
From Sarah Kaizer

From Sarah Kaizer

The Terrible Trinity plus 1

Shame Blame Guilt…

And all based on Fear

Legacy of Religion

Especially the Judea-Christian..Islamic story permeating all the current air we breathe.

The story of Blame Shame and Guilt can be traced back to the perverted story of Abraham Sarah and Hagar.. and Lot, the B egining of the Old Testament.

In which Sarah who was 99 yrs old

( link the Total Solar Eclipse 2017 first time in 99 years..and the play of T S E.

The Source E)

She laughed when told that she would give birth when the two Arch Angels came to her.

She lied when they reprimanded her, denying that she had laughed.

She is also the one who gossiped, telling Abraham that Hagar was mocking her for not being pregnant.

She also urged Abraham to send Hagar and her son Isaac away, to die in the desert

She also, is said to have felt Shame that she could not bear children despite Abraham’s Love.

Nothing in that story made sense to me as a child.

How could the world base their entire reality, construct it in such lies.

How could a woman chosen by God be a liar ..

One who Blamed, who was Guilty, who lies.. sends a child out to die in the wilderness and Abraham agreed..?

Just as in the Church founder by Peter who denied Christ 3 three times and was mortified by his cowardice..

He thus founded the Church with the Enetgy of Shame, Blame and Guilt.. over laid by Fear. Hypocrisy.

Which is exactly what the Catholic Church became ..

Rape of the Truth .

Young boys especially raped of their purity and truth.

Energy creates the expression of that which is it expressed.

If the expression is contaminated it manifests that which it is contaminated with, hence the requirement to Clean up your mess if not..

Cause and Effect.

The Islamic world.. it’s rage comes from that story of abandonment, Denial..

The response now, stems from the cause and effect of that expression.

I.came here to show the world how energy out really works and even had that play with Esteban Miguel Filgueira the other day

And with McKayla Rays today…

S F Shame and Fear.

S.F correct equation

Sensational Feelings.

Blame – Christopher and Stephen

Guilt .. Mikki

Shame Sarah K

Fear… Christopher Filgueira Stephen Filgueira

Each representing an equation which had to be cleaned up.



This is why it is so important to go back to resolve the stories of the past so we are not walking on stories which are lies and thus leading us to Non Existence.

Shame Fear

Sensational Facts.


Best Friend B F

S G. S uprene Grace.

The correct representation.

3:51 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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