
Good Lord,

Good Lord,

12:12 p.m


A.L L. = 24


F R. TT.

Dishes Left in The Sink.

The Curse one.

The One who left me the dishes in the Sink is The Cursed one.

Yes, this believe it or not is part of the End Script.

Love Conquers All.

And those who do not respond to Love but take advantage or use it, or see it as their right and entitlement, who thus enslave others.

Justify enslavement.


Black White… it does not matter… its all based on entitlement, selfishness and a self projection of which they, and only they exists.

… Meaning they do not exist because True Love conquers All.

The only reason why I am posting this is because it was all set up, and I see the play, and though I wish no part of this: such a disgusting and confemptous way of making a point of how.

Since I came here over 9 months ago, one of the overiding issues has been chores.

Equality and Inequality, abuse of Power.

The Dishes.

D I S H E S.

F I S H E S.

Unclean and Clean.

Getting ones house in order.

I am not a biological father here in this play.

I always wanted children but after seeing my own childhood, and that of the family of friends, I decided that I would make sure I was ready.

That I wished my children to be free of any past I had experienced. I wished to be clean and thus, when I had children they would enjoy having parents who passed onto them only the best and most Beautiful parts of themselves.

I was always utterly amazed at how people unprepared brought children into the world and how these traumatized people took their revenge for thier life unexamined, or seen as themselves as a victim and perpetuated it onto thier children. Even loving and hating them, competing with them.

I understood exactly why the true nucleus of the Atom called the Family was being destroyed, attacked by this chain reaction of filth.

Filthy way of treating their children- themselves of course.

I never had children, was not allowed to because this play took over my life.

And I knew that when it was time I would be ready and fully aware of the responsibility lay in being clean.

My Manuscript: The True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom was about this.

How conversation brought Cee Consciousness Love.

I knew that this last scene was centered on Dishes and Cleaning.

The Alien roar of Death and Destruction ( D A D) which roared out of me 2 days ago was centered on Dishes.

And the play I had witnessed here since the day I arrived.

I arrived here crippled with fatigue and was immediately expected to work, which I did not really mind because this was a household with 5 kids.

But one of the reasons I had not accepted the first invitation via Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira was the that I was way to haggard tired after all I had been through, while solving the riddle of existence to be my self with 5 children and a family.

But when finally cornered, I came and knew it was the Evil Malicious Vindictive set up of the play.

12:43 p.m

And so I did my best, but more to help the children so they could have space to breathe relax and thus be receptive to the play and what I was brought here to do.

But instead, I became embroiled in the domestic troubles of the Adult world which I did not recognize or acknowledge as real.

I was embroiled in Liberty C Liscomb world and her ex Christopher Gemino and Thomas Lang and a then 6 month old baby.

It was not a world I even considered worthy of attention.

But it was forced upon me, because my condition grew worse and the demands made on me were phenomenal and so I knew that this last play was the apex of using the extreme selfishness and living in their heads rather than their hearts- and thus creating Adult Monsters to stop me from ever rising and reaching Arden.

Arden spoke to me yesterday of Cleaning and how while doing it he had seen these feathers which he had never really acknowledged.

And only at the moment that he acknowledged them, he said they existed for him, but he said he was aware, always aware they were there bur never acknowledged them until he was cleaning them yesterday.

I had responded smiling, that if it is not Acknowledged it does not Exist and can not come into Existence or Being but only because of what we represent in the play as the One Two B A-A ..A. which brought everything into existence.

I spoke about only that which is real being able to come into existence.

I knew what his True Self and Higher Espirit was saying to me.

I knew it was about sending that which is not real.. All the Actors Characters of this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze out of existence who had not become real.

If I E do not Acknowledged them, they can not come into Existence.

If they choose to Ignore us, me it makes no difference, I We…Exist.

1:04 p.m

No matter what they did to me, to negate my existence, reminding him of my 9 months experience here which he and the kids witnessed, and right back to Alexander Grove they could not erase me from being present here in the world.

But by my reaching Source as My Self in 2005 and then him code 25 that I recognized myself but by myself until I was sure that all I had been told, moved and challenged to.accept my the Unseen moving and rising in people all my life, that only when it became solid to me personally, that I knew it to be a fact for myself, that I became what all experience in my.life had shown me.

1:10 p.m

And that now, I was doing for him, what no one had done for me- which was proving his Truth and I did, not just telling him that he was this being.

And I continued, that is why I always asked him if this feels like him, why I was always communicating so that he had a say and a choice in the matter.

Yes, I would never allow what was done to me to be done to him, and he, I said was always sure, he fit into the Identities proven as if it were a suit, a comfortable cloak coat or clothing..

The Emperors new clothes- Transparent Naked no fear of showing me himself and in that Naturalness and my knowing and recognizing him by simply conversations.. most times not even that, we used ESP .. E T C..

