
From Nicholas De Toareg

From Nicholas De Toareg

N.D T.


E N D T… 7th Chakra. Note.

Cosmic Egg



Oval Office.

Who came First

The Chicken or the Egg.

I have proven through this Examination and Test by the Unseen Dimension of E-Spirit that the Chicken came first..

Actually a Cock came first and penetrated the Egg.


Harmony Quantum.

Harmony Quintessential.

The Riddle of Existence

How Expression must align with Universal Nature bringing Harmony Infinity to the Conscious Awareness of the World.

Something else created this reality

It is only It, He, She who must be addressed and who can confirm, Examin and Test our species right to evolve…

Which is what I have done

I went to The Source and I have been responding to Its Riddles and questions

1:11 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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