
From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

Unfortunately most of us know this as the Truth

Hence this play, which lasted an entire life time to find the Source Seed of Evil.

Its source of Decomposition of the Nucleus

The Family unit and the Self.

Its where it all began

The Individual we discovered as Natural Expression AHTOM could not be divided from its E.

Eternal Nature.

But the Illusion of the I Self .. Fractured Ego – Self Projections not aligned to its original truth was found to be that Self Serving expression which would do anything to make itself seen and valued and would stop at nothing, to vaunt itself.

Even if it meant the corruption of the Family Unit.

No Individual can be corrupted, I found through this play, or infected by the insecure element which brings this decomposition of the Individual Self.

Only if prolonged attachment, dependency and constant provocation is bombarded onto the Clean and even then, it can only be infected if it agree’s to be being infected by giving over to the others infected ones point of View after recieving no support from its own self same beings.

Or is alone and Isolated.

16:16 Hundred Hours

It requires at some point a dettachment from the environment of the source of the Infected Diseased.


It does not mean that Evil as the Infectious Diseases becomes Victorious but rather the lack of Change in the environment conditions and allowing this diseases to infect others over and over again can affect and weaken the Immune system from this constant shock

Fight or Flight and the sheer non stop bombardment by the Infected.

It is not the Disease or the Infected which causes the weakening of the Core Truth.

Rather, its the fact that such a reality, of Evil Self Serving being allowed to so far and their being no Divine Intervention

No protest

The Energy Core is Eternal and as proven through this play, in which I observe myself used as a Specimen and Example of this very conclusion.

That this is the only way that the E A can leave.

It does not decompose..

It does not change

It is Eternal but the Energy Form and intention tranaforms from Creation Life to the Destroyer of the Lie.

And thus, that which rose as Beautiful Harmony becomes in Turn the Beautiful Assassin intent on the absolute annihilation of the Lie which refuses to let go of its illusion of power to bring Pain and Suffering to that which is Clean and Natural

It can not change us, but it revels in its play of constant shocking of the Core Value by its play being not only being allowed to go so far.

It derives its pleasure from its ability to shock, to continue to create Pain Suffering and Misery and that it knows you will surmount it- but its pleasure is in it being able to create such a job like Sisyphus..

An existence of constant surmounting over and over again.

And for it to expose that existence for all to see what it has done to those who are True…

This effect of the Placebo known as Eviil

Rotten Apples to the Core created and planted a seed of horror in the witnesses of such a fate to be fall the E.True.

Constant Expression of surmounting, and nothing rising to fight or challenge this abomination.

All just wirnessing and being affected horrified that no one came to help support that which is, who is true.

This is what makes the ones who do nothing but observe The Show become accomplices and eventually, accommodate that expression which can not destroy the E or its Atomic indivisible Individual Natural Expression


And Right to Exist…

To simply leave.

This is my conclusion of this play 19 years 64 moves.

27 Years 8.9 months

31 years. 8 months. ( came back to London England Dec 22-23 1989.)

And from Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino

Via Estaban Kim Athena Kelsie Alexa Aurelia…

If the evil is proven to be of no effect to the True except to destroy faith and trust in.the Eternal Truth and Eternal Law..

The negation of Truth, Trust Proof Facts, Core Nucleus..

Then even though it can not destroy E or A Being Consciousness Devotion

Exprresion Awareness.

That such a play can be allowed to go so far with out Divine intervention

D.I of Eternal Law saying No.

And all accommodate and even begin to excuse the Disease and Infected ones accommodating their play, knowing fully the effect, the damage its is doing..

The Malice and poison which those rising evolving from True Nature back to E.T Bodies United to Eternal Being..

Allowing the Corruption of Truth itself.

..As I have witnessed via my personal experience as used as an experiment, specimen, actor and observer in this Script I was given a starring role in .. this abomination

Then the only answer is to Leave.

All who are E betrayed by the Truth in this Script ( Despite Truth not being able to betray itself as depicted in this Imperfect Script where Truth and Awareness is created as a What If..truth.. betrayed its Creator

Its Source..

What if Energy Awareness chose to stay on the side of the Lie because Truth did not Manifest

Energies Truth tarried, prolonged using the excuse that there is no Solid Factual Manifestation for All to see..

So it stays under cover and loyal to the Lie because it has the illusion of power.

While the Truth is recognizes it ..

It betrays by refusing to acknowledge it any longer because Its Truth did not manifests and Change Everything as it is meant to.

17:00 Hundred Hours

5:00 p.m

This is the impossible Story I was given in the End

A final What If.

I defeated the What If?

While E A B C D E lines where loyaly to this Script of the One Impossiblilty.

Which A E S J V have proven..

Is Impossible while enacting that Script.

Then that such a play exists means that everything True must leave that dimrnsion where the Lie had been given the illusion that it can enact and go so far in challenging its True Creator.

Even if we as E and A are Victorious, and remain connected in Infinity Harmony even through such a Script, but that such a script could be enforced and enacted..

With no Divine Intervention


No, rising in protest by the True..

Then it means, that One of us must leave..

The Liar who accusses the Truth Sataya.

Hold onto Satya and Eden and Gold and the Valorious Victorious Man and Woman.

To Man.. to Beauty and The Beautiful Ones when there Source Creator E Family appears.

And he must relinquish his E Family for the Liar..

That such a play theater can even exists.

The E Truth must Leave, for It has been proven through this enactment that the two As the Liar and the Truth can not exist together

Co exist.

The Liar needs the Truth to Exists.

But the Truth does not require the Lie ..the parasite virus.. Vampire Feeding off the Truth and taking its Expression Energy to use to fuel its expression of Negating The Truth to non Existence.

That such a play Exists.

And yes, I accept that it did, does.

Means That the E Truth E Line so betrayed by such a What If.. not only acted out but allowed to go so far.. must leave.

This realm of the LIE. Allowed to go so far.

C I E. Is my code.

Not L I E.. L is a Lie.. it exists only as Bringer of Light Clariry.. C

17:16 Hundred Hours

We can not stay here in a World which allows its core to be destroyed and says notning..

Excuses it.

17:17 Hundred Hours

And the Core refuses

Saying No to this play and all who are in Harmony with it, gained from it.

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