
From Olisa Chukwuka…

From Olisa Chukwuka…

I saw this text sent to me in my mail…

I really do not have much interest in addressing the ‘Veiled meaning of why this post was sent to me, right after my response to Olisa’s comment on my page, and my response to his=her Expression that

‘My Work is Not Done…

Despite 48 years, and 27 Years of Phenomenal Effort

of being forced to sacrifice Everything, to live in Non Existence to bring forth Evidence and proof in the age of Reason about the Harmony in all things and the reason why Humanity think they can See but are really Blind…

But blind as in temporary Blindness…


Meaning both Blind and the number 6. Which I have proven really means 6th Sense.. and the Blindness is really just temporary….

And simply the Tool or the Expression of Humanity as they being Literally made moved by the E-Spirit in them called Milky Way, which has been moving through all creation until coming back full Circle to where it started from, transformed from a Spirit of Sixth Sense

Instinct and Intuition ..I and I already linked to Idea of Existence…

Which forms Three I’s which create a symbol of H…

Harmony which in numbers form the symbol of Infinity 8… Though I for infinity and Instinct Intuition …III all being the same symbol of I or One is represented by the number 9…I=9.. and thus, to align its meaning in the Human Program. you would have to merge 8 to 9… correlate them to One… 8+9= 17…

I am in bed 4 16.. the person I had the illusion of Conflict with, in the new Room because he has a condition – a physical nasal condition very similar to mine in that it creates a certain Isolation…

Especially if you do not wish to explain and explain or do not even have the words to explain..

But which at the same time, reveals things about your fellow human beings which not only saddens you, but also depresses you to a point of no longer wishing to fully assimulate with them… Seeing them as Demons and Angels….

See the Truth- the real truth of the Bible Stories made real by it proper perception….

He is David… and he is on bed 17… 8+9=17….

17 is Q…. Quantum.. is it not the Equation I have been solving and moving towards for the last 3 years all recorded here, despite the cost to my life for 27 years, since 1989…

Right to Erik Ebright and his invitation to Miami…Florida the 27th State, 3 months ago…

A State which I had already been taken to by Ravindra Singh in 2012…

(Raoul Silver .. R.S…/ Sky Fall… James Bond.. Stone Ridge Mountain View…Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan…18 Mountain View.. where I was welcomed and worked for 9 months day and night, in real time and on Face Book for 9 months to the very day I arrived from a B.R.C shelter, after having lived in the forest, in a person called Albert Santana’s story or world view for almost 10 years whose rage was justified enough to make rise the Rage which became Existential Death..

A person so outraged by the experience of life absorbed with intelligence and research of years, that it concludes that It wishes to go out of Existence and take All with it… And before that to living with scores of people cast as a ancient Nri Priest consecrated without my permission.. And consecrated in Name by family to God… as in the Christian God… to be a slave and servant to the people who will not do thier own home work)

To an apartment with the numbers of my initials…. 511.. E.K.

This is what you want Olisa Chukwuka..?

This expression… and you are telling me, reminding me by this post and text to me.. to me… that it is my Duty…?

To whom?


Despite my being admitted to the Hospital for exhaustion, my body collapsing, for the first time since Paris..

Despite a life time with no family friends, any of the luxuries and comforts of security most of you would never give up, in the pursuit of knowledge for the betterment of your fellow man, but which most pursue for the betterment of yourselves….

Despite the very document of 4,8 years of constant Awareness attention to detail, the exhaustion of recording observing and then recording solving linking and then weaving everything into a Story of the purest Truth against a backdrop of a body Evolving and stretching rising from Death of a Fatigue of the Exertion of carrying a load non stop and using techniques and will to sustain the normal fatigue a human being is given before the body says no…

And instead stretching myself to a point that my Pituary Gland has stretched and opened… Something which a Security Officer noted she had read about happening to a famous Basket Ball player. which creates a non stop stretch- growing aching and non stop growing pain..

