
From Prince Otei…P.O… Post Office…

From Prince Otei…P.O… Post Office…

From Prince Otei…P.O… Post Office…

..That is what I have been…

the Post Office…

Posting Oval Office…

Postman… Post Man…

After Man….


Shaun E Jones…

We spoke and I listened to him…

And I knew….

He is born 5-8-79….

He will be 29…

J.S… 10 19… 29… 1O 19… 20..T… 2O..B.O…E

Add Elliot…E… 29 +5= 34… CD/ D C…

20+5…2 O +5…. 25…Y…. B O E…. B O Y E…

I have filled all those roles already…

Which he gave acknowledgment to simply and gracefully because it was, is a mathematical equation of logic and common sense…

And thus there is no false Ego or modesty…

He understood that he is E…

He is the proof that the E is within planted within all…

Because I have only met him twice and he raised his awareness to that point of the height of Human consciousness by doing the work by himself for himself… he never even read my face book page but had all the expression…

Joseph Carey sent me the last text at 10:29 a,m.

He had to go to Western Union which was 170 Ist Avenue between 1011 Streets… I was at 10 11 Facebook friends.

I am now at 1012… 10 12…22…V…

The 20 USD bill… T..Truth…

Shaun is the Evidence Fact Embodied line sent moved by the Wave he so easily understood about his Higher Self and the Matrix and his moving himself

Body Being.. B B… 2 2… +S… 19… 23..W…? No there is no double me…

There had to be an Original Energy… Expression which all we the E came from he had stated…

I was sitting in the Woods Section… I had met him in the Metropolitan section… He went there first…

W.. Double V… V V…

And here he was as my Reflection Copy .. R C.. But fully embodied by himself and through his own efforts..

Proving that I never had to do this work… that it was already planted in all Humanity..the E…

And by nourishing it, staying clean… and paying attention…

I now sit back and watch what my Being Naturally does, and then I read it in Hindsight…’ He had said…

It was as if I were listening to someone who had paid attention to .. my posts?.. No to the Perfume I have been filling the air with… be simply being my natural self…

29 years I have not seen my mother…

29 years of Isolation..

You have been crucified and tortured… He said..

You are the Helper which Yeshua promised would come in the Bible..

Yes, I growled, I have been playing that character in my Brothers Script of Yesuhua, Nnamdi… N.Y… Y .N… ( Y.O.N.I..)

Holy E-Spirit

Which Rachael Devon Rios Sessions figured out one day in the Botanical Gardens… then perhaps went back down undercover to the lower more obscured frequencies…of uncertainty…

.. I came to help people discern truth from false.. Yes No.. 1010…

You simply remind us about what we already know, it is always been within us… We are all E…

Yesssss!!! But to become truly E you must Embody Explain Exemplify Express being E..As you have done..

*His Expression… I can not do justice, nor will I even try… too tired…

He is mixed Afro and Asian blood…

The Original Forest People…

As for this image of Prince Otei… O T E I…/ I E.. T O…E.. Eternity…

The Menorah… MEN O.. R-AH.. Reflection of A.H.. O-1-8 OH…

Tree of Life… Polygon within the Star of David…



8 candles

Only the 9 branch menorah can be used for Chanukah. Also, please note: Sometimes the 9th or shamash arm is removable. If you find what appears to be a Chanukah menorah with room for only 8 candles, either the shamash arm is missing, broken, or possibly the item may be a candelabra which is not a menorah.

9:08 p.m

98… Diamond Clarity.. S,P..98.. Achieved…

9:09 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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