


Immediatly, I finished editing the last post story..

Its Pouring Reign…

I recieved a text message from a Stranger saying

Hi Ray, It’s Gene From Echo…Is everything alright?

.Is there a Game going on?

My Response to Cosmos

…yes, there was. I was Annoyed of yet another post but I a.m. do-ne

Ray is code Ray of Sunshine


E is Energy Essence.

Gene is Gene Pool D.N.A/E.T.


Lord AhTom

A is Air Atomosphere

Echo is Lady Echo.

B is Breath. Being

C Ha Y Nna Colon

C is Creation Consciousness

The Beautuful 1 E

The Beautuful One A

The Beautiful U.R. B

The Beautiful W.E. C

Message received at 11;11.

Equation yesterday 111 is 1

111..1 4 D.

E.DE…E wrote.

De in Nri Igbo is to write

(Boy! don’t I know it!)

1 for all and all for One.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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