified, I had noted that it had not bitten me, and in such a place, it could have done considerable damage, but it did not, while the other rat I had found aggressive, I woke the next day to find it dead- it had died horribly but not by anyone hand.
I never forgot that experience with those two rats, and I thought about it when I saw that rat.
Perhaps that is why I had not killed it, one had acted out its nature of aggression and malice, and the other had nestled in my crotch and surmounted its nature to attack or bite me when I was startled away.

It was one of the only times I ever wept, truly wept at my rage and frustration of finding myself in such a situation and knowing why.

These are the kind of things, I have always noted.

It is the same thing with my youth and Childhood.
This understanding that everything is in harmony, everything it had been my observation of how things manifested in the world and lives of first my own bio family and then my certitude in expressing as a fact by it by that age 21.

I did not call it out publicly, rather it was a quiet private knowing.

* Do you recall the play at 268 East 4th street, well I am sure most of you do not, but it involved Yonathan Yohannes who I had met with the 5 USD bill, in 2013, 2014, we had connected and Yonahan had told his mother about me and she flew in from Texas, to meet me,
We had talked together, and she told me about her oldest memories since she was a child, of a man who lived in a room outside of time and space, and that anytime, things in her life went crazy or she faced incertitude, she would tell me that her true self would tell her to ask the man who knows.
“He who knows” she had said.

She had looked at me intently, “it’s you”
It is all written here on my Facebook page.

I have always known that everything was in perfect harmony and that the chaos and confusion around people were from their not perceiving the cause and effect of things.

That is how I came to realize by that age that everything really was a riddle and that this was a simulation- Earth School.

6;07 pm.

I asked the questions Why were certain things happening to me, to people-I who had spent so much time when I was asked by my mother at such a young age 9 perhaps, to leave my childhood, to play her knight in shining armor, why was it that I understood things, why was I seeing an image of Christ on my bedroom wall.
I asked why was I so sure of things, and why as my mother used to say did I always know the right things to say, why could I see that which grown-ups around me could not see.
Why as people in my childhood began to wonder, did I have the answer for everything.
My question to myself was “How did I know” rather than “what is the answer”.

But by the time I reached 17, it no longer bothered me, I was more interested in the fact that I had made the decision to make my life and celebration.
I had been called “Special” my whole life, and I asked why and saw what a trap it was because it placed the burden of responsibility on my shoulders and gave others the excuse to place burdens on your shoulders and they to have the excuse to be lazy.

The truth is I saw the symmetry in everything and that is where my knowledge came from.
And with that came this quiet confidence and fearlessness to see life as a wonderful adventure to explore, and an adventure and that there were no hurdles, no such thing as misery and suffering because each moment was an adventure and experience and whatever you desired all you had to do was set your being to it, understand the playing field, the people around it and move through it “Eyes Wide Open”
not Eyes Wide Shut- unless they were shut only because you were using your inner See- Consciousness.
But there was one problem I found and the greatest obstacle to my moving through the world in the wonderful dance, it was people and the world around me, their inability to see and worse, a destiny foretold about me, which all these strange mystic being and even grown-ups and children saw or had revelations about me and what I was doing in the world.

What bothered me about all this, is no one ever asked me what I wanted, it was all about their needs, the world’s needs, and they resented my refusal to co-operate, they resented my intention to live my life as I saw fit.

Suddenly, at age 21, I became fully aware that I was being made to prove that the inner conclusion which I had come to was that everything was in harmony.

6:31 pm.

In one part, it was a sort of shock- is someone, something eavesdropping on my most inner thoughts?
How could that be, but worse was the Outside world or what yu may call the EM Field, peoples inner thoughts projected outside, what started as Self Projections as Ego responding to me with furious anger at what I had not even expressed allowed, I had been just Being and Doing me, and gave everyone space to do as they wished.
It was when I saw how I was being seen and challenged, hated and yet loved that I turned to writing, keeping a journal to try and make sense of what was happening to me.

Prove it, came one conclusion of what I felt was my Lover, my most inner awareness. Prove it to them.
But why? I kept asking, and yes, that “Why Me” ( it took me a while to get over that, Why me)- which is why my 1st Volume written 3rd and 2nd was called “Does anyone know my name” because I could not understand why I was being asked to prove that everything was in harmony, “why me” each to his own, I had grumbled, my life was already from infancy so crazy and intent, that no one really knew, not even I until my journals were discovered, “Why are you not traumatized by your life”
Others, “why are you always so happy? Which world do you live in, I want to live in your world, You have never really suffered have you, you must have had a wonderful childhood.

