
From Sarbasish Choudhury

From Sarbasish Choudhury

And She emerged from the blackest night…

Draped in Orange Veils

R.O..,,,Y G B I V…

From the flames of what was perceived in the

realm of those who can not see..

Gracefully the lady tread..

O-Range of God, and so she walked

the Orange Lady, round a spiral stair way,

O moved to Yellow then to Golden Green,

to the Blue and Indigo and Violet the Cee,

and from the Darkness transformed to light..

Lady Andromeda Milky Way…

Rose to see the Full Circle of all that Be is the light to see

All merged and complete with Her I.D

I am Universe Embody, and I am the First of its line of Queens..

Harmony is my name, Echo response of Existence…

and the Beautiful Cee

12:29-3O p.m

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