
From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage

The Golden Ratio…

Enter the Dragon, align all the projections of who you really are as Ego-Spectrum Rainbow color, to painting a picture of your life in True Color.. a Beautiful True Story which aligns with music and art and which you have broken down into a SCIENCE.. and rebuilt reconstructed into the truth of who you are…

After Smashing all the Mirrors, of what others defined you as as well as the false ones you created yourself…

Enter the Dragon…

And Exist…

7:42 p.m.

From A .G… AG.. to A V E.. (1 22 V =5 in Roman Numerals5=E) A V E… )

I met with Stephen Filgueira and Shagan,and with Tree Sage and Peter Bragino..

T.S. P.B…

Again it was 5 but this time 5 men…


and what took place, I have to pause because there is so much so much, that I am saddened that I can not do these scenes the justice they deserve at the moment.

The play is that Exquisite.

T S… 20 19… 39.. C.I.. L… C…

C.L/ L C…

This has been completed already as we all

P.B.. 16 2.. 18… A.H… Anastasia Hart. A.H.

Are we repeating the same play in Hartsford … Heart of the E M Field…

H Q.. Sky to Land..

Peter Tree..

P T..

Perfect Timing …

PT to The Point.

The image above is literally the embodied expression of both Peter and Tree … K A H…

P K…

P K T… Kings T…

No, they did not go Stephen and Shagan missed it by 5 mins and went to Nepal instead… aligning with my Seer.. That we are at the top of the Mountain and have landed..

Air Sky beings… Who soar in there Minds…

P is 16… Perfection..

A.S… Art Sky Science Anna (Meaning Grace and Favor…)


G E.. 7 5.. 7 Continents 5 Oceans…

P A S S A G E…


Tree Sage

T .R… 20 18… E E..Erik Ebright… ( Stephen Shaggy)

O F.. Full Circle… 15 6.. F… Sixth Sense to Fact…

S A ..A G E…

AG.. A G E…

Anamla Qayin A.Q ( Yes Tree A.Q)

-Death messenger gave me the code message from a man who was given the message in his dreams,which he then met her in real life and gave her the message which she could not decode and decided that it was meant for me..

All my older face book friends will remember the play which took place just before i was led to Delta Manor…

D M I C T P/ K A G E

8:00 p.m.

That is what Peter and Tree both expressed and represented witness by the two Terrible Twins of E line… Stephen Filgueira and Shaggy.. Truth and Transparency .. TT…

Yes the Gate way…

The play of 29…

Kasien Thompson K T… 11-29-19 63 was confirmed as the Portal reflected as House 29…

and thus the Portal of the astrological signs of Ophiuchus Aclepius…

O A…

Which begins the 29th and is represented as the portal out of the Animal realm or school of understanding Logos Order and Sixth sense…

Exit from the realm of Nature though the play of the Human Invention called Astrology but, but which we call Connecting the Dots ( Stars) to form a Picture.. A B C.. In Nursery School.. Understanding Order…

8:06 p.m,

So much took place right to Stephen showing us how he was given a by little girl a book of Tarots…

The Fool to The Magician…

Tarok… in Ancient Egyptian…


S T… T S…

Confirmation Peter Bragino…

K.A.H… Tree Sage E M E… K A H…

There was more … but I must pause…

But I will say, there was a pause, when I realized that I had left my phone either chez Stephens or inside Peters Silver Car… which opened from the center, connecting the front door and the back seat.

I decided that I did not have his number, i knew it was a play but I was exhausted, I just came out of 25 months… 27 in total from Shelter battling my way through heaven and hell .. H H… While proving the truth of the E.. And before that… recall.. the Forest the Streets and A Santana’s and all the people portals and situations carrying this Body along…

But thought who to contact… I did not have Stephens number… with me… I walked to the front desk, they had no contact number… I then realized that I had to text… And then whom.. I decided first on Eric James Murphy, who I had not seen but I had seen Alexander his One Truth…

I read the code in Hindsight.. I has sat infront of Kine.. Tree…

E K…

and Stephen Filgueira E S.. Then Peter which formed a Gap.. as Stephen moved and sat besides Shaggy.. S S K.. ( T) formed.

