
From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation..

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation..

And then I.did it again through Sound and Noise..

Which then returned me to the Silence..

but this time it was different for in that Sixth Sense of Light called Silence..

Heard Harmony.. Music..

And through this way,

I even have a name to add to who

I am…


13-1+3 (Y+I) =4..d..


I Dance..


And that is how I got my Unique Individual Identity..

I Dance to that music..


And as I danced, because now not only did I know who I am..

The I A.M now had a Name..

And the Name was what they who observed called my Dance and what I read in me as I danced..

I Danced in Praise…

Praise of my Beloved Beauty Creation..

And so my name is Emeka, and I know why my Name means Praise..

For in Silence I am.

but in Music… Is my I.D…

and that is how everything Quintessential to Existence transformed for Silence to the Sound of Music…

and then rose in Harmony..

I Danced.. Full Circle

And then I did it a Third time..

I put the music to words..

I Sang.. I.S..

I.S..I.S…The Beautiful Truth of the Origins of both you and I..

Silence Music..


Susanta Nayak Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves


I.I D.S..E.

11:28 p.m

66 6

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