
From Nuala Evans N.E.

From Nuala Evans N.E.

Flower of Life on Earth

The Convergence and Meeting of Land and Sea… L.S.. Rock Sea. R.S..

Natures Expression…

NN-A.M- D.I. N. E.-M.E K.A

N=14…1+4=5… E.. Merge the two 14+5= 19..S.( Nineteen S.N.. Sha-Ron Nickel )

10 = TEN… The Elegant Nomad.

1O.. A O…

A Brief pause here,

A O… Anthony Otta…. Whom I call Igbo Anthony, who I usually sit besides at Delta Manor in the T.V Room, who puts on the movies which reflect the play- copying my expression is the channel he respresents…

6:18 p.m F.R… E E

6.19 p.m. F.S… E E

..I have always known that he is a spy- or used as a spy. He is the biggest person in the Shelter, and the only Igbo man still left in this place.

He is a Spy, I have known this for a very long time.

Keep your enemies close..

A Spy of this Spirit realm of which I call Non Existence, the true meaning of the number 0…

His mind lives and speaks from the Spirit Realm in a confusion of Expression and dimension.

I have observed him closely, and though not what one could describe as Evil but instead a man who started out good but due to bad habits became a conduit for evil…incredible…

Sort of like a man who begin to gamble to be recognized and seen as someone of worth, and who instead gambles and gambles and eventually sells his soul to the devil….to evil… will do anything to feed an addiction from a delusion of that which he believes he is worth.

Very much like the person called Lorenzo in the room who goes around proclaiming that he is Chosen by God…because he is the most worthy and despite the reality of what he knows is a delusion he clings to it…

.. This of course being the category this world and the invisible realms projected onto to me…and sustained by the Energies, Elementals which this Script, has revealed who betrayed Existence and the Source Expression.

Thus, instead of keeping the arrangement, we can call the Covenant with The Creator.

Anyway, I had noticed more and more people wishing for my telephone number, which I know on a deeper level and a material level, that the wish to keep connected to me now that they have determined that I am perhaps someone not from here… or is on some kind of mission.

I choose who I give my number to, and having witnessed all of these people, there is only one person I would connect to by choice and that is Jamel.. and perhaps Blair Andrews…

I have been watching Anthony Otta – watching me and I had also discerned the E-Spirit of Envy and Jealousy.. not spiteful, nor even personally against me, but rather that Greed Need which causes a gambler to go too far…

And yesterday, he did an action which simply confirmed what I already had long since discerned.

He asked me if I could help him fix his phone, he had asked me before, he pretended as if he could not open up his Government Phone

Saying could I help him…

I had ignored him on other occasions but last night after noticing that he had waited for me to get off the computer knowing that I would be exhausted and not expecting him to take advantage, he asked me again.

I paused inside and then made a decision to take a look…

It required a password…

I could not open it.. but I noticed that he would touch it the telephone part would open.

After a little while, already bored and knowing that this was all a devious nonsense, I turned away…

Let me have your number…

I was about to say no…

But then, I understood his play, that he was insinuating that he wished to check his phone, by calling me…

I gave him my number fully aware… already the contempt I felt for him dripping like a venom at the mere understanding of his mentality…

I saw his face, like a literal monster contort into victory..

And then foolishly he revealed to me that his phone had not been connected- that he had not gotten around to this…

He had forgotten that he had revealed this to me before.

I later went down stairs and after calling out the duplicity…

Awoowo they say in Igbo land- that cunning sly, deviousness which people use to think they have got one over another…

I observed it with the woman I call Ms Brenda Booth… people with great power of Good in them who end up being the conduits for the greatest evil..

I felt dirty by mere contact with her, watching her play in Starbucks- a contemptous play to be Queen of a Starbucks- because of need yto be seen, respected… A Starbucks.. and which instead has earned her the scorn and quiet contempt of those she believes she is deceiving…

those she had betrayed so terribly by using an idea of love made so filthy…

Just as Anthony saw him self, as the king of a Homeless Man shelter, the last refuge to redeem his value and idea of himself.

I was actually embarrassed for them. so cringe worthy…

Anthony OTTA… There is an expression in Igbo land of people suffering from the sort of possession and access to the illusion of power which quietly erodes you, takes you over and makes you Its Slave..

