
From Sherry Merritt Sherbear… S.M.S…

From Sherry Merritt Sherbear… S.M.S…

Sacred Portal 155….

I noticed that Sherry has three Face Book friends in common with me..

And I am still reeling by having linked after trying twice to know who is linked to Traishon meaning 3 or Betrayal

It means 3… Which is what Nenad just confirmed by his vision of the 3 fold Transfiguration he witnessed two nights ago which he will post is elaboration so you the readers for now but especially the future will have two points of view finally aligned…

E to N…to 19…S… Steven!….Crowned with Laurels of Victory

19 84…Harmony Devi…Divine.. Devine…

The three are Barry Thompson, Rick Meister, and Linda Good McGillis…

B.T…R.M…L.G..M…. (L.G Is 12 7…= 19…84… George Orwel’s 1984 which has been the one constant in the last 50 months of reading this Unseen Seen Manuscript…

B.T is Beautiful Truth…

RM is the Room called Space Milky Way.. Room with a View…

L.G.M…is Lights Grace Manifests…

Confirmed by my contacting Nenad and his telling of his Vision of the Three Fold Transfiguration of the C.. 123.. A B C…!..

(My nerves can take any more of this…. Geez!)

And here we are at 8 97 Face Book Friend… Sherry Merritt Sherbear…

S.M.S…Shinning Manifestation Shinning… See the meaning of the name Robert.. linkined to Traishon ( Susan Train of Conde Nast 1993.. he was born 1993.. Traishon;s middle name is Narisco.. Narcissus… meaning Flower… Linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. meaning Unexpected the One who is God is the Farmer who plants Seeds and who slays the Dragon…

The Simple Man.. or Being also the Hero… S.M..S.H…

And what does the Simple man understand…

Grace… is to Praise that which he planted to Grow…

And to defend them without even thinking that he will have to slay a Dragon..

The last Sacred Portal which represents the Closing of the Flower back to life by going backwards to the Eternal Beginning…

The T.W.O… who are 3…

And then the One..


Embodiment Being= A.B.C…D. is the Bridge to E… which moves the C.. to 4+5…9…I…

E.B= A.B C.I….E…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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