
From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage

He sent me this and the intel

First Floor called 911

Yes, the Truck has the code



I tagged John Mack Kim Arthur Hines,

Liberty C Liscomb and Alicia Norris

Adam Waldron

On two other posts including one Heroic one from Esteban Miguel Filgueira

And what took place the last time I visted there…

I.did not enter the Studio of Nourshing Necessities

Liberty did

I did so in 2018 Dec.

…. lets have some some fun..

Lord knows, I am starved of it

( and sex.. sigh.. long time no do the..

🙂 )

Perhaps some one, anyone can put two and two together, but I must warn you, to figure it out, you must suspend disbelief).

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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