
From Orien Laplante For Rose…

From Orien Laplante For Rose…

Also for E-Ros-e

Time now 6:46 pm

I just posted under comments of my last post the code of XY and the True Galaxy Milky Way as really ..

C men

Conscious ness of men aligned to our interior Realm which I have proven by embodied 34 month of Expression aligns and goes beyond the Physical representation as Universe Milky Way M 87-78W…to the largest known Galaxy recorded as Galaxy 11O1 6OX I C…

By my Energetically through Expression proving the Womb as being male who Masculine Femine within being the Source of the Universe Cosmos Galaxies and Womb called Woman.

Meaning the Consciousness of a Man brought all outer manifestation of everything into Physical Seeing Atomic Expression and Harmony through his Consciousnes..

I have demonstrated this literal findging myself as a Guinea Pig set up to prove this..

I was fighting a Consciousness of the Weaver called Consciousness Woman Mother (WM-MW..Milky Way claiming to.be the Supreme Consciousnes called God…)..

I just found a Mean Witch controlling man through Breast Milk Manipulation WEbs . .

To entangle expression in her power..

WM..is letter 23+13…46…

Don Diego and Fritz Venneiq

They represent the First Brown and Cloud beings as Cmen to go down into the Universal Simulation Alpha ..the Womb of the Dark mysterious stranger really Don as Cloud 9 and Fritz as Brown Earth …through Lord Orien as the O through Neel Akash as Neil Furby as Ahtnosphere and Richard Schooping as Rise to bring forth life on the Rock represented by Birgit Stein…meaning Powerful Rock…

P.R…public Relations.. ship…

All a Movie.

I.just finished posting when Lord Orien posts of

Affirms it…links it.

Here are the codes linked in my E Harmony Consciousnes which always affirms Responds to truth…

That the first womb was Male..

7:O6 pm…A.M…Memory…

David Wolf-E..

I am called David Beloved

Born the Day of the Wolf..


Code in the Womb…9 months in 4 mins…




4x 6O mins…46O….see sacred portal 46…1O

24…both meaning X…

Please see my comments before I saw this post…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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