
From Nevi Ehko

From Nevi Ehko

Natures Expression.

Climates Expression.


Naturalness’s Expression.

This was literally the subject of my conversation this morning with Liberty C Liscomb.

It ended with what I had recognized in ths beginning of our meeting and today END.

I listened tell me about her feelings, Instantly saw it as a Tableau, a Painting a Masterful Work of Art.

Literally Painting of Nature’s Moods and Expression .. as well as in the correct view througj fear.. by Humanity..

Fear of the Weather, its Moods its Highs and Lows .

Avalanches, Storns, calm seas, Breeze, easy conversation, dazzling sights..

To make you speechless with Awe..

Terrified, exhilaration, wonder, trepidation, The Runner..

Run to the Hills!

The Sky is Falling! Said the Chicken..

But I know the Truth,

I wrote it in my last manuscript

She and He ..same person were racing running with the Wind.. of Change and Transformation.

She was not running with Wolves..

She was running with Self as He, into Eternal Horizon Memory returning..

She He remembered.. And are running into my arms, my outstreched Embrace..

Hug E..


How is ir

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