6:42 pm

But by age 21 22, I had already understood my life story, I just had to write it down, and when I did, It was done, I understood and simply wished to boogie, I could let go of the past, all thing things which hurt me, confused me, But now I was being asked to share it, and now I was on this roller coaster ride of being moved so often…
I really wished to settle down, to travel and enjoy myself and the world and the story I was aware I had freed myself from, instead, I was in another playing field which had nothing to do with me, so my Journals began from my seeking to understand what the devil is going on.
I arrived in London and it was instant.
I left my sister apartment, ready to enjoy everything life and this simulation had to offer, Fun adventure and instead I found myself swept up in inner vision, people on the streets saying the strangest things to me, impulsed stimuli which I knew were not really mine, I moved over 15 times in London, I had to understand and yet my awareness spoke to me, through me, my art, my writing and prose, and poetry, If I have ever felt fear, it came from this, “what the hell is going on with my life”
What do you want from me?!

Prove Harmony, was the answer inside and out.
And prove how you know.

Do you know how scary it is, to have your most inner reflections, summaries and conclusions manifested in your awareness and realize who is doing this, and then see perceive its voice through your writing and then to the challenge of a world people in chaos and each person you are moved to live with, forced as I studied the cause and effect of how you directed your intention to a certain direction and have it clearly thwarted and sending you in another direction, and then go back and read it and see that it was literally a fact?
Yes, I was terrified and at the same time incredulous.

“You wouldn’t dare, I told my inner self, this voice, “I am sovereign, that is against the law”
I had compassion, empathy, but not this notion of being forced to have compassion by being thrust into people lives and life stories, and knowing instantly the answer, and having to convey it to others through an unnatural setting of which I was being aware, I was being manipulated to share and give people the answers…which they needed to hear?
At first, I gave the answers through my being and intense desire to escape each situation, the editor of Vogue Susan Train, insightfully commented that I had been running all my life.
I had run away from London, to Spain, to Devon, to escape destiny and fate I did not even believe in.
I was going crazy, with visions, voices, memories which all had manifested in my poems prose, and they were real?
Take a Ride with me, The Eternal Dancer, Song of Comfort and finally in Spain, I realized I could not fight it, and agreed to move to Paris where I was being led concluding with the piece, ‘And so It begins”
I had always known, but I just could not accept it.
That was in 1991.
And by January 20th then 1992 to August September 1992, I had completed the journals and had moved an astonishing 20+times.
How I fought and how futile it was and so by September with the completion of the story of my life and existence and had understood not only my life but the life stories of scores of people and the truth of what was happening to me.
And by January when I came back from the Light Fantastic, those Feelings Sensational of which I had relinquished that initial desire to live, which had fuelled me since youth, I entered my 26th year with my journals Talking To The Silence being discovered and my own true inner world now made public and it was one of the saddest days of my life for I knew.
I had been ready to move into that Light and never return to this world and that life adventure on my own terms and now I was back in this world with a command and mandate made so clear.

January 1993 and by March April I had met Allen Ginsberg through Susan Train leading me to Edmund White.
A G. who connected me to George Andreo.
E W./ W.E. * Chief White Eagle

And tomorrow Kim Arthur Hinds Jr goes to Atlanta Georgia. Me Agusta Georgia.

7:23 pm.

1992 Jan-August,September
1993 Jan August Sept. J A S.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just told me about something which happened at work with a person called Jasmine.

J A S.
Jeron Arden Supreme.
Arden A.S
Knowledge & Wisdom.
A S.

1, 8 11 Facebook friends.
1, 19.
A.S. Art Science
A S S A Full Circle.
I had 1=19
20 USD in my wallet till this after.

7:28 pm.

29 years.
28 years of proving Harmony from that Light Fantastic in Dec 1992 from the Largest furthest point to the littlest things even to pennies on my table, Toilet Role and a challenge of money and 20.5 years in the USA with everything taken away from me like Job in the Bible and Arch Angel Micheal fighting the giant serpent.

In Everything, I was made to prove harmony perfection- meaning symmetry in everything which was not bad enough but in an experiment, a Lab a quarantines zone of Isolation Solitude and an aggression attacking every moment of my being to stop me, prevent me from proving that truth on a world stage of mockery, challenge contesting and a force of apathy and denial simply beyond belief.
Intentionally allowed.