Stated after coming up to my room after my first collapse in a Mental Health Shelter in the Hood of the Bronx where a few weeks ago two policemen and two men died just two doors down…

And another secuirity officer stating that which is painfully obvious,

but which for 15 years, none, ( Such person as you) seemed concerned that as the officer noted He is exhausted because of the constant stretching he has to do of his muscles so that he can be get comfortable.. The constant movement and stretching (Aligning) or simple resurrecting muscles Fatigue to muscle memory… has exhausted him…

Which my case worker, understands so well that all she keeps on saying us that is enough, that you have done enough to aid others…

Which the nurse stated that she wishes she could erase the 15 years of what I have experienced here in New York…

To the compassion and consideration rising in many of the men in the Shelter who are believe me carrying their own stories and burdens- most of which were create by society and expressions so inconsiderate and demanding as yours…Olisa Chukwuka

On my Death Bed, you still write More More… not shred of compassion or Humanity…

Not even a card….

And when I respond with my point of View… Expressed graciously and with patience you send me an image of a ‘Deity on a Throne?


Recall the play with Kwame of Bed 33 and his statement that he was told that his Twin was a Literal Throne…

I was in bed 32..he in 33.. and he recognized me or someone who reminded him of me, who was amongst of some people from Oinri who had saved his life when he was staring Death in the face in a German Hospital in which none of the Doctors knew what was the cause of his malady..

But who he testified took him to away and cured him- by taking him through a journey through the Spirit World….

When it is Ever Enough…?

And since we are Equals.. And you it would seem, that you are even my superior because you can dictate and publicly state in front of the entire world.. that There is more to do.. and ignore my expression, my bodies expression, the Face Book plays Completion expression at 4.8 months aligned to Heather Dowling…H.D.. Haun Delguidce… 84… My date of birth and code age and time on face book all aligned full Circle right to the meaning of Heather Downings name.. Downing also means Soft Feathers’

Please take a look at sacred portal 5;00 from the 5th book of Sacred Portals.. Love and Victory…

It states. Rest when one is Tired.. and shows a being with Feathered Wings letting Go and willings hands ready to catch him, even though he does know if there will be any hands there to catch him when he falls

And I feel twice outside the dorm of 4B… rising from bed 4 016…

to fall where I could not move… and where I experienced something I did not express before…

It was the recognition of Death… That I what I was feeling was Death..

And at one point those standing around me, also observed this… especially the pretty security guard, and who insisted that I go to the Hospital after the EMS arrived and that feeling had passed.. then returned…

When you feel the breath being pushed out of you and the muscles go so slack and heat rising in your temples and the Vertigo is really yourself seeing yourself falling down a Chasm…

And knowing recognizing even from the Face Book play- where you had read the code of Death which was on Diana Williams page which I share at the same time I was in room 3a with Dewight Smith and Will, bed 31 and 37… 68…F.H… Foresight Hindsight..

Who both suggested that I change, transfer my room..

Which I only agreed because of the codes I was reading in the play…


Which took me to Room 4B.. B is Being By the Way.. And B is Number 2..

And in the room we are 4.. but Two in my side…

Emeka Chukwuemeka and David C…

E.C…5 3… 4 3.. Room 3 to 4.. E=CMe 4/3….

8 7…

Bed 4016..and 4017…


Be on your P’s and Q’s… of manners because you are amongst the 4 Titans of Existence…

Or D.O…P…Delta Full Circle Perfection… DOPE! Well Done…

D.O..Planet complete…

D.O..Q… D.O Quantum change transformation of the Body of Being of the Planet and all Creation….Complete….

Recall David Roman Nicholas..?

Born 11/22 same day as my mother….Cecilia..

D.C… Born 19 68… 68… H.F..

Who has the memory of Nnamdi my literal brother who passed away at age 13, full Circle to the day +1 on Easter really meaning Transformation Spring… as in 80 Spring Street where I met him, through a lady I would have perhaps had kids by if not for this play, and Meghana and Naim Mr Happiness who knew’ me and led me to David.. Who knew me before I recalled him…

Who later checked and tested me to make sure it was me, as I began in an instant to recollect who he was is… Nnamdi…. but the version of Nnamdi who came before Nnamdi’s version born 69… M.W. 69..

But who is the 68…F.H.. True Human Spirit to my E-Spirit…

And whose Energy was why I stayed at 2 68 for So long.. knowing it was the end Portal in 2006, after wandering in the streets of New York- sleeping in an Alley for 61 days… Witnessed by Axel Love Axel Anderson… A-A….A-Z-A.. 26+1.. 27… 27th State…? 999… III…

Instinct Intuition Infinity….


Proton Electron Neutron….


Ikhlas Shah… Who was admitted to theHospital the same day as I..

