
From Tree Sage. Chiefys Art.

From Tree Sage. Chiefys Art.

He did this he said in Friday/Sat ..

Light Blue..

S K Y. B L.U.E.


Supreme Being

War in Heaven


2 19

See what it says… a message of predestination and already determined and a war..

A Voodoo war in which has been going on in.the Astral Plane.. The Playing Field which became the Killing field…

E.M.H Heart

E M.P. Pulse

E M F C… Full Circle…

The E.M.F is in the 4th Dimension where Being and Body- Particle and Wave are meant to align as One which then aligns them to one.

Most of my older Facebook Friends are aware of how I discovered that I.had been consecrated and used without my permission, because of a talent they discovered of Vibration Magic and Voodun and used me to fight a great war.

I had already witnessed the great war going on in the Spirit realm as far back as 1983, when I went to a school deep in the Woods outside of Nsukka, Nigeria.

Opi boys High School..

I spoke about it here, of my seeing Wizards and Dibia at war doing horrible horrible things to each other.

5:11 p.m.

The Date Olivia Burgos graduates.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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