
From Renell Platero.

From Renell Platero.

Via Laura WalshLaura

R P. Ready Player One? River Phoenix


O. P..R … Full Circle of Public Relations completed of the Energy Family

Rising in Humanity

At 8:20 .. H T. H B O.

20:20 military time

20th is that not tomorrow.

20 20 20 20 20




100 %

Yes, please link code on my page.

I= 9. 99. 9/9= 1. 99+× 18 81

Last 4 digits of Ferrill Geminos Number

1 +18 81= 1 +99 =100.


5 20’s

Letter T.. Sound Ti. 7th Note, 7th Color, 7 continents,

T 20th State. Virginia

20th Letter..

20 as 2

20 as 1010. J J = T

5 as E 5th letter… What is E and T

E T.


And 100. Is C in Roman Numerals C is the 3rd Planet- Earth

C- Speed of Light.

C Consciousness

100% of the Brain


100 is 1 A

A C.

E T = A C .

The Truth is we know it means something because Symmetry always brings Meaning

But the riddle before us is what does it mean.

One Cee..

A C… Sol of the 5th note E. Jupiter rep Beautiful Youth

9:17 p.m


I Quantum

21:17 hours…B A – A G.

U Q… Universe Quantum

One can not guess, but a book or history, thread which leads to a meaning we can conclude as a Reasonable Conclusion then we wait for the confirmation that conclusion is A Fact

That is Evolution Via Awarness Constant Consistent to

I C…

I Cee. ..

21:21 p.m



Renell Platero means Reborn.. Rebirth of the Goldsmith or Jeweler

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