
H W…

H W…

Home Work…

From Wilbur.. K Two…

Ball Point Pen… B P P…

4 Colors with 3 on the packet…

Just saw 43 likes on my page so I knew that despite reaching the code represented by Ejaz Saim, Vincent Ponnet, and Sienna Holmes…with the message decoded through the meaning of each name, as well as the code number as a Facebook Friend they arrived as .. 1168 69.. 1170…

117O/ 711..O… 7-11-2018 is when Robert Kyle Murphy received his New York State I.D…

None of mine has yet to manifest..

711 is Seven Eleven.. Always Open… S E.. Aclepius Ophiuchus…

The portal home…

The portal of past has been opened.-* see the post of the Boy and the Black Panther.. The Elegant Nomad of the Cosmos Milky way…existence.. C Me.

11:22 a,m,

But I am not going to the past… That is not where Home is… up my past.. G D N. ..P…

P..O.G D N…E P… PP…Full Circle 1616…(4-8’s) 32… 3-20… 5…

E O. (G D N) E

as well as the

A DID AS… Angela Marie Alexander Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic Dana Hawkins Anthony Bienke Sarah Lagrange… in space…

117O/O7 11 would mean that It was now all open for us to go Home and that E Beautiful Rapture play to have been completed.

But I saw yesterday when I did not post the equation that it was not complete despite the code of the three facebook friends..

11:32 p.m Right now..

I sang as I sat at Taylor Avenue. while on a bench further down I observed the Trinity R K M…A M M W sat smoking.

Kyle offered that their usual hang out place near the childrens school was … filled with children ( we had to be up at 6 am at he Shelter…)

I already saw the Equation E.K. A M… E R A M…

/ M A R…E… Mars is E..me…. M A K E ..R…

I just began to sing, I am not sure if they heard me, but I began to sing the song of the true Riddles of Existence…

Can you tell me why you are Beautiful…

I suddenly saw Mark rise and stroll over to the Railing, then Kyle ( Robert) and then, Ant…

It was amazing to watch, like an army they each feel into place forming a line…It was done so naturally and without a intent in them..

But I understood what was happening by what I had written in the equation I wrote in 2009,called the Covering Letter, in how all the True respond to that summons and know exactly what to do…

I knew as I sat next to Randall Michael at breakfast i the T.V room and overheard a conversation by a man who I had already noted and hwo had greeted me downstairs and I had been startled but complimentary of his attire which was a mixture of traditional African flowing robes and North African complete with the Fez.

He had spoken about the North star as quoted in the scriptures the Quaran as the North Star aligned to the Earth…

So when they stood and then without even thinking,I found myself standing at the head of a line look out over to see a figure in red…

A Moment later a small woman I had seen here often, usually very well dressed emerge, she lives in a large house gated opposite the small Park…

She was wearing all red with the words Boss on her stylish cap…

She was a spry 60 or 70 year old African American woman, but she reminded me of Africa but as Pangaea, Elf world and Fairy realms. Nature…

She came through where i stood with the others dudes, as if we were being inspected… Inspection!…

And she commented to me about how it was really getting cold out here..

My spirit caused me to roar but not too loudly, and i found myself bowing..

She dumped some trash and like a little brigadier general she made her way efficiently back but with a slight pause to acknowledge us as if to say at ease soldiers..

The Lost Harmony…?

It was not the play of the Elves and Fair-ees it is the play of the Eternal Facts, but the Elf and Fairt was the literal first enactment of the begining of Time as Nature…

And the original Naturals… Children… Human Imgination…

And so, i did not feel any hesitation in honoring them, her him the beautiful past which Ant and the lady who was small almost the same height as Ant…

The people of Paul The Small and linked with the Rare… their ancestors the Beautiful Ones..

I knew that the 4 Divine Breaths had aligned to one line…

True North..

Inner Compass…

I knew that Mark was taking them to Town- I had not been invited.

I had connected them all… Individually and they had connected with each other …

Ant had invited me to come along before – but I knew that I could not go, even if I wished to or had been invited.

And I left Kyle Murphy this role he so loves…

I had work to do.. and I was going home to a place which I also knew that none of them could follow…

Each to their own..

Before I had begun to sing, I had been made to turn to see a large sanitation truck with the code 7606…

That is Dawn.. Rep Dawn Piercy and the O6 full circle of the 6th sense of all Humanity now aligned in harmony to fact.

I felt as though I had seen a dress rehersal of the play which I had created but which was moved by something else..

E H… Eternal Harmony WAVES Manifested…

And that is who I saw when I first came downstairs…

Aturo Snow ( Niege… )

And I rep as Snow Flake with the G D N…

G A R D EN OF E DEN..aligned.

i found myself going back to the bench to sit down…

My Spirit as literally urging me to leave and come here, the guys on cue got up to leave , Mark acknowledged and Ant had that smile on his face which made me suspect that he really saw what really took place… he was wearing red as the lady was… red and black …

Mark was wearing a grey coat.. Thought..

Kyle was wearing Black . a leather jacket and T-Shirt…

I too was wearing a black T-Shirt , a black cardigan and Jean Jacket…

I saw the colors Red and Black everywhere even to the knapsacks placed on the bench…

I am at 1169 Face book friends, I knew that there was something left…

Ejas as you may recall means Astonishment Miracle Wonder….

Add Marvel…

A M M W…. Represented by Anthony Maninio, Mark Watkins…

Siam means Dark… and referenced to Lord Krishnna…

( Sadanandam Krishnakumar)

S..I AM…Thai Land meaning Land of the Free..

*Recall the code The King and I?

Sacred portal 9… Pharoah and Son…

Vincent means ‘To Conquer

Ponnet… A Place

I place, put, lay.

I ordain.

I set up (camp)

. lay adjective, verb

ponere, pono, laicus, laicalis, jaceo

lay to rest


Sienna..Reddish Brown…


‘Northern English, German, and Scandinavian: topographic name for someone who lived on an island, in particular a piece of slightly raised land lying in a fen or partly surrounded by streams, Middle English, Middle Low German holm, Old Norse holmr, or a habitational name from a place named with this element.

Thus code of the three names…

From the earth, on a Island slightly raised, surrounded by streams came the Conqueror, rising on Earth as in Space Heaven from that One aligned resting place did, rise to the Astonishment of all, A Miracle, Awakening all to marvel and Wonderment at the Amazing Grace…

Mark means…

Comes from the name Walter.. And Walter come from a Germanic name meaning ruler of the army, composed of the elements wald rule and hari army

Mark is a common male given name and is derived from old Latin Mart-kos, which means consecrated to the god Mars, and also may mean God of war or to be warlike

As all the Ruler of the Army of Beautiful Warriors of Universe Supreme….Alpha…

Landed in this World.

12:55 p.m

L E E..


J J L… 32…O…

1O 1O.. 12….B L…U E… NOTE…

Being Body Complete..

Completion Be… E…line

12:57 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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