
From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Whew… I knew that a ring was next…

I even posted today the equation of the Rings which unites all…

I saw the equation yesterday of the Ring, as well as being full aware of the play of the 4th Dimension being aligned to O=IONRI…I=ONRI

to the Emerald Isle which is off course the 4th Dimension the Tunnel of love..

the Larynx Voice Box Wind Pipe..

Pan and the Pied Piper..

Electro magnetic Current = Electricity Manifest Current…Loves Cee..

Thus the wring is not a symbol of Commitment but rather a symbolic representation as shown by the three Diamonds representing the 3 Dimensional realm linked to Diamond Crystallization Light from the Black Celts

King Arthur Guinevere Author Lancelot- Mer=line M-organ-nna…




MM=Z…Beautiful Harmony..Zeina Hanna…

268…we were missing two 4 and 1O

D…and J…

Donna O’Sullivan

Jonn Blackwell


‘NDO In OINri Igbo means ‘So Sorry

*See sacred portals 14 and 40…


54 9..2O…29…11.18…

@Donna and Jonn..

then 1-9…19..1O..





Nri Emerald Isle..

4th Dimension is the Blue Dimension=Expression of Divine Breath O Wind B.O.W..

which transforms into the Green green grass of home…

Green House to Here.. and Beyond…

Author Harmonious Existence..

E,Harmony AH.


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