
From Winston Smith W S.

From Winston Smith W S.

That is what is described as


Being Do

4 2


W S. 23 19. 42.

That is meaning of Existence

42/ 24

24 Hours a Day.

And there is no way, no matter how much a Master of Self Mastery you may have attained, it can not be done but Naturally.

Meaning that you are literally, being you.

You as the proverbial Particle and Wave

Link the Super Hero, Flash

As in Flash Gordon.


6 7

7 6


See Sacred Portal 76 Cocks Sure of The Awakening

( Which I am,

for I have not found another in the History of our World who has gone this far to Prove and Bring forth the A.M as in True Evolution of the of the Species back to their Original and Intended State, while proving and accessing a power through 1-7 stages, to 8..7 back in one full circle, but Added, to its original state of Perfection)

See Kevin G Gordon

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon


Forte Lauderdale. 2012


Portal Albert Santana

Who rose in Perception Frequency on my way to Miami Florida, ( M F. Sacred Portal 54 Super Nova! Mother and Father dancing at Last in Universal Harmony)

Lisa Natalie Johnson is linked with Kelvin age 54.. Link 7-6-2017…

Kelvin is a measure of temperature

*Recall my Face Book friend called Kelvin Kelvin..

In 1848 wrote in his paper, On an Absolute Thermometric Scale, of the need of a scale whereby Infinite Cold ( I C ..E)

Absolute Zero was the scales Null Point

( a Fictional Zero but the Code aligns to the Equation reached 18-R. And D H

Sacred Portal B D Beautiful Death.. Transformation… Water Environment Transformation)

A Santana, spoke of my going into the past- linked to a Flash episode he was watching and insisted that I watch.

And indeed, I did go to the past-

Via The Bean, Joseph Carey, Goktu, last of the Line of the Ancient Dragon Samurai to Erik Ebrights- after writing and posting the code 38.. 888..

And voicing it to Nenad M. Djurdjevic who linked 24…X in Enugu Ukwu,

But which literally linked to 2006- 4-2…


Do you see what this is like- a Nightmare of recording, that I linked from Erik E Bright who placed the code

83-69 on my computer

5:12 pm


Elizabeth Clarizio


Bed 5-012.. 5-12. E L

Is Caesar Rivera. C R age 38

Jose A Roque 5:15 pm right now

Was born 5:15-69. Was bed 54 now 5-017

5:17pm.. E Q. E Quantum


He is 48…

I Linked an connected with 38 year old Caesar after first linking with Jose Add


96-69 …1996 The Collection London Jay Tuan ( Two Men)

Caesar told me that he is leaving on Friday- he and his wife just found a very nice large room in a kind elderly womans house who has a gentle loving family.

It will be the first time they have been able to live together in 2 years- not since Georgia…- which was the place I stopped and met Eric Lile Brown and Will Hunnitpercent Real. E W on my way to Forte Lauderdale in 2012, #511 ( K E) and ended up at KEW GARDENS


Kevin Gordon

Kristen Green


Do you understand what I stating?

That I represented C Speed of Light and back in Time to 2006 to Erik Ebright From 2016… 10 years? No, 6 years because the World has been in Ground Hogs Day since 2012..

The World Stopped in 2012

Time stopped, the Clock

Alberts son both whom I love

But 6 year old Royal is namwd Royal Mayan Santana


Made of 6th Sense

And his brother age 5, Reign Maximus Santana

6 5

Code 56

My d ob 1965 I stated even as a boy was false

My bed was 5-006 in Room 5A

Before there was Sixth Sense there was E 5 Expression Energy Naturalness

The 6th sense came as Awareness in Hindsight.. Aka Knowing-Knowledge


1 11. 1111. 7 (1 11 11 11) 6

5 as in Expression came natural in the moment called Eternity…

The Awareness of how it was done came I was Doing and Being, Being and Doing

5 is Constant

3 is C only as Consciousness Full Circle


There is only E and within it is AB CD E O

6 is the 33 which is already O and to prove it a Fact never involved Time because Hindsight Consciousness occurs split sec after the Moment.

Awareness Moment


That is Awakening Manifest

Because Once you become Aware you C O the Full Circle in a Moment

Time is but 1-6 secs

And thus a Spilt Second .6.

Thus, this 5 yrs of proving

This 16 yrs is a Hideous Cruelty and Lie..

Time is the split sec after The Moment occurs Eternity, Time is O.6 secs and returns to The Moment but Aware…


Fully Aware.

F A M. E. C

I had 3 994 Face Book Friends

Kevin Wavesunnyg Gordon

Michaël Trahé M T

Chameera Nakandala


Correct Code

E K. A M. C E K

I am in the present at 38

And made the Full Circle of 38 -96

To 83-69.. In the space of Miami Florida where I stayed for 2 Months In Hell

And May to July,.

By July I was at BRC

One year to the Day I had left room B bed 49- returned to Room A bed 007

And met Caesar one month after arriving at Delta Manor

He has been here 7 months.

6:06 pm


Me 8

Our play took place when I had been here 7 months and he 6.

6:09 pm


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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