
From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage

Michele Anderson.

This is what my Arts Science has been demonstrating, a meddling with the Nervous System using Sound as Noise and Electro Magnetic Pulses and Shock therapy to prevent the natural Evolution


Awakebing Response.

This play was emphasized by what is taking place in my body and at my last portal on the 5th Dimension play which brought me to New York chez Liberty C Liscomb Arden an inherent condition of the Nervous System in her family gene pool.

When such a body is shocked enough times, it overloads and shuts the body down, making you numb to the impulses and true guidance of the Natural Human State

This waa.. the invisible war which I found out via my own Empirical Evidence and Experience of that which has affected my body ..for the last 17 years.

And which only started when I was summoned to New York to enter what turned out to be an Do or Die enders game.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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