
From Ugo Nwamama… U.N.

From Ugo Nwamama… U.N.

i saw no further code to decipher….

I had 23 Dollars in my wallet at the end of the evening…

I was saddened, Still in this play

I went down stairs…

I was alone, and I simply looked up at the Sky..

i was communing with Nnamdi David…

Roman Nicholas…

Recall my post recounted quite a few times of how

we conversed one day, in the lower east side by the apartment he and I were staying with Tanya and Naim…

His last test to make sure it was really me,

was that I had followed him outside when he had gotten thunderously angry over some expression which revealed Disease

He had put his blonde hair up and tied it into the hair style of the Samurai warrior…- a triat I found in all the David line black White.. they all instinctively had long hair, long enough to put it in that Samuarai like hair style… And by that one action they would transform literally into Celestial Arch Angel like God beings… Thor.

He was downstairs, his fury like mine, quiet it makes no sounf he says nothing his countenance and transformation revealing all…

Ah Nnamdi’s Temper..

Okolo, my Father’s Temper….My grandfather voice.. like Thunder ..

..I began to speak to him, and as we spoke thunder appeared in the sky above us, and the forms it took mirrored Davids Mind…

Ending with me translating what his mind was conveying in the Big Picture…

Finally a Question Mark literal formed with the Lightening…

A Question Mark…

I did not bat an eye -lid…

And that is Father asking me, was I really sure of all I had translated..?

To which I said Yes and began to let out a tirade .. at Father..

That David literally morphed from a 6 foot something Viking God to a 13 year old boy who had been found out…

The 13 year old boy was Nnamdi.. that was the age he left this world…

…I knew I had to speak to Ray.. but I was tired…

E.. R… E Ray of the 5th Dimension… my mind was on David Father…

How could you let it go so far?…

i Had already witnessed the Polish Slav guy who had first occupped bed 5-009, who used to follow me.. all about once I had gotten him kicked out of our room… he had been sent to Room 3 where I had been two moves before…

In fact He came to Starbucks yeterday, and I did not notice him until Brenda said she would take his seat which he had vacated…

I Looked up it was he…

I made the connection.. Kolo.. Salv.. Nordic…

David Roman Nicholas.. the Sum.. 11:47… 22 -11 47 date of my Mothers Birthday linked to David R Nnamdi… 11-68… Mother and Son..

M A S.. / SAM… S…A.M…

Yes, I am working…

That was the number that was left in the Micro Wave… 119… 1 19…


1000 Facebook friends as of this morning… 1000 is M In Roman Numerals… and letter number 13…

Yes, Nnamdi passed at age 13… M is 1000…

Linked to Chigbo Nworie… C.N… But not as the O.I..Nri Igbo play represented by Nna…Nature Naturals… My brother the Greatested Wizard who ever lived… except me..

His Twin Self David… the Harmony with Everything in Creation Embodied in him… All reflecting him..

Rey and I stood… Quiet after a greeting…

R=18… E=5… 23….

W.. Double VV.. They… D.N.. And C.O.. Cecilia Onuabuchi.. my mother…

11 -22-68… 11- 22- 47…

11 11 22 22 64/ 46…. 87. MW 87/78…. MW 69…

15..O… 6.. F. M W…

You know mediation is our moving out selves into the Everything, which is a library.. we browse through the grea Library, out reflection landing on books which brings Epiphany… Spark.. Ion.. Ian…

Tom Benzian… B E NZ IAN.. ION…

Tom Bocek.. Twin.. B..O… C E..K..

It all comes from within.. Rey responded with agreement…

Yes.. I responded from Inside then we reflect outside.. I.O..

Then what do we do…?

I replied for him…We Draw it back in.. balancing it within our being and… ?

Again I answered for him… We manifest it onto thie reality around us..

I went back upstairs… Derrick stopped me and asked me to buy some products from his locker because he wanted a Metro card, to afford one so that he and lady could go and meet his mother for the very first time..

Yes his girl born 9-19-66.. I.S…FF… I gave him three USD and took two things sausage and chips,.. I did not need…

It was not enough take more stuff… Idd not need anymore…

I Realized that I had 20 usd left… no, 35…

i owed peter but he said that he did not require the monies right now, and Monday perhaps…

I had 35 USD.. C.E…

Tom B E NZ I A N… I O N.