So I knew it was K E.. E K…

Eric came to mind first through Heart naturalness because I had already connected with him before I arrived here and still we have not met… But hey…

It was not because of the code.. I barely use my codes unless to check the play and that I am aligned to its meaning that makes sense to me… Golden Ratio.. Spiral.. Free Mason .. Golden Touch .. Builders… You get the picture…

We have been.. And I have been proving showing documenting how Hue mans are the Literally Expression of perfection when seated in Naturalness Heart.. Light Hearted … Legend of Egyptian Goddess Ma at.. G M…

Marcus Garvey..

Manifest O.G…

M G… M G M… Grand…

Ah… enough…

I decided that logically I would contact Victoria… there was no real reason to apart from the logic that I had been in contact and in the play and scenes with here….

But I had not done with Eric… Eric James Murphy Kyle Murphy…

E K J M M… Jump Man.. Mario Brothers.. Mario Marie… Maria… Mary is actually Egyptian and means Myrrhh.. Incense used to anoint the cherished the beloved,…

Mary Magdalena M M … 13 13.. 26… J .. 8… 10 8… 1O 8.. 18.. Bed 18… Now.. 9… Is linked to I..

I A,M..

So suddenly I saw the play and contacted Victoria Jackson who contacted Stephen,and then let me know that Stephen is on his way with the phone.. Took place in but a Minute…

She expressed how she was tired too when I pointed out all the Drama… but somehow I felt here own had a deeper meaning..and so i found myself adressing Cassandra and Helen of troy… C H… 8:33 p.m… and doing the codes,while pointing out how this play had all been about making sure we had this communication.. confirmed by her saying that she was intending to call me later…

I also recalled that Stephen Filgueira entered the room here at

4:07 p.m…


Two Numbers 44 47… Two meanings… Heaven … Where Kine Tree Sage met… just as Shagan met Steven in the Mountains…

47… 11 28… 39… I am the one who walked through Hell…

And I did not believe in Heaven or Hell so whose Expression have I been walking on and through since 2005 Hells Kitchen which is where i was linked to through Axel Love Anderson.. A A.. who Linked me to Marianne, Mother of Joseph Henry Carey who lives apposite the Bean..

Please if you wish to understand more, go back and read…

i am not doing this repetition Torture Explaining when all is written and people are too selfish ot un caring to go back and read and spare me the explaining again…

47… Sacred portal… That is the Pathway to my Hell.. which was given me and which I have endured and for 43 years .. s

And now I make real…

I just did this in Honor of K.A.H.. Tree Sage K T… Portal 13h Suns…13 Gate in Being Linked to the House and and Supreme Truth S.T..Stephen.. Original and now Evolved Brother…

As well as Peter Bra Gino.. ON.. On.. I G.. ARB.. Tree of Life..

Foot mat Stephen front Door… Elves Fairy Lines…

Of Nature… Fantasy Imagination…

T S..S T… 20 20.. TT.. SS… 19 19… 38…

40 38…

DO C… H.

Peter Bragino lives in L.I…

Patrick Okolo Professor Doctor John HOP Kins…

Kines.. Tree Sage…

8:47 p.m.

Stupid Evil Vile Play…

Game…what kind of Game is this… Evil Selfish all about manipulation Deception to Enslave…

Me… ?


This is to free you ..all Human Side from these Web of Lies….

I walked through Hell..Victoria Saw Hell..

I was placed in that Lava Stephen,teh one you mentioed again today…

The Lava of hell, thrown inside… Left there 14 15 years… The reality of it is much worse.. because the illusion of it is that your body which is the illusion dies and you are released…

And no more pain..

But as Spirit … E -Spirit.. you can not die .. there is no protection as the beautiful Illusion… Only you made to feel every slight burn and with its true intention to hurt…

And all those who refused to listen, even when your very Equation Echoes what I have been through.. 0..

