
From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping

Exquisite.. Harmony..

Resurrection Restoration of the Crystallized consciousness of Transparency- Transparent Reflection yielding Beauty A-Z

A.M.E…N.. posted 8:14 p.m.. Harmony N..Nature Universal Simulation

Ra Ma Da Sa…

Code R.M…D.S…Room Divine Splendor.(Sophia Wisdom).

R.M.D.S.. R Manifest Destiny Supreme…

Ancient Echoes He-Art.


1 5 8…

See play today aligned to 1 58..

1 13..A.M..

14.. N.. 8:14..8 5…

15 8..


68..Sixth Sense is Harmony, harmony is beauty (Symmetry) and Symmetry is the Expression of Love-Clarity.. IC

6:O4 p.m

64.. 51…

Jonn Blackwell

Black Goo from within the Earth..

Love comes from within..

Not from Outside..

B.G.. Blue Green…5 4…

B;G..2 7…

27 Years I have consciously undercover reading and mapping, and correcting aligning the B to the G… 2 7.. Is 14.. 5..E…

Affirmed by Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell..

and Richard Schooping D.J.R..D.H.R..

6:O8 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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