
From Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

From Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

The Code and my blue print of Existence is now Universal from Anne McHugh in Australia AU.

To. Nigeria.. NG. ( 147 Sacred Portal 147 A B)

To U S A. New York Connecticut

How one reads the code and translates the action which brought it to your attention is what determins your destination.

But the Blue Print is anchored on my page

L.N D. 947 F.S.

Liberty from Nature @ Delta. I. D God Feelings Sensational

Love’s Naturalness Divinity. Identity Defined Green- as Facts

12 14.4. * I am at 9 Adderess chez Liberty.

Her Daughter Self just turned 14, I am 14 79 facebook friends.. I am in the middle of Nature here, 4th color spectrum is Green.

4 7. Is Square and 7 is the Highest color..

Fah and Ti as Notes.

4 Day Week

4 7= 11 28.. Yes my Birthday.

F S.. 6 19. Code on her terrace Gas Cylinder White Rhino..

Africa Continent looks like a Rhino when Turned..


6 19= 25.

Y Chromosome..

Trinity…A MAN.

Nigeria Flag is Green and White..

Green is 4 and White is Light as 1+7 colors merged back into Original Transparenr Light.

T L.

4 8

Not 47

See my Sacred Portal 47..

And linking the Ancestors Shamans and code Igbo meaning Forest Peoples.

First Peoples..

Link the color of the Car..

And the Worlds Insanity descendants of the Forest people called ( sigh) children of Mother Earth

M.E .. I A.M..A M.A N..

Perhaps you are beginning to understand


L. A. N D. 94 7 ( Gemino G Amazing Grace A.G.. Alexander Grove Arden Auriela Gemino Gemini..)


Feelings Sensational



12:26 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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