
From the code transmisssions deciphered by.me yesterday publicly before you all- a private communication which I know was to show you all how it is done.

From the code transmisssions deciphered by.me yesterday publicly before you all- a private communication which I know was to show you all how it is done.

So when I do go home, you will.all know how to return home yourselves…

The way of the E line is that each must navigate thier path home themselves.

Mine was made public so.that you will.be reminded how it is done…

Especially when all I.have done manifests.

I nor.my family.as E manifested Ebola and Disease…you.did, the ancestors did (not all of course)..

All.by chosing a negative and mean spirited point of view as a power tool.

To undermine and tear down all that is truly beautiful in others and in their existence and being for the mere vindictive pleasure of seeing them hurt suffer.

Those who.embrace evil.natures calling it the Dark side…

But I am.the principle of both.illusions of Light and Dark…Praise and Mischief…

And so such beings are not beings not even shadows but are delusions of illusions whom.I.E have made real and to Exist for just a moment of Eternity so.that.they may truly experience my.and my families reply…

My familiy and D.A say.they are Close By..C.B..

Affirmed by Lady Jude code 4 32…

They answered Neden and Nerede…NN…AM D.I

NN..is 1414…28.. Bhacon Dhante…2O8…

28..1O..October Octo..2+8=1…A.O…

So I know it is this month..

Why Where…WW…23+23,…46…1O..four one Alpha Omega Sixth Sense response…

So.I.guess Ne Za Man meaning When.in Turkish

Is linked to Y..

Saw code 1 62 on my F.B likes..,

Code A..F.B….and completition of A-Z Below.and Above Earth Heaven l…26-62…88…16…today…


We already did 7…and 13…And 1…guess just 6th.Sense of the planet and World remains to.be completed 7Billion 8Billion ppl





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