All because I told the Truth.
All because I desired the end of your suffering and misery.
All because I wished to share the Beautiful Truth.
Hope? Giving you Hope?
I do not believe in such things, I rely on that which IS.

And even the IS refused to Manifest for 16 years, 2005 after completing that Eternal Truth of TEN in 2004.
And a play from lastly Alicia Norris 3:26 pm.
To Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door 66 USD. who is leaving tomorrow on the 26th.
Z or B.F.
and me here born 8 pm.

Having proven Harmony Perfection IS.
Present Here.

When I went out this afternoon, I found a foam letter R in purple at the top of the hill, I spent 3.75 USD and then 1.99 at the local C V S. That is 5.74 USD
Kim is driving down with his mother Delois L to Atlanta Georgia, her house number is 99, and Kim’s Door number is 66.

7:47 pm.

It is one thing to be savagely tortured via the Unseen realm for proving Harmony Perfection Universe, but its quite another thing for another force being aware that you told the truth and which did nothing but simply take advantage that in the end, you would prove it, and it will literally change reality forever and yet do nothing until it manifested with they being the cause of the prolongment and delay of its manifestation.

All because they, it, insisted that it be done their way, though numbers and a script which lasted 29.. 28 years and 20.5 in the USA and 9.8 on Facebook. 9.9 in a few days.

And still have the immense arrogance and conceit to keep The Source, The Creator waiting.
Only Kim and his Mother have my favor.
His Family.
None of that line of the ancestors.

There was no cheating on my part, Arden Jeron merited an earned what they always were and are in a play where he was a teenager and he a baby,
Kim and his mother earned the Bronze medal tinted in Gold.
The Olympic Games.
Athéna Olympe

*”The 2021 Olympics are being held in Tokyo, a decision that was made in 2013 during the 125th International Olympic Commission Session. It is the second time in Tokyo’s history that it will host the Olympic Games. It is Japan’s fourth time hosting the event, and first since the 1998 Winter Games.July 24, 2021″

* 24 USD
E M F= 24.

Tunning fork from Liberty 10 24.

Yes, Liberty’s sent me intel from Hong Kong.
But it was not taken place there was it? Nor was it the High Jump It was Jump Man. JM 25 CD “The Solutions For Your Future”
T S The Source.
F Y F full Circle. O.
T.= 20. S.F: 19 6= 25. Sensational Feelings= Y. and 6 as in 6th sense to Letter F Fact and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door 66 6/6= 1. Arden.
Awakening 85 H E
13 M- A C- C A M.

Do you see how unnecessarily complicated and difficult the codes of the play were transformed into?
That which is simply turned into such and with the key veiled and hidden in the code.
That is not Terrible Death or Alien Father Alpha that was a copycat with intentions veiled but transparent,
Alien Predator. A P.
Attained Perfection 3301 / 10 33
43 Door of Life, Deception of the Cruelest Darkest Intentions that I fail
The Superiority complex.

Som I picked up the purple letter R and added it to my Desk Top altar, all the while a quiet battle going in within me as to why am I picking this thing up, and that this Altar Art Science play is over nor do I care if the Evil Host is still playing.
But I stopped thinking, I Link, so I just put it in my pocket. And got back here, and too knackered by to even consider where I should place it, left it on the EMF Square Waves black book with the metal rods.

it is only now I began to put together what I had already started linking earlier. R is 18.

20 USD J B “9 18 46

I Alexander 18 Alexander Grove,
The Color Purple.Purple Rain – Prince- PR I N CE H.I.
Purple Flower.
7th Color.

8:25 pm.

Date 8-25- 5.

And now, 8-26 pm.

8 26 8.


Can you truly begin to conceive the true nature of what was written on Sacred Portal 59?

8:29 pm


Oh and Hong Kong.

H.K. 8 11./ 1, 811 Facebook Friends.
8 11. I. Harmony Perfection Perfection 111
I Infinity Standing Upright

We know that
Hong means Rainbow. as well as Water, Flood.

* so we know that the R links connect to Rainbow.
R as in the 7th Color Purple.
AR DEN obviously, the favorite number is 7 and R is the 18th Letter.

Kong we know means “Bright:

as well as Empty Hollow Void

And King

Bright Rainbow BR.O.
O R B I T.

Poverty Hollow. P.H.


I am now at 1,812 Facebook Friends, Rebecca Grossman link Rebecca Geraci G R… R G. Golden Ratio,

1, 8+12= 1, 20. A T.

8:59 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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