
From Sarah Kaizer

From Sarah Kaizer

I saw this yesterday, and posted in and commented intel on it to confirm and point out Sarahs True Harmony and prove that our last interaction was a set up and that she was aware of that herself..

But was distracted ( for good reason…) and yet the other force still slipped in

Facebook did not allow me to post it!

I received a notification that they wished to review it…!?!

But the play ended today with a text from Sarah expressing Graceful and Beautiful Expression, and Total Responsibility

Literally the equation of this post moving from Athena – to- Diane Aphrodite .. just like that..

8:04 p.m.


and so the equations Stephen Johnson

Stephen John Son-g.e…

S J S Complete in a sickening play of Money versus Energy Love.. Ckairty..

S J S… 48… P P P…Perfection x 3….


Energetic Transformation


Of Planet Earth…

through Perfecting Expression to the Point

Clarity Universal…

is Love…

Love is C…

8:08 p.m..

C ARE For the worthy of love.those you can see…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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