
From Pamela Stefaniotis

From Pamela Stefaniotis

8:5O pm.

I am sure most are aware by now that I have been weaving for the last 34 months..

Not a Web..

Since I am doing it transparently as water Sire Energy Expression…

But a weave linking your posts which harmonize with the weave in my own consciousness…

called E Harmony…

The Gates are about the Energetic…representation of physical space alingned to Bio Cellular Exprssion

The Worm Hole is third eye…

All that is outside of us has its Source as Beings Body BB (Beauteous Be-A.M)

B=2…22= letter V

= Voice.

Voi CE.

Meaning The Voice is the way of Cause and Effect.

Which is the source of the Web human Existence has been entangled in.

While V as 22 = V Roman Numerals

Is 5…

The Way to the 5th Dimension is through

5=letter E.

Evolution through Expression..

Not Voice..

But as I am demonstrating on Facebook..

Stillness Silent



I Dance.

On the Key Boards of my I phone..

Connecting my third Eye through an IPhone to Universe Satellites to you..

Within your bodies..

The Elohim Seed

Sat E-lites planted in you…

O Rien.. LA PlanT…(In you) is E



I Being Harmony


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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