1:17 p.m

He had made it so easy, but it is the world and time which had got in the way.

He nodded, he had explained it incredibly well yesterday.


If they Ignore me, or us especially now, they cease to exist.

1:19 p.m


That was the play of yesterday and I spoke with Autumn Smol.

See my sacred portal 119

Today, I just want to get this post over..

I cleaned, and I observed him clean, and I watched as others took advantage, every one seemed to play at conning and scheming to get themselves out of doing things in which was for the benefit of all.

It was more like a charade, every one for themselves.

Infact within the first few days, I had declared to Liberty that this was not a family at all.

Everyone stayed in their rooms and there was hardly any laughter- it seemed everyone wished to escape.

I did as much as I could, until recently I just stopped, partly because of the intensity of my body.

But I observed that it was felt I cooked and clean for them.. !?!..

As if it was my role, and instead of following the example it was taken advantage of so much so and if I did not, there was rage resentmemt..

I clean, cook and still do so, because I am not a person who can tolerate filth, dirtiness its not my nature, even in my exhausted state – only the room I stay in messy because its my room and I get so so tired and even then its clean…

I knew, last night, even as I sought to hint that the dishes should have been cleaned in the afternoon by Aurelia bur where not.

And nothing was said, I said nothing I observed how her mother let her get away with it, even further adding to the cause and effect and them creating confusion Blame..

False Accussation and of course, some one would have to pick up the slack.

Usually Arden.

Then it was me.. but I am not her child, or a homeless beggar which is how I was often treated ( go back and read the last 9 months read between the lines)

I knew it was set up this way..

And though you saw me rebelling against this play The evil Bitch character as World Woman is really no match for the E.

I had to reach Eden Arden, so I bided my time and gave the Character as the Illusion of Mother Earth M.E all the knowledge I was expected to give her to free herself from that role while I created a consequence which now added to the rage of Beauty and the E Family which had brought me here.

And so now that I have got him.and his line, I felt him move me this morning, I heard them leave, 3:30 a.m she had arranged.

The codes work naturally, via perfect timing, no one can manipulate the codes.

I was not going to cook anything, as i would have done before, every natutal feeling of desiring to help, do any thing for her, and what she represents..

Had left me.

1:40 p.m

Even the kids, though i knew their true selves undercover, I had finished all the riddles all confirmed on this page.

The programing of their upbringing, manners and attitude of ultimate selfishness, self serving,.. all homeschooled had been penetrated to reach their beautiful truth.

So I was done, I did not have to play this character of which people think they are taking advantage of because I am such a charming fool despite warning them, that I am the Father and source of terrible death.. which is why I am chill and can turn on you in a blink of an eye.. because you do not listen, you translate my manner and being to suit your meaning rather than what is.

So when I found myself moved to get up and 6:something a.m

After making food last night, and then being party to a play with Arden and Fred which revealed the True Play..

I was so proud of Dangerous Beauty..

My line that I began cleaning, sighing and singing It ends with Beauty ! Because that was the last play with E A F ..

1:49 p.m

A ..Alaska 49th State

The 4th Kind.

D I. E

A L. AS K-A. Northern Lights

Christopher Filgueira

49th State.

E D I..

I heard Arden cleaning the dishes

He cleaned up and went to bed

I came up and saw it all clean.

But by the time I came up much later, it was a dirty but I had not eaten so I put the food away and cleaned up again.

I had cleaned but as I cleaned praising beauty I knew what was rising in me, the awareness of Supreme Beautys play as Beautiful Assassin.

1:58 p.m

I had cleaned up for two reason, to remind them her, your in the presence of The Source and to open the door Northern Lights and to Nome Alaska

49 49= 1. 98.

2:00 p.m

So when I saw the dishes Liberty had left in the Kitchen sink, after having made my final gesture of life..

I rolled my eyes, grumbling to Beauty, that is this what you got me out of my tired exhausted state to see?

This nonsense play of Dishes?


203 is a code 43 6


Of course, I was not surprised, but I knew that I would not be able to rest until I posted this and coded my our response to that audacity to leave Your Source Creator who has done all this for you to bring you to existence, the response full aware of leaving behind in a token of appreciation of cleaning your kirchen a sink full of dirty dishes

Your mess to clean.

2:07 p.m


So The Person is Cursed.

Never to rise, never to experience Love

Never to come into true life..

Of course it is a play.

And so such a character or characters can exist.

They served a function a purpose but now they must no longer exist.

Love Conquers A.L L

And if you are not moved by not one but the two sources and the E to Consideration Courtrsy of the truly little things..

But are petty and maliciousness to such a degree, not only do you face non existence but to be also tormented tortured endlessly away from any one who can hear see or feel you.

Because you do not exist.

But my curse does, our curse does..

And it will follow you until you are no more.

2:13 p.m


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