Representing the Equation of IS!.. Her Initials, her being and her face book page and her most recent comment of a post I wrote when I truly quietly knew She Gets It

Because her comment went.. Oh my G…’

And I knew what she had understood because I wrote the post and felt the same O,M.G…But more as in this is so clear that if they dont get this..

O.M.G was the response which made me know she got it because that is was is the comment that post elicits….

I.S… D.I…That is what it means in OINRI but we have left that story of the 1-4 Dimension of the Seeing and Unseen by having proven it through 86/68 Full Circle…

Hindsight Foresight then Foresight Hindsight… 14 14.. NN..AM..DI…28

Patrick Okolo M.D…..28 years he represents of this work which he testified goes back to my first year in Nigeria as a child who had no idea where Nigeria even was on on the map and who had hardly every seen a b;lack person.. except for briefly and once in 1974 when visting the states..

That since 1978… when we met he testified to recalling my talking about E.S.P.. and had reached me on the third time he tried this year…

July 22nd, July 27th…missing me… but my getting his text at 6:31am Sept Ist…

Which followed by school buddies I had not seen in 34 years…

Dean Dunkwu and Bruce Okoye….34 +34…is 68…

Yet only Dean Dunkwu of that line contacted me and that line and link has been sustained despite not having heard a peep from me in 34 years…

And Patrick Okolo and Bruce Okoye both being M.D Doctors…

Patrick Ikem Okolo… P.I.O..A stones throw away from me.. and where I was at B.R.C…. Long Island while I was on the very border of Green Point which links to Long Island…He being a Specialist Doctor Large Instestines L.I

Which mine are and have been twisted by this Muscle Fatigue and Muscle Memory’ tussle going in in my body day and night 24/7…

Literally constant discomfort so intense that it forced me to focus all my energy on finding a cure…

And witnessed by he guys in this Shelter to my bed mate J.D who witnessed it fot 2 months and more every night even as I tried to sleep..

Which is so activated now that I can only rest and not sleep..

Because my mind had been so wound up… not from the exertion with dealing with and solving the amazing riddles of Existence…

But in having to pause, to go down down in Consciousness Elation-

Conscious O’best Stream Ali Jafari, Flow of the Super Soul.. Ka!

Hawa Ali… of the Fa note…

Fredrick Ali Spenzar Indhomie F.A…S.I! Yes.. Yes..!

Full Circle I.S… Ikhlas Shah…. an orgasm of Expression flow Discovery Recognition D.R…Rediscovery David…

Who you recall Revealed to me the Evolutionary trait which had taken place in his body and transformed it..

Where his CHEST had opened… And his collar bone and shoulder blades had opened to create a literal Transformer movie of a Body like a D’ real Lambroghini Ferarri ..The DELOREAN…

The DeLorean time machine is a fictional automobile-based time travel device featured in the Back to the Future franchise. In the feature film series, Dr. Emmett Brown builds a time machine based on a DeLorean DMC-12 car, to gain insights into history and the future. Instead, he ends up using it to travel over 130 years of Hill Valley history (from 1885 to 2015) with Marty McFly to change the past for the better and to undo the negative effects of time travel. One of the cars used in filming is on display at Universal Studios Hollywood.’


Hopi Legend… Return of the Bird People… The Sky People….

The 5th World….

And yes, recall the painting, a self Portrait I did of myself in Paris in 1996 for my Exhibit called Portraits from Within….

Yes a Man rising from the ground brown skinned me, another above him-me, creaking out of a concrete Tunnel Full Circle so similar to The Huge Petrol Pipes which Keith Grant of bed 53.. E.C… Had worked in in Dallas Texas.. The Lone Star State…. T.L..S.S…. 2012… 1919…. 32… 38…70..


It is 7:00 pm as I complete this expression of 70.

Hence Truth in perfect Symmetry…

Texas was the 28th State to join the Union….

18 45… R.D..E…… A.H.D….E… A Heather Dowling E.. A.E IS 1 5…

1 84..5….

Texas The Lone Star State of Consciousness is the 2nd Largest State of Being in the 50 U.S…States of Consciousness…

*Rank State Area

1. Alaska 663,267.26

2. Texas 268,580.82

3. California 163,695.57

4. Montana 147,042.40..

A.T..C..M… E =C.Me 43….

