
From Nicola Robinson

From Nicola Robinson

Janet Jackson

Made For Now

M F N… Yes it is a code… / N F M… Nature is F M… Band…

Natures Expression… F M

Male Female Naturalness..


I am tired of these codes and this Script

8:04 p.m.


But this code from Nicola Robinson N R… I

( Yes my coffee today at the Arab Bodega was again number 9= I)

Is an up grade- or evolution of the sound track which I had entered New York with 17 years ago- the New York Cab blasting away Control

Which I have understood through the play with my Caucasian case manager also called Nicole…

was a play of Control not only by Men- Black White but also Woman as the birth portal into this world- meaning through her womb.

It moved through Black Woman, yes Discovery Channel All About Eve

A A E… *And yes, my coffee at Starbucks is 27…. A-A…

It was a script of control and power…

Which was whittled down to Aretha Franklin with the Afro…

See sacred portal 87… Returning the World to its Senses and Sensie’s it shows two Women Mother one with an Afro and the other with straight blonde hair…

This was I see now, in hindsight a female play of the true source of power…

Aretha Frankln linked to Kofi Anan… A F… K A…

8-16- 2018…. Born 1942…

8-18-2018… Born 1938…

I had both codes 42… My Room and bed number… Play linked to Isabelle Ilic as well as Ikenna Iheanacho..

And the code 38 which I had established as the Consciousness- Creation Harmony years ago through my Equation which was confirmed on this Script, right to Erik Ebrght being used to place that equation backwards on my computer as 6983

The dates of the two passing had one day of a gap…

The 17th… Q…

That date represents that code play of which Woman was Aretha Franklin Queen of Soul Q who did not pass on the 17th letter Q.

But on the 16th.. letter P…

The 16th represents that transformation I have been proving of the form of Father… Alien Father.. A F.. To the form of Woman..

96 Thus moving to 69… 38 Moving to 83… 96 represents Dark Matter

which Quanma’e Lewis was being used to represent as the channel.

He is no longer here at Delta Manor… meaning he has left the play..

69= 15= O… Full Circle…

6..F… A…H… F A R.. E… F A I R O H… S P 9.

Jah Quanma’e Lewis left the play the day I received this one dollar bill

with the number 85 written on it…

H E… Serial number L 50 64 54 75 Q… L Q… E O…64= 88 54= 69x= 54.. 75..G E…Crown Chakra E..

What it means is that the Being of the Q is the 17th… and the gap which moved A.F.. 8-18…back to male as K.A…

She passed away at 76.

He at 80….

76 is sacred portal awakening…

80 is 8 ..16…64= 80… On my 28.23 usd Vans.

I did not use sacred portal 80 because that play was completed- All the sacred portals have been satisfied except that last play of 76… The Awakening…

The Q is represented by myself.. The Transformer…

Who is the Q?

H.Q… E.Q… I.Q… The Transformer of the Masculine side to the Feminine Form all from changing ones point of view…

Apparently this was the war, the battle to prove this…

And the original female form and Womb which manifested the Birthing into this dimension transformed from Energetic to Material Expression..

E M E.. Full Circle… ( 5 13 5…23… M.J..? Or K L… Kirtan Locket is still here.. every where I look now, I see him..)

This was a Woman play… I see it now.. Women with power and how far they would go…

Of course, I was aware of this but I did not, or refused to focus my attention on the World View which saw and perceived Mother as Woman and based on Form…

But it did…

That is the Wave which has been moving me.. C.. as the Creative Force – to prove its truth and thus move us back through Cecilia Onu – represented as my mother in my personal blue print…

See meaning of Cecilia..Sixth Sense… number 6.. Blind, St Cecilia Music… Onuabuchi Meaning Song .. then David Roman Nicholas.. ( both 11 22-47.. he 68… 47= 11… 68= 14… K N… K I N G.Ode.. Nnamdi… / Flip… 69 to 96… 15 15..( 30..C.O.. Chukwuemeka Okolo See s.p 30 Transformation in the Woods.. The the Waves Sound…)

66… F F… 54 54.. 108… 18… R.. 9… I…

Kolo I… N.G… (119 147… See both sacred portals…

Thus through C O Umeano Kolo- to David to Nnamdi Kolo… to / I D M A N N… E M E …K A….

8:49 p.m.

Something so simple made so complicated and convoluted and so so vicious a fight to prove this simple truth.

The route back to self… My Self..

I A,M.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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