
From Stephen Johnson

From Stephen Johnson

Kelly Sweeny.

This is what has been bothering me

The Truth Proven True

Literally Empirically on my page day after day does not exist

And the Refusal…

Its true, that my work never required anyone to acknowledge it.

Truth does not require humans to acknowledge it.

And that it moves through a process to completion.

* A Process which is a Natural Progression.

But somehow, the people of this reality were used as Avatar Messengers of the Script of the Evolution Awakening, and only through them, and defeating the Lie consciousness within them ( which so many deny) and the battle required to reach their truth where the intelligence and message is hidden, which is finally released and used to connect the weave which forms the Awakening of God.

God of Course is the Sum Total of Truth..

And so for 29 years I have been moved led, through a Battle field to recollect all the pieces of G.OD.

I can not tell you how impossible a task that has been.

The resistance of people, how far they will go to slight you, poke and torment you…

Forget why you are in their world, forget who you are.

You experience the truth depth of cruelty of the species, you see the meaning of Evil, Selfishness

The refusal to take responsibility

You see how God as Truth was usurped and a God of perverted Ego.. self projections took over, and as you move through the people you understand every day, how each persons lies, twists the Truth, tell you they love you but lie in weight to have their revenge on you for daring to show them a mirror of themselves and their beautiful truth.

Through out my 29 ..27 year journey and mission imposed upon me, I have fought and refused to accept this mission, because it is malicious, it is of a cruelty and meanness which I had already witnessed and studied as that which is in people..

The Abomination they chose to become..

The Lie..

I have often wondered what is this force which had taken over my life, set me on a path in which It set up the challenge.

Set the Course and the way, knowing the impossibility of such a task.

And the power to force a being to do so..

This has been my conflict, the pause which has made me for years seek a way out of this play especially in the US A .

To walk through the atrocities of the Evil perpetuated onto ones fellow man

On animals on the envirinment.

The excuses, the hypocrisy and underneath all that, their beautiful Truth.

I do not believe in this play, the way..

It was a way manifested so that no one could succeed or survive it, bevause even with Victory..

The fact that such a play and way could be manifrsted forced upon anyone as the condition for the Evolution Awakening..

Such a play, of that evil and cruelty that absolute selfishness innate in this Age..

Means that Hate was given so much power..

And that this entire process was of Evil Cruelty and Hatred.

I suppose through the torments of finding myself in such a play, is the fact that such a play could exist

Its as if, all the work, all the expression

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