
From Sonya Perry

From Sonya Perry

From Sonya Perry

Who has been sharing my post…

Sonya… look whats behind you..

Comming out of the frame of the picture..

The deep darkness..

A Black Panther..

Now see the time how,

5:28.. 5:29 p.m

Its the True Story of my Sacred Journey through distortion of the Original Story

The Truth..

Existing in Natures Blue Print and every where.

John Mack

Tree Sage

Alicia Norris

Alexa Vertefeuille

Now go full circle to my arrival in Connectucut, Newington..

*Johns back there now… 🙂

You can go and see, I posted the Photo of a Truck with a Black Panther painted on it.

It pulled up along side of me.

I had given fair warning to all that it represented me, but I left a trail on my page proving that the shadow I am casting projecting as moving througn the world is me..

And my state of fury, anger, stealth and Intent at what chosen representation embodied in this game represent the absolute defiant contunal disortion of Truth, Meaning Wisdom..

T M W..

Why I even exolained through 7.7 years of posting recording warning.people of why I cast the shadow as complete and absolute Blackness..

When I represent Dawn Awakenings True Clarity..

I put up so many signs how it all began..

How it ends..

And you know this Fiction now aligned and proven fact is right on your own page..

The E in you.must have E Spirit must have made you do it..

For reasons of which I am sure you took full credit, but really not aware of what it signaled and signifies.

Demonic you said..

Very close. Bravo!

Beautiful Devil


2 4. 6. F. Fact

… i prefer..

More accurate you see..

5:48 p.m

Beautiful Death.

S P 48

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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