
From Omole Gabriel. – This is w

From Omole Gabriel.

This is what I was looking for.
Without realizing it.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr gave me a piece today.

I was first given this by John Mack.

* Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of the lit sticks is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear misfortune, negative thoughts, and to chase away evil spirits. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca era.”

*Palo Santo, which means “holy wood” or “wood of the saints”, is a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America ..”

**”Palo santo, which translates literally to “holy wood” in Spanish, is the harvested wood from palo santo trees which are found primarily in South America and in some regions of Central America. They’re part of the citrus family, with a relation to frankincense and myrrh, explains Dr. Amy Chadwick, a naturopath at Four Moons Spa in California. “It has a woody scent with hints of pine, lemon, and mint.”

*Aug 11, 2020 — Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) is a tree that’s native to Peru, Ecuador, and other South American countries. It grows in dry tropical forests and …”

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr mentioned Jesse Macias Orejula today.
He was born the same day and Royal Mayan R. Santana.
9-22- 1979.
9-22- 2010
31 years difference.
I passed through that portal 317 -319 South Whitney and from there “Jumped” to 900 South Road/

There was a pivotal play when Esteban as Stephen and Sarah were going to Peru.

The play was about Orgonite.

*** Orgone (/???r?o?n/) is a pseudoscientific[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] concept variously described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force. Originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich,[10][11][12] and developed by Reich’s student Charles Kelley after Reich’s death in 1957, orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe, a creative substratum in all of nature comparable to Mesmer’s animal magnetism (1779), to the Odic force (1845) of Carl Reichenbach and to Henri Bergson’s élan vital (1907).[13] Orgone was seen as a massless, omnipresent substance, similar to luminiferous aether, but more closely associated with living energy than with inert matter. It could allegedly coalesce to create organization on all scales, from the smallest microscopic units—called “bions” in orgone theory—to macroscopic structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies.[14]”

The message had been clean E M F.

2:19 pm.

All took place during the play of that fave book memory “Olive Oil with the Bull code 846”
I recently shared.
Jae Sherman is age code 46.

Orgonite contains Rose Quartz.
Pandora Quartz.

Honey Herbs from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Paolo Santo
P.S Perfect Symmetry.

*** This part is for Stephen Johnson’s attention about his post about his Friend Samuel
Samuel David F.

It deals with Saul before his conversion to St Paul.
And you will recall in enmity with David of David Goliath – Bethlehem and the Second Comming.

The Witch of Endor, EN D O R.
Me my last bed at Delta Manor was 4-018. D O R.
Emeka Nnamdi… So we are witches and are all witches Evil?

*The Witch of Endor is a woman who, according to the Hebrew Bible, was consulted by Saul to summon the spirit of prophet Samuel in order to receive advice against the Philistines in battle, after prior attempts to consult God through sacred lots and prophets had failed (First Book of Samuel; 1 Samuel 28:3-25).[1] The Witch of Endor is absent from the version of that event recounted in the deuterocanonical Book of Sirach (46:19–20).

Later Christian theology found trouble with this passage[clarification needed] as it appeared to imply that the Witch had successfully summoned the spirit of Samuel, therefore giving credence to the idea that necromancy and magic were possible.

She is called in biblical Hebrew ?????? ????????????? ??????? ????? (’êše? ba‘?la?-’?? b?-‘ên d?r), “a woman, possessor of an ’?? at Endor”. The word ????? ’?? has been suggested by Harry Hoffner to refer to a ritual pit for summoning the dead from the netherworld, based on parallels in other Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. The word has cognates in other regional languages (cf. Sumerian ab, Akkadian âbu, Hittite a-a-bi, Ugaritic ib) and the witch of Endor’s ritual has parallels in Babylonian and Hittite magical texts as well as the Odyssey.[2][3] Other suggestions for a definition of ’?? include a familiar spirit, a talisman,[4] wineskin, or a reference to ventriloquism[5] based on the Septuagint translation.