That is what the Military Uniform Kine.. Tree Sage was wearing… Army ( ARB.. BRA…Tree / Bra Branch Hand.. Line.. Same Family Tree…

Intelligence and 0..on a Badge on it… Black Skull Nit cap.. Cannabis leae in White… Yes I smoked Truth Serum.. Medicine Pipe.. of the Pure Grateful Dead…

OK…. I have to stop… There is too much connections too much to say…

The test was of my use of Logic to prove even with my phone how it was a Test… always of such tiny things…

I saw Tree Sage appear as i was texting Victoria Jackson who is Tree Sage… But I saw …

11 90… Facebook Friends.

Lets see…

8:58 … 59 p.m.

Evil Play… Selfish placing the Entire Burden on one persons day and night while not picking up the mantle to help…

In honor of P.K… P T… B ..A.H..


Room 9 04….

It was important that I recalled Peter last name – his Espirit insisted despite my befuddled groggy senses,,,

Bra Gino…

Lil e… Calls me Bra…

Eric Lile Brown…

Bra means

B R… A.G.. IN… O…

9:14 p.m… I N…

:Image result for Meaning and origin of the name Bra

In French, it is called a soutien-gorge (literally, throat-supporter). It and other early versions resembled a camisole stiffened with boning. Vogue magazine first used the term brassiere in 1907, and by 1911 the word had made its way into the Oxford English Dictionary.


Gino is a name of Italian origin. It may be the short form of another Italian names like Ambrogino or Luigino or Eugenio, which are from the Ancient Greek name Ambrosios (?µß??s???), which means ever-living, and/or Eugenios (e???????), which means well-born, noble.

Ever Living… E L.. Eternal Law…


Gino Blaq G B.. Rep in the Play…

16 P… 7.. G… 16 Is where it is Perfection.. P..

P B…

Peter Bragino…

We discussed the equation attained of Immortality…

1-7.. O-8.. Regeneration from 0 tO O L IONS King.. back to Magician…

Tarot.. and Astrological Signs… 72 Cards…. 1-7… A G… A VV E…

Similar surnames: Traino, Regino, Ragno, Cragin, Gravino, Ragin, Dragon, Drain, Raine

Dragons Breath…

I stand behind the American Indian with the The Tomahawk.. Tom A HAWK… Sullivan means Hawk Eyes

H E..

Isabelle Sullivan Evans

Tony Sullivan T S.. Tree Sage

Game of thrones..yet they emerged Unsullied by such an Evil Stupid Play…

9:17 p.m.

I Q…

Daring to call it.. I Q..

Karmina Marine

See her Facebook Icon image.. I Q…

K M…

Kyle Murphy

Eric James Murphy

K E.. E K…

Kine Shagan Stevan… Peter… I… AND I…

K I S S…

P I… K E…

P I T… S S…

That is where I emerged from…

9:20 p.m.

I T..

I T B..O.

And Still I am not allowed to rest and still I am demanded more…

And you do not see the evil i such a thing… ?

If you can not then that means you can not see feel or simply do not give a fuck… Vampires sucking at me…

The unseen and the seen.. because all by now can help…

But no…

9:22 p.m.

I V…

That is why I came with Mixed Blessing and a long long road so quick that will lead you to the hell you gave me .. day and night … wiith this refusal to go and read what was given to you at the cost of my life and that of everyone… even my mother born 1947… Ah she is the one who will how the World Hell..

Could not even call on in Thanks Giving Day…


No one cared.. For this Mother.. for another…

What is this play…?

Hell is now paved… And real…

9:25 p.m..

Evil Aspect of Humans there no trace of me in this kind mirror.. not a window..

As far as i cansee… Mother 1947… David 1968… Both 11 22…

Kine.. Tree Sage is 6’8′

When I say Jump Man.. Leap… Hip Hop Scotch Tape…

Now you say.. How Hi…


E R A G E…

9:28 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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