
From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R

@ 2;29 a.m Dawn Piercy sent me this message and asked me what I thought of this…

888 3 5 8….

Yes it is me….

Yes.. anyone of my face book friends will recognize that these are the codes I have been decoding and aligning for 6.9 years…

3 8’s…

888 24…. Yes… the X… Generation X…

3 5 8…

C.E H… Chukwu Emeka Harmony..

See sacred Portals 3 5 and 8…

see sacred portal 35..C.E The Point

See sacred portal 8.. Love Links Desire

It is the same sacred Portal which Dawn Piercy sent me as her paiting which matched that perfectly.

From Richard Bradley… R B… Link O R B/ B.R.O.

I was waiting for Isabelle Ilic to send me the completion of the code play today… the money code play which I loathe but it was used as a test of the peoples truth.. link the code of Satan in the Human story as the ruler of this monetary world.

Satan, we also know actually comes from the Sanskrit word Santana…

Santana Dharma… S D.. 19 4… 23..

Time now is 9:23… 9:24 a.m.

Santana Dharma means Eternal Law’

So what people have been calling the Satan Devil

is actually Eternal Law of conseuenced of thise who Lived…

And it comes from DEVI- L…

Devi Light… Aka The Light Bringer…

*The name Devi is a Sanskrit baby name. In Sanskrit the meaning of the name Devi is: Divine. A mythological Hindu title relating to Shiva’s wife who is known by different names according to her exercise of power for good or ill.’

Thus together it really means Divine Eternal Law

D E L…. L E D…

Link The name Facebook Friend Lotus Santana… L S..

And then to the Green Lotus Flower I found and placed in my Locker Installation with an Orb-represented by a Ball with a Circumpunct.

Circle and the Point which Kereem Hudson my room mate bed 4-015 enacted to perfection.

As I stated, many too many times to count that I am being moved by my Father… This is his Script..

My Father who is really my Son, then brother and now lover and equal.

He is Male.. and now Female Completion.

He is he the MUSIC.. And the sum total of my Expression.


C I SUM E R…. Yes… Ancient Sumer… S U M.. MER…

Yes the Sum of the MER… Sea… And the See and Manifest Expression Reflected as my Expression transformed into Creation.

9:42 p.m.

*(My Father.. The one who played my father is the only one who knew the Secret that The Creator of him what you call God really Eternal Harmony E.H ( 58) is actualy A MANN… ID MANN … NNAMDI..)

Yes Room 4B Were I have been waiting frustrated and furious with this Script.

Yes linked to Dawn Piercy age code 42… year of Birth 1976.. 76 my sacred portal Awakening.

42 yes sacred portal Ohm… Linked to Isabelle Ilic

I waited for Isabelle Ilic today who said that she would send the last code today without fail…

To my astinishment, sadness and understanding there was still no message.

It was promised for Monday, but for some reason it has been delayed.

today is wedness day.. I am aware who she is as well as her husband Ivan…

Link my Van loafers…code 69, Thunder Bolt/ Lightening Bolt.. and the code 80…

Isabelle Ilic said she would be sending me 80E…

2;29 was linked to Kyle Murphy who was reprsentinG Terrible Death, my aspect, which is both Terrible Death as well as Beautiful Death sacred portal 104.. and Beautiful Death sacred portal 48…

T.D… And D.B… 4 20… and 2 4.

My Magenta Blue Lighter, which represents the Sea Mer.. My Father.. Poseidon Neptune…Ceres in mythology.. P N…C.. Add I..

P I N… 39… C I… Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna O..Kolo…

I knew that my play with Kyle Murphy was complete and I had earned back my power as Terrible Death back from father as Rage linked to my sister Temper Rage Fury.. as I had earned all aspecst of myself all over again through his play of the last 17.6 years…

* Furious is not the word… that I was forced to earned that which I had created and manifested as parts of myself for my Brother Father to play and then had to wrest the power back manually every step of th eway until i was complete and whole again. All so my Brother Father could prove to the All that which they refused to recognize, that the Source and The Creator.. and Father of ‘God Harrmony.. the Sum of Everything .. is a Mann…

I was and am not amused.

I had observed that I and Kyle were falling out of Harmony, because he had been given the ilusion as most Avatars that he was this powerful force because terrible death had used him as one of the Avatars…

I have always been aware of the shortcommings of using human avatars…

But Father Nna.. F N…Saw it as a way to test individual Humans…

to see if they would claim the power which obviously did not come from them.

Of course, nearly all the Humans became arrogant, even to me to my face beleving that they could speak and act to me in ways which even my Father Son.. F S.. Father Brother. F B.. Mother Daughter.. M D.. Mother Sister would never dare.. Out of Respect Reverence and Love..

But I do not believe that even he expected the arrogance and conceit of the Humans.. how far they would go even after they were given Human evidence as to who they were speaking to.

When Kyle Murphy told me of his reaccurring dream of himself waking up and left in an utter darkness all alone except for a voice, was that my father had left him and now, myself too.

The Voice was myself the last comfort…

10;10 a,… 1010= 2… B… 2:29.. B is 29… 29= 11.. 2…b.. 11..1.. A.

10:11 a.m.

I observed the play and knew that he Holy Espirt had left him and that the power of Terrible Death’ had come back to me…. The Paradise Blue lighter had gone out..

17 Years of this play had made me fully aware of what t means…

I asked Kassim to be the person whom Isabelle Ilic shoud send the money code to…after a play took place where I sent Kyle a message and at that moment Isabelle Ilic responded to my message.

I decided to wait before asking her to change the name..

