


The Beautiful Present.


Beautiful Pride is Investigation E.

Cee for yourself.

That is the way of the Individual

I..who comes before the O.H.

Is not swayed by others opinions.

It has the common sense to find the truth out for itself.

I know why the Mocking Bird Sings…


And today David Philipe Gil and I met…in the Garden Generation X of my Hosts Community.


I Know why the Mocking Bird Sings…

It Sings at those who mock it in undertones…

And think the Bird does not know…

Remember the Post of the Mocking Bird turning into a Bee then a Dove; then a Dragon then a Phoenix then a Humming bird…

Indifferent to all else until it becomes a point…

Which dissappears forever…?

Today that literally played out.

Until we saw E7..

Then a Full Circle and a point.

Which then dissappered from view.


David had already publicly and later privately connected with Orien Laplante…

Creating an Equation of

E.O.D.E…with G affirmed.

Yet some we both met up today.

No one From F.B. And this play has visted arranged to meet me here or visit me here in 9 months I have been here.

I am not dumb I am fully aware of the implications.

I know ppl so much.better than themselves and this F.B.E of.like and status can give you the read feed back of what ppl really think about you.

Despite what they say publicly.

I have made this very clear again and again.

And I am the Humming Bird

H.B…indifferent to ppl cleverness that is why the play was with Espirit annihilating the lie of Spirit Mind and Body…

Sol is the Full Circle O.H.

Full Circle of Harmony.

This is not a play for Human Babies and Children in Flesh Consciousness (not the body but lust…illusion)

But the Battle with the Great Spirit of the One Truth that All is Espirit.


Spirit is not O.H.

That is the manifesation of

Supreme Alpha.

So I met with David and he was sporting a T shirt with a Dragon warrior who had slain something with a Sword like Cross.

Shaped like a Rook ie.

I sat on the center stage on a bench in the Garden with a black board behind where some one had written the equatiom which ended with E.N..JOY.

David remarked how it was similar to my way of writing and linking.

I.had no idea who wrote it.

I saw the eyes of David and his head and I recognized him from Sacred Portal 56…

The Family of E but in E.T form who come and take me home.

He knew someone I loved but had seperated from bc of our Divergent paths of Truth.

Nikoma…I told him how Nikoma had seen me Transform into a Blue little Alien, A Gorilla and a Beautuful 19 yr old youth and had asked me which one was me.

I had said the 19 yr old Eternal Youth.

David found it so uncanny that Nikoma had told him that very truth only to have me affirm it when only today I had been informed that he knew Nikoma.

We spoke…

Two E.T Beings…both in the Dream nightmare before the Awakening one in full memory the other in perfection Individual Devotion I.D.

of Truth.

Both in Harmony of E entering home house palace…in perfect Harmony in the Beautiful Present about to leave all Behind forever…

The Jealous Envious brothers who undermine the Truth of Love and Beauty through gossip and distortion of that which they is true…by a Tone of voice and an attitude which is quietly mocking you.

But the Mocking Bird is the perfect Mirror who mocks the illusion of the mirror having seen all reflections full Circle.

Thoughts and all and it smiles…so lightly so Dangerously lethal.

And so the Dragon and the Phoenix Bird who is the indifferent Humming Bird sat on the Wooden Bench conversing as that world consciousness of the mockers dissappeared from view and my body danced and bowed to Davis alerting me him that here is the Beautiful Present.

One the Gift

And one the Present

Both Present…

I know why the Mocking Bird sings for love is Forever but if you.loose sight of what love is it dissapears from sight forever and never comes again.


And only one person came to see the Beloved Espirit Friend of Horses symbols of the wind…The E Bright Promise…the small Goat O.J.O.Y.

I looked into his Face a Book and I saw only Everything in his eyes except mockery…

There was instead Respect.

It was mutual…

I Know…

I am dangerous.



I Honor Yonathan Yohannes Seble Woubishet today…also for coming to me and Seble Incestigating what her son already knew…

They show Gratitude for Energy E and for E Knowledge.

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