Tom..B O C.E…Now Iam doing the K… 11… C.D…Cecilia David…Onu Nnamdi… Which came first…?

11 11…

O.D…Onuabuchi David.. came first…

The Song Heard of the Beloved..


I went up stairs.. the still speaking with David through telepathy…

( Nnamdi was his past incarnation.. he had evolved.. N.. 14…

I am 10.. JAY.. He is D= 4… 4 is 5… And evolved again through my constant expression filling the Room… with a View…

It is the End of the W A V E… I heard him murmur .. his voice rising from within me like a carress.. after all where else would it come from.. he is me.. my Body Being.. B B..2 2…

It is the end he said to me…

I said nothing… why should I believe a word…

I had recieved mail.. a notification for 12-22-17…

I knew what it really meant… L..V… Q…

L V… L 5.. L E… 125 Coffee today number 33…

Jesus Alexander.. J.A,,,

Yeshua Alexander.. Y.A…

Orion Alexander… O.Y…

J.O.Y… A A A…

L.O V.E… Q… Transforms… Yes but it starts with lots and lots and lots of Sex… with He and She… She part was easy to play in this world…

But to get me to agree to the He play… He beat me up to a pulp and broke me down for 17 years… and more… celibate…

We shall see… I am Dangerous right now… and forever carry that Divine Spark…

Dwayne Samuel… bed 5-013.. M.O.E… Meaning Of Existence…

A Very Dangerous move… But he has won.. in that aspect I have agreed to … his terms… Complete control of only that aspect..

Kundalini… E.. I concende He She made me beg… Please Stop

Paul S bed 4-001.. I testify here today.. I submit…

12:17 am.. that private aspect….

Witnessed… by the Unseen Seen… Invisible Visble.. I.V..

R O Y-G, G B … I V.. R…

12:18 p.m.. He made say it publicly.. that I agree I do..

W E D…

D E W… Moisture.. Wetting.. Electrical Current..

Bilal Khan…


.. The only space free upstair to sit was in the front row…

there was space but I sat beside Francis Fritz.. White…

( they asked me Alexis.. I did not wish to change my Case Worker Nicola Victory of the People as the Sacred Feminine…

I watched the New.. the Response of Women… Rage..

But what about their responsibility in it.. ?

Not rape but complicity, seduction.. mixed signals.. mind not fully made up.. ?..

No, I had told Alexis… I am more civilized than that though rankled irritated that I had been right, the the Caucasian staff had flipped the script by of how they treated me.. in case things went south and the records were made public.. that I was racists…

100 Facebook friends 100 languages.. Ridiculous…

I have no problem with any race.. they are all me.. David.. Nnamdi.. Cecilia.. Onu… all…

What I have a problem is, is with anyone who feels or acts or treats me as if they are Superior and I inferior.. or even anyone else they treat that way..

I stand up to that challenge… even here.. every single day…

Nicholas says .. you have got to stop.. he says chuckling…

I can not.. it is my true nature…

I will challenge you to prove it.. and if you do not give in and conceded I will prove you right out of Existence…

A.S.. 1 19.. IS Code for the Alpha.. the 1 Supreme..

Prince Harry Marries Mehgan Markles 5-19-2018…

5-19.. E.S… My bed number which I was first assigned…

FF.. Francis Frick… F F.. 66… 11 11 22 22 66 FF.. 64…Now Evolved to 4 to 6… 66… ( 64 46..10 10.. 20.. 20 USD.. TO 35.. Paul of Bed 3-005.. 35 C E…is here sitting besides Anthony..

I was sitting besides Darion.. gave him a Rollie.. he is gone now…

12:31 a.m.

David can move through every Human Body…

Fritz to David F.D.. Fifth Dimension.. Fred Delshad…

Anthony Paul.. A.P..

Paul S.. BED 4-001.. S.P.. 41..DA…

12:33 A.M.

I gave a warning to Everyone…

Be careful what you say…

Becateful what you post..



…And so now, none can say that all were not warned…

ION.. SPARK… Beautiful Rage O.. E…

B R O… E.

T H E..R… E…

T H E R E…

C E…R A G E… OF Existence…

The Eternal Truth Responds…

12:36 p.m.

I.E… Me.

Emeka Kolo…

not my past C.O.. C.K..

The Emeka…Present.. Right Here Right Now…

12:37 pm

20 17.. 37… 10.. Jay.. 1 O.. A O..E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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