But there are only 2…

In my new room of 4 there are really Two… I met D and Jason…D.J…(David Jon Jason Lee who met David Campillio when I lived in London and was about to move to Paris via Barcelona -Petrolada…1991…

Spain France… B.P… Beautiful Pride… B.P… OIL…

S.F… Sky Fall…. Sensation Feeling.. Color….is their order of manifestation…)

David John….

My neighbor down stairs was John…31…

Now it is David…with Jason in the backpart of the room on his side…

On my side it is Francis Fredric F.F….6 6;….

Francis means Free Man… recall my case worker Francis at B.R.C.. and now my case worker at Delta… (B.D…2 4… 6..) is Cassandra…

F.C… Francis means Free Man…

Cassandra means To Excel, To Shine… Man…

From the Greek name ?assa?d?a (Kassandra), derived from possibly ?e?asµa? (kekasmai) to excel, to shine and a??? (aner) man (genitive a?d???)

Francis Cassandra… F.C

Excel Shine Man…. E.S..M… E.S.. The initial bed assigned to me which I did not even have the moment to lie in before being re-assigned was bed

E.S… 5019…. 5+8=13…,M…

Thus, bed 4017 Is occupied by a person code name David C… and behind him is Jason,… D.C..J… 4 3..10…

And me, 4016… E.C.F… 5 3…6…. 6 Fact Sixth Sense Human Spirit as well as the Hue man Being….

In the painting in Paris, all documented here on Face Book over and over again is the image of Ascended Sexless beings in a circle above observing the Me breaking out of Concrete Circle of Fact…of this reality…

And above all directly aligned to the being rising from the Center of the Frame- Earth as me, is me as a blond Winged Being whose face touches the highest point of the Canvas with his face at the Extreme Right Corner My Left-as well as if you look from that opposite reflection.. My Right..

The Doctor here noticed that the primary source of which my body is twisted and moves is my constant jerking of my right arm to align it…

Nnamdi was born Left Handed as was David…

I was born ambidexterous but began to use more of my right for certain things and my left for certain thing.. and both…

I have been using for reason I noted here often on my page…

Only one hand to write these posts…. my right hand..

As if some one had claimed my left hand and side as its own and thus created such a inbalance in my body…

Such a Siamese Twins… Each making a stake for a side of the body…

But they are really one, and even as I solve this riddle…

Of which is leeading I already know to who really has the right to sit on the Throne of the Page of Olisa Chukwuka and the post…

The Throne of Death as the E.N.D… And as Re-Birth Renewal Regeneration Transformation… 80 Spring Street….

I went to Death.. but not just Death Existential Death….

And it was registered by two people for a moment who were witnesses and who saw it too…

A play took place here.. witnessed by Dewight Smith and Kerwyn Vincent from near and far based on a person called Chess… then Paul.. then Anthony… and the last challenge the very day I returned from the Hospital when I was At my Weakest that even I to incredulously call out, You would call me out to Fight Now!!!???

Moments later I spoke to Kerwyn Vincent who provided the words I required to hear in this plays rules outside of myself…..

They are not real.. I just curse those Demons-Expressions out .. and call upon the Father.. my Father Guide.. The Truth…

The Beautiful Truth….

Alaska is the 49th State… D.I… Recall Nome Alaska the 4th Kind- the documentary…? And the Expression I stated I was awakening to it correct Expression and Frequency… Death Ray…?

1. Alaska 663,267.26

2. Texas 268,580.82

3. California 163,695.57

4. Montana 147,042.40..

1…. 66 63 (The 10 Dollar Bill Exchanged for 2 5’s by Kwame.. and the 10 usd given to me as a Gift… The Only person in the Shelter in my entire time there to even give me a gift…. 3 which I asked for which he had realized he was waiting to give me…

I gave Later 5

He gave 3 again… 3 yes 3…

And then 10… serial number M.F..15 33 48…59…C… With F6

and by the Head of Hamilton… (Yes Play of Alexander Hamilton and sacred portal 97.. at 147 The Bean Cafe 1st and 9th Avenue Manhattan…

147 is sacred portal A and B… Emmy as One and as Two which is recorded here with David Phillip Gill Nikoma Rios … Emeka… E.N.D… AS well as Akil Davis and Joseph Stern… All recorded here…


Ali Jafari… See meaning of his name and at what number F.B Friend he recently arrived at…

Elevate Lofty Sublime River Creek…

He gave me 16 U.SD… Recall the Letter P I found in my locker in the 3rd Dimension….