They say Ota Amunsu… The Ate the fruit of Evil Supreme.. Witches – they become the puppets of Witches .. Warlocks..

The expression can be found in the West and all over the World..

It is every where, that lesson even Popular Culture…

Take for example Lord of the Rings and Precious- the Monsters which people become…

Yesterday that is the phrase which kept coming to my weary and bored conscious mind… Otta Amunsu… Evil…

And then became possessed by it, and a slave to it…

Anthony Otta- A.O ( Alpha Omega..?) -Delta.. Delta Region Mouth of the River… Mouth of God…


Brenda Boothe… B.B.. Being Body…?.. Starbucks Sirens.. The Sea.. the Abyss.. Ocean…

Anthony Brenda… Otta Boothe… A.B.. O B…

Yes Sacred Portal 147 A B….O.B…

7:11 p.m… A BOB… Bob… ? I have no Bob…

I have Robert Vlaun, Robert Tanner Powell, Robert Hobbs, Roberto Todaro, Rob Barr,,, 5 Roberts.. but no Bob…

So the equation is A.B..O.B… Which links to sacred portal 147.. A B…Emmy… O is Perfect Symmetry in Being…

B… The letter just appeared before me….

and now a Twin who used to work here called Jay came and sat to my left wearing a number 80…

This, is an Evil Script, drenched in filth, so much so that I see no purpose in it, or in my being to resolve it when its very foundation is duality as Good and Evil.. which just cancel it each other out to non existent Zero…

There is only Symmetrical Perfection, Perfect Symmetry of Being… Aware… B.A… B.O… OF Truth =Beauty which is O.. Symbol of Symmetry….

Laker Brenda Aaroyal.. is represented here on my page Script as a Royal Like…

Brenda means Torch and Sword… Torch Bearer is one who bring Light.. ( Prometheus) .. a Path Finder.. a Trail Blazer…Bearer of the Olympic torch… And Sword .. which is represented at the Delta Manor Courtyard…

Where a Samurai sword hangs on a on a window with the backdrop of Burgundy, the Tobacco I buy…

I passed into this dimension of Delta through portals of non stop Samurai Swords appearing right to Goktu to Eric Ebright in Miami to this Shelter… B.A.. Beautiful Assassins…

I came to cut out… See sacred portal 120….

See the code name Fritz Venneiq RE RA… on it… The Human Fritz betrayed me by his own confession.. 7:28 p.m.. my sistrs birthday…

Kevin G Gordon. Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon birthday…Dee’s who works here, her 8 year old daughter …

Jamel Salters Daughter is 8 years Malia… Calm .. gentle waters… and means Mary.. I came through the portal Mary.. Marylebone was the first place I moved to after leaving my sisters place in 1989. who lived at Queens Park…

Mary… means Beloved Myrrh…

Belove Calm and Gentle Waters… Lakes…

Laker Brenda Aaroyal, Concy Brenda .. L.B.A…. C….B…

Flip J Hendrixs at 8:58 p,m.. I’m BAC!

L.B…B L U E…

Brenda Boothe is 1961… 61 is the Journey of the Abyss represented by the Ocean… Sea salty water… not Fresh Water….

Malia. A I L…A.M… Alpha Infinite Limitless Awareness Manifest…Being… A I… L A! M B… A I.. 12 1… Marina Burini whom I met… But she is not the Manifest Being… Beauty…

Marina is a Beach.. And I am at Delta Beach Avenue…

Metropolitan Avenue ..Star bucks… B.M…

Jamel Malia.. J.M… 10 13.. 23…W.. 5… W.E…

1O 13… 14… N… 14= 1+4…5..

Nuala Evans…

Malia Marina…

Beautiful Beach

Beloved Calm and gentle Waters of the mouth of the river .. the Delta to land… on the Rock Solid Truth…

N.E.. 14 5… 19….S..N… ( SINE)…TEN… N E T… / T E N… Who surfed the Silver Surfer…. 1O… A O… Alpha Omega.. which even in Greek is 1-6… Sixth Sense…

Anthony means Flower… What is in a name without the enactment, the embodiment of it.. A thing is named after it reveals its Nature… that is what defines it… its own self its own True Nature… which is what then causes it to be named… Not before.

This is what this entire play has represented for me what Brenda and Anthony Mentality…this is what has been my experience for the last 6 years on Face Book.

8:04 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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