
From Okechukwu Okoro.

From Okechukwu Okoro.


6:39 pm.

*?d?nala (Igbo: ?`d?`nàlà), also ?d?nan?, ?d?lal? or ?d?lala, comprises the traditional religious … Chineke therefore means the Creator or the God that created all things. … In Igbo cosmology, the world was divided into four corners by the high god corresponding to èké órìè àf?` ?kw?´ which are the days of the week in the Igbo.

*Chineke (or Chukwu), the supreme being or high God.[2] Chineke is a compound word encompassing the concept of chí is the creator (nà) is a verb meaning ‘that’ while ékè means create. Chineke, therefore, means the Creator or the God that created all things.

C H. I N E K.E

E K E.

O full circle.

DI… means IS

NA means And N A/ A N.

( 14 1 Nnamdi Alexander/Arden,

1 14 Grant Moore Motel. Emeka Kolo.

11-4 Kim Arthur Hines Birthday.

1 14 Alicia Norris.

Emeka Kolo, K.A H-Frank- Alicia Noris-Dakota.

LA is the code of 6th sense

O is in lying down in the Earth.

Ala means God-Goddes of the Earth.

Now see my number of Facebook Friends.

Why, I am still aligning the OINri Igbo Pantheon to that of the E K and to me, including the self portrait of myself, rising from the earth, I painted in Paris, I could explain, but I just have no more desire to, because, it is simply Insane,

That is what Ala also means Insane and Breats

6:49 pm.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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