Alaska… 66 3…26 7 26… Zion (Kerwyn Vincents true name is Zion)

Texas 2 68…58 0…82….

California… 16 3…69 5…57…

Montana.. (Claude Montana) 147…0 42 40…

I have aligned all these code.. me the true Little e…

Eric Lile Brown…Who was the only one who was allowed to stay in the Apartment in Kew Gardens though he was not the only one invited and he stayed and was given the same treatment often better by Billy Hung as given to me…

A.T…C.M..e…4/3… D.(C) J… D.J… David Jason… D.J… 4 10. 4 1O…14 N..


5 3… E.C…F… Emeka Francis…..E.F… 5 6.. 11….

5 11.. E.K… Forte Lauderdale 2012…. Left July 4th Independence Day… I.D… returned to New York August 4th.. 84… Witnessed and Noted by two three witnesses and recorded in actual real time on Face Book…

10 USD plus D.C..J. as 43 is 53….

8:00 p.

What this means is that the 4th Dimension ( 4321..) have all been aligned

to the 5th Dimension..

The One Creator of that Dimension reflected even in this play…

E.C.F… Emeka Chukwu meaning Creator .. Free Man…

All the 4310…D.C.J… D.J…N…D.A..O… Are within I.E…

Emeka Kolo…

And my Name… Emeka Chukwuemeka Kolo-Free man… shrug the same thing…

Understanding the consciousness and reality actuality of the Full Circle makes you free of Death and Responsibility to the masses and to you Olisa Chukwuka or your expression which is even detailed in your name meaning…. O.C…God Creator.. Creator Created.. CC.. 33… =O.8…6…

But Life has been transformed into a Competition…

And so you have challenged me…

And I have responded….

Now it is your turn to show the World you Credentials and by which right you have to flog a person to death and beyond- beyond the point of Exhaustion- just as it is alleged that the Egyptian… Black Egyptians flogged their Slaves…

To the point of Death that they would fall down as the made Bricks with no Straw…. And not feed well, and the Slave Human Being would be too tired to even protest the whipping… they would just take it until mercy… Death would come…

That was a Story created here.. I saw itMoses’- that was a movie but you have proven that side of the Black person nature which created am equal and equal response by the White man- your other self..

And here is the proof before the Entire world…

..But as you see, I did not lie down, nor did I take it…

And Kerwyn Vincent saw my immediate coming out of the spell of the Play Sorcery Witch Craft…

I went to align Dewight Smith line…

Whose innocently and not so innocently challenged the See of Cee of the Creator… By indicating that they could see better…

Not necessarily the intention…just through expression…

A play involving how I got my room 4B in which perhaps he sincerly felt it was him. but we know, even to the moment cassandra recieved the call while I was talking to her, where no one knew which bed would turn upfree except the one Cassandra told me they all knew about, made available by a person who wished to come downstairs and thus our beds places were exchanged…

Which is exactly how it happened with Marquise who was originally of bed 3002 being given my assigned bed 5019..

It literally is that full and people are waiting for beds…

It is of the best of the New York Shelters…

To resurrect from Death of the muscles being so fatigued that they become literal dead.. matter…

but brought to life by E Spirit..

Now it is your turn Olisa to resurrect from Death…

And that Seat of your page and the line you represent in the World..

Those who believe that they are owed instead of being grateful appreciative and show a gesture as others did of simple appreciation of a

Man who excelled, Shinning (Robert) Brightly (Erik Ebright)

as a Esther Uzoma… Esther Ufomadu.. U.Z.O.M.A….A.M…O.Z.U…(Ozu means A Corpse in OINri Igbo….)

Esther Ufomadu… Esther means Star… U.F.O….Madu…Unified Field Oh is a Madu… Person…

Abraham Madu

Aqua Mentis…


U Dee are the Awakened One ( Self Awakened) Dawn…Of U.E

Which is why I kinda wondered why Dawn Piercy was not allowed to send me that Painting… 3-12-2016…

That was the Day of the Which Death Came at the 4th floor

and then Titan’ Power forced me to Kneel at the 1st Floor…

4-1… Why.. See sacred Portal 41…. me I am at 5… 6…III…

E=C.Me4/3… And according to this play if you can not see me or Energy..

you can not Exist….

Hence the Code Book an act of Grace…

Not ever a Demand imposed…

8:28 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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