
From Nnaemeka I. Ezeufonna. – E

From Nnaemeka I. Ezeufonna.

Extraordinarily Perfect timing and the final acknowledgment.

7:04 pm.
G O D.

From… Recall our play today- it took place at 3:49 pm.

and completed at 5:29 pm,
with Obiajulu Igwe Okolo.

3 is Creation and 49 is Existential Death.

It aligns to Alica Norris who also photograped a Black Panther in Florida aligned to my Expression Codes.
To Ann McHugh “Ann Mack: in Austrial who also saw the Code Arden in Australia and finall to my arrival at 114 Grant Moore Motel and the Shadow I cast when I stood outside in the quiet fury and a truck with the Black Panther logo rolled up and parked behind me.
And finally to my true story of the Eternal Begining and the Pause which created this idea called Time.

I as the Beautiful Youth who transformed in the absolute Fury and rage as the Blacket Night= Knight, The Black Panther who encountered the Man Child called J A and then in Full Circle gave time to decide and a promise to return again to complete that which I paused out of Compassion.
And then came back down in this story in Human Form to Connecticut the 5th State in the 21st Century to see what the descendants of Jah Fire had decided.
And that this truth was confirmed full circle to Harmony I as
Jeron – Arden- Hines.
J A H.

E. I- A J. / J A Fire
Man Child. M C / C M e4/3.

This Beautiful Rage is in me, witnessed by everyone right up to kim and Jae who lives here.

I have been carrying this Beautiful Rage in me as a man- through the years to the shelter Delta Manor= Dark Matter.= D M- M D to My Manifest Destination.

The whole concept was that this could I as a man carry such a rage, such a fury without being consumed by it?
The test was my being constantly being provoked, to do something here which would disqualify me from reaching the manifest destination.
Hence a play set up of Supreme self Mastery in the face of 24/7 provocation.
See sacred Portal 64
See Lorelei Rich age code 64.
64th move.

From my birth 8 pm to 88 Emeka Kolo to 16-year-old Arden and then to 33-year-old Kim.
and its full circle connected to Nnaemeka I Ezeufonna.
whom I met in 2014 on Facebook when he was 33 and the play which transpired from there while I lived in the Forest of Pelham bay park and now confirmed at its full circle 33 33 33 age codes.
me age code 33 in 1999 as well as 2001 when I came here in 2001 literally 20 years to the day. And this confirmed my “Story” not only a True Story… not Fiction or Fantasy but a Fact not only a True Story Present. T S.P

Tree to Sharia Perry
But E Nature Fact Truth.

E- N T F.

A Fact.

My true nature as Fact.
My most Dangerous Side.
D S.

I lay in weight, wait…

And so the True Forest People
Igbo- I G B O final confirmation.

DI Bia. Shaman.
Magical Rage.
M R.E.

7:33 pm.

Eziokwu- Truth- Satya.

This is what I was waiting for from Alien Father Alpha.

My darkest nature confirmed by the one witness who was 3.

Arden Ferrel Kim Jah/ John.

7:35 pm.

G- C E… as E G O… D E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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