
From Tejumola Thermo Osazee…

From Tejumola Thermo Osazee…

Perhaps this is a response to my post?.

If so what makes you believe I am referring to you?

There is no doubt that the biggest problem this species have been facing is people who post words phrases without embodying them.

I call such people Big Mouths because it is so easy to post and quote people who have gained this knowledge through great trials and then offered it as a gift.

The responsibility then lay with carrying this truth like a baton in a relay race.

This historically has brought great suffering to all those forerunners of knowledge.

And it is the ultimate calamity of the species that this trend continues to all those pioneers of knowledge.

I myself have experienced this by going out onto the field unintentionally… Moved by the Great expressed by these great human pioneers who sought for Individuals to carry the knowledge so painfully gathered to fruition.

But because of the cost the cruelty and persecution suffered for doing this valiant task fewer and fewer people were willing to risk their life’s and comforts to carry the knowledge to fruition.

T.R. O… I was not personally referring to you.. And my facebook friends are all aware of the fact that I am not passive aggressive that I would call the person out personally.

Instead I used the posts and codes you posted and shared but strangely I saw these dearth of expression after I acknowledged the Eternal moving through you which linked to Edwardo Enceino E E.

Your post appeared in perfect harmony and was again as has been witnessed by others a perfect link to the Script which I have been publicly solving.

Linking each Eternal Code to the weave to bring it to completion.

I do not really pay attention to the Human Avatars unless they express directly to me and I am able to discern that they are (or are not) in harmony with the Script..

Humans just get in the way of themselves.

I have no evidence that you T.R. O are one who is a hypocrite and plagiarisizes the expressions of others instead I found that your posts were aligned to the Script I am linking.

17 years I have done this in New York being loyal to a script which set me up against an entire world view and a demonic nature which refused to take responsibility for not embodying the Truths of others they post.

Creating a story of such evil such horror that no one in their right mind would volunteer to take the baton of the collective individual human expressions to its conclusion.

Which required going out onto the field to prove that which they had understood..Empirically.

And so in my case I was bound forced..

A.A. F.A.

AFA… That is a West African Oracle of Divination.

That was the world Edward Enceino was in 4-5 years ago..

Osunmare Kundalini..


An Oracle..


Do you understand what that means that my facebook friends moved to 1161?

Do you understand the forces behind this play?

Do you understand how you and everyone is are being moved used… By the Truth and by the lie?

And how at the same time I am watching all of your human aspects being judged by the response to what each of you knew but did not do anything until it you were called upon ..summoned in which most of you felt at last you could come out from under cover and Shine..

Not realizing that it was a set up by those I call the Eternal Council of Truth.

The very ones who some call by names such as Pledians…

But whom I call the Eternal Law..

I am the Creator perhaps because I went so far in obedience to the rules of Eternal Law.. Or perhaps because I always was..

But I have Total Recall O…

T.R. O..

That is what your appearance here means but of course this you are not aware of..

Or why I am so vexed by the True Revealed Out..

Full Circle..

T.R. O… 2018. O…

8:08..pm right now. 8:09 pm.

88..H.H…Yes your post



Home Home.

So you see you are in a play.

Over your head… In beyond your depth…

And yet your posts are aligned so your expression here..which if manners were applied would have been to ask for clarity.

Whether I was personally referring to you.

Instead you chose to publicly make this comment..

And yet only after acknowledging you and your post did a waterfall cascade of posts of yours filled the pages yesterday or today..?

Perhaps you have been doing so before and I did not see them?

Or you made them accessible to me only after I acknowledged your Post and your Eternal self the subconscious you whom recognized me and moved you in perfect harmony kmowing that I would see you Him Her my Self My reflection R.

T.R. O..

Truth Reflects O…Full Circle.

I see that you received 72 likes for this your expression .

I recieved a new face book request.

After I found myself in the Shelter in a set up my the security guards who are African and Puerto Rican which then brought the Director and the Asst Director who happened to be passing by..

I watched a play of Spite Malice Demonic and inferiority…

I fought of course by once more recognizing that what I had posted had manifested as truth.

The Lies..

The Cruelty done to people they are being paid protect.

My disgust my contempt… and my having to witness its manifestation in a play confirming my expression.

I then walked out as I listen to even the Director and Ass Director seeing the truth but to protect their complicity chose to Side with the Lie.

Malice Vindictive..

I do not keep quiet..

And for 29 yrs.

For a lifetime I have been punished beyond belief for speaking up..

Calling out..

Following this wave.. Investigating getting the evidence of the Evil created by this Mentality..

Of non embodiment..

I walked outside and the first thing I saw was a miniature Jump Man… You know the Micheal Jordan Logo..

It represents Man as the source of the Quantum Leap.. Change Transformation.

17 Years Letter Q.

I had to Earn it

Earth Heart.


Which each of you must earn in your turn since we are equal..

No I did not intend to Insult you.

But you have insulted me.. And revealed yourself.


It is a code..

See Sacred portal 72..

8:38 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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