
From Tree Sage… – I thought I

From Tree Sage… – I thought I

From Tree Sage…

I thought I might show you where the conversation with Tree Sage began which led to my finding the already created in anticipation- visual response on this day of Kamora Herrington K C C film which she invited me for on Black Lives Matter. B L M.

…But actually, looking back in Hindsight, the conversation actually began when I got up and went to Kims room and commented on his objects sprayed to the color which I had commented to him as the color of African Gold.

A G.
Arden Gemino… you will see the two of them in the processing response by me by my two posts Visual Imagery Posts.
Moving Cinema- A Silent Movie filled with Emotions Visuals and sound Invisible, yet clearly visible to all, loaded with meaning.
11:37 pm.


B E I N G=37.

Is not a C G I… Cartoon.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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