The witch also claims to see “elohim arising” (plural verb) from the ground, using the word typically translated as “god(s)” to refer to the spirits of the dead. This is also paralleled by the use of the Akkadian cognate word ilu “god” in a similar fashion.[6]

In the Greek Septuagint, she is called ????????????? ?? ?????? engastrímythos en Aend?r, while the Latin Vulgate as pythonem in Aendor, both terms referencing then-contemporary pagan oracles.


Witch of Endor by Adam Elsheimer
When Samuel dies, he is buried in Ramah. Saul, the current king of Israel, seeks wisdom from God in choosing a course of action against the assembled forces of the Philistines. He receives no answer from dreams, prophets, or the Urim and Thummim. Having driven out all necromancers and magicians from Israel, Saul searches for a witch anonymously and in disguise. His search leads him to a woman of Endor, who claims that she can see the ghost of Samuel rising from the abode of the dead.[7]

The voice of the prophet’s ghost at first frightens the witch of Endor, and after complaining of being disturbed, berates Saul for disobeying God, and predicts Saul’s downfall. The spirit reiterates a pre-mortem prophecy by Samuel, adding that Saul will perish with his whole army in battle the next day. Saul is terrified (1 Samuel 28:12-20). The next day, his army is defeated as prophesied, Saul is fatally wounded by the Philistines, and in two different tellings of the event, commits suicide by using his own sword,(1 Samuel 31:1-4) or asks a young Amalekite to give him the coup de grâce (2 Samuel 1:6-10).

Although Saul is depicted as an enemy to witches and diviners, the Witch of Endor comforts Saul when she sees his distress and insists on feeding him before he leaves (1 Samuel 28:21-25).

Since this passage states the witch made a loud cry in fear when she saw Samuel’s spirit, some interpreters reject the suggestion that the witch was responsible for summoning Samuel’s spirit; instead, this was the work of God.[8][9] Joyce Baldwin writes that “The Incident does not tell us anything about the veracity of claims to consult the dead on the part of mediums, because the Indications are that this was an extraordinary event for her (the woman), and a frightening one because she was not in control.”[10]”

*** ‘God Made Me Do It!’ Why Did God Tempt Saul with an Evil Spirit?”

*** “Paul. Eutychus fell asleep due to the long nature of the discourse Paul was giving, fell from a window out of the three-story building, and died. Paul then embraced him, insisting that he was not dead, and they carried him back upstairs alive; those gathered then had a meal and a long talk which lasted until dawn.”

Meaning of the name Paul.
**”It derives from the Roman family name Paulus or Paullus, from the Latin adjective meaning “small” or “humble”.
Meaning: “small” or “humble”

Really, I call this the Children,

The play was 16 as in 16 35 Facebook Friends.
16 in my wallet after 19 minus 3.

Meaning of the name Saul.

*”Saul is a masculine given name of Hebrew origin (Shaul), meaning “ask/question”.”

Now see the other name of

Holy Wood “H W” add the Y.


*** “The oldest plausible occurrence of his name is in the phrase “Shasu of yhw” in an Egyptian inscription from the time of Amenhotep III (1402–1363 BCE),[19][20] the Shasu being nomads from Midian and Edom in northern Arabia.[21] The current consensus is therefore that Yahweh was a “divine warrior from the southern region associated with Seir, Edom, Paran and Teman”.[22]”

And **”Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning may be “He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists” (Yahweh-Asher-Yahweh).”

And **Jan 1, 2019 — God reveals his name to Moses as “I am,” from the Hebrew root ?.?.?, “being.”.

Now see that code Backwards.


Now see my very last Facebook Post.

And recall Y H W -H

Liberty C Liscomb brought me, Holy Basil. H B

Being Happy /Harmonius Being.

It’s 3 in the morning

Orgonite to Honey Herbs to Paolo Santo – Holy Wood/ Holly Wood.

It;s 3:03 am in the morning- I have not eaten or had a break all day.

How stubborn can any one be?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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