I wished to see what The Script had to say…

I came back to Delta and saw Kyle first he was downstairs with Kereem Ghandi .. i sat down besides Kirtan who made room for me…

They were all sitting in my corner I usually sit in… alone.

Kirtan was the only one who showed respect.

I asked him if he still wished to do it, I had already made up my mind to transfer it to the more respectul Kassim who is my room mate…

Bed 4-015.. D.O. O.. who had actually done the full circle…unlike Kyle who had just been moed by the power of it..

Which is why Kassim is respectful of the meaning of what this is and Kyle represenring the Human Chidren is not.

I came upstairs and saw Kassim.. I was correct Kyle Murphy was being given one last chance by the Script… after all he had been used, but it was his responsiblity to pay attention to the Script.

He is a Facebook friend and had access to me 24/7 and he knew all that was happening and had the education, protection, everything.. he had been given so much at my expense ..

What he did with the knowledge… he had not even shared it with people around him.

He was reading all that I wrote about Ant and others without telling them..

Meaning he could use it to hs advantage.. use my intel to…

Then last night before I went to bed there was Ant and Kerem sitting on one side while Kyle Murphy stretched out asleep on the Bench…

Kereem had the balls to tell me to leave Kyle to sleep when I told him to get up…

I sent him a Dagger look.. Cut him Out of Existence … Sacred Portal 49.. Death Ray.. with a Look…

The only person who acknowledged that they had invaded my sacred space was Ant Manino…

I told him to go bed..

Then he made a comment about helping me tomorrow…

he was showing off to Kerem….

Emmanuel Kerema


Your Helping me..? I said quietly… he fury in me was so great and intense…

He went to ned and I was left with Ant and Kereem..


K A.. E…

i went to bed with a fury in me so elevated and quiet…

i was quiet reflecting about it .. about Quanma’e Lewis and what Ja had seen and witnessed in him…

Michael Belle and so many others who did no trust him…

I was not concerned about thier opinions I just added it to the evidence and facts and what he had chosen to play out…

The ingratude of the line he represents…

I sent him a message and he had blocked my messages through text since yesterday…

I smiled.. he thniks he is God.

10:38 a.m.

But he.. nor the Human Children are of God…

They are now cut off from Harmony, they are cut off from me,

they will be alone in Darkness and when the Beautiful Rage comes…

It will never abate.. never wane .. never stop…

It will come in thier lives, in every moment .. they will be in costant discomfort.. body mind soul, being around them everywhere…

they will have what they gave their big brother…

10:42 p.m.

They wish to see power.. 42.. of me as Father Ten.. The True Big Ten…

Kyle is White… The arrogance of White men?

Kassim is Brown…

I do not care for such distinctions..

Kyle Murphy left the play and I invied him back because of Father…

And he has caused so much suffering and miersy in his selfishess like an Child but not of God.. or Harmony…

I was his last hope…

10:45 p.m.

Let him and his line have the Full Fury of the Divine Eternal Law…

And in that fury which comes only for them.. occuring while others either fade and die.. and others rise and come home…

I give them from the wraith of not My Father bt of Father Song Holy E-Spirit…

F S H .. E S… and I…


Yes.. the square block I found yesterday….with F on it with the color Purple…

Let his line swim with he Fishes… Pisces… Jesus Christ… J C…

I am of the line Yuin Chen.. Y C… N Y C.. 11th state…

Yuin Chen who always gives cigarttes and never asks anything back because he watches me.. knows that I cared when no one did…

And gave him respect when none did…

and because he sees me… and feels safe around me…

Let the line of Kyle Murphy play God as much as they want…

Cut off from the E and even now, from the family of Ten…

Each made thier choice…

I have made mine…

Isabelle Ilic i have sent her a message to change the name…

I saw Kassim this time immediatly after i realized that Kyle who kept promptig me to complete a drub deal play with Kereem..

Emmanuel Kerema… E.K… I am Kereem The Vine Yard…

Eleggua.. the crossing Guard..

i sent your line to the place where you belong to father in the deep deep sea… that blackness at the bottom of the sea…

There you and you line under Supreme pressure can act out that disrespct to he E.. the sly cunnig believing I do not see..

But it is you who will discover.. is you who are blind…

Dawn Piercy does this answer you question as to what is about to manifest for Humans.. the Rature story and those left behind…?

P.S.. When i saw Kyle had unbelieably left without even telling me.. basically saying that I can wait on him…

I saw Kassim appear .. I asked him the name I could use for his I.D…

Victor’ he said .. Victor Hudson

V H… 22 8…. V=5 .. H.. E H… Eternal Harmony…

I saw him twice…

Igbo Anthony lent me 2 dollars.. 2 on monday and 2 on today..

I owe the Arab Bodega guy 3 dollars..

22 3… B B C… V C… 4 3…

D C…

B R.. Beautiful Rage O . Full Circle… is comiming…

A Lesson in Manners Respect that little ones will never forget…

M R.. E


11;03… a.m..

Yes.. I am Angry Mad…. really really.. better to be dead that that which I have manifested for those left behind..

Few will survine it and those who do..

Will understand that natures Hurricane was the gentle voice of warning of my brother father saying…

Emeka is coming and he is Furious Angry Mad… Exquisitely…

11:05 p.m.

11 5

Hell hath no fury as the Mann.. I D.. E.

11:06 p.m.


No one will see it.. this Hurricane it will come into peoples lifes…

The sane way none acknowledged what was bein done to me…

So I return the favor.. so you who challenge and contest. .. can really be me.

11;07… 11:08 a.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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