
From Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

portals are energetic,

we do not experience our world as round,

We observed it, investigated it and realized that the Physical Heavenly bodies are Spheres…

And so, only through our empirical experience,

and Individual experience so we Experience our Natural Existence as being Spherical, mirroring Nature which is cyclical…

And so we know the world is around by our Energetic Individual experiences of it.

And this is our sole experience in which we understand that we can see Energy and Expression equate to the its physical representation as Spheres..

Energy- Expression manifest Nature and the Physical universe, we know this from how this manifest from the Sun atomic level in which its presence we can not discern, except with modern investigative tools, yet which appear from Unseen to Seen, through a process..

Just as a seed becomes a Tree

A dot becomes a Cell..

And consequently, the understanding of why we experience life as a Full Circle. and even What Goes around comes around

Around the World in 😯 Days…. Energetically, rather than physically..

We see and experience things Energetically first through the Six sense of the Unseen, Presence.. An Intelligence..

A presence which enabled us to investigate how the Manifest to our perception becomes manifest, and to bring forth the Unseen X Factor into its physical manifest form…


So that we may be comforted by its solid presence affirmed by our 1-5 senses… Which represent the Physical and Ethereal realm

But with Sixth Sense we are aware of a presence, without any of the other 5 senses being aware..

Sixth Sense 6=F..Would then qualify as Feeling…

And the Riddle would be how to explain a Feeling, how to link it through Expression Explanation to manifest from the Unseen to the Seen..?

And this is where the 1-5 Senses Charkras, Colors come into play..

To help us explain and manifest the Source of that Feeling..

But first there can be no fear…

Only a conclusion reached friend or Foe..

And how do we discern that which is friend or foe..

By the feeling in generates in us…

Symmetry, brings comfort, because it is constant consistent,

has Logos, Order, Vibrates Expresses.. Explains Truth…


*Just like this equation which formed with the initials of the sequence of words..

Love E.T…; Love from an Extra Terrestrial Intelligence responding to me through this Face Book play?

Love is Eternal Truth..?

Both meanings we know are Valid… based on the context of this play script.

Two meanings from one sentence and sequence of words about 6th Sense is Feeling… much different that Touch because Feeling transcends being physically Touched which the senses can record… and translate…

Feeling is the Sixth sense which is comes from the Love of an Extra Terrestrial Awareness present here and yet is from beyond, It is the Love, the Eternal Truth..

And by having a Body which is based on 5 Senses, we can break down the feeling and apply Investigate-Curious- Feeling and Sensation-Truth

( I.C.. F.A.S.T) to make it Fact…

Feeling (Fiction Imagination)-Fact

F.F..66…12 3…L.C..

Hence, all physical manifestation becomes a symbolic representation of 6th Sense from a source beyond, moving through all Humanity, representing the Energetic world rather than the Physical world, to manifest through their own Chi creative spirit, a See which represents a manifest expression of a realm beyond.

But to experience this as a truth and a fact, all Feelings which do not link to Symmetry, Spherical, Circle, meaning, feelings of safety, confidence, transparency…Feelings Sensational, have to be cut out..

For they obstruct the view, the story and what that manifestation from beyond is really conveying..

And this is why when I observe posts, such as this one by Nenad M. Djurdjevic, represents to me the collective manifestation of that very Sixth Sense, already turned into fact by people unaware posting images which reveal for example the Energetic play of a full circle, which is where we are at in the story, represented as the River which swallows All Rivers moving like a Wave to the Ocean, its Source, the Water Fall as the Tongue, Pegasus (Chrysaor Bellerophon)- a Rock where a Spring emerged, then a Stream, Brook, Rivers Waterfall and finally to the Source, Ocean so Vast..

The Mouth, as well as the Vast expansion of the original pool and pond of the Sources reflections of how One could become many, all one, just as H.E.

Thus, these shares and these Circles would reflect in perfect harmony the Full Circle equation which both Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan have been commenting on as well as experiencing in this play where I entered this dimension at 18 Mountain View through a portal, door 6 of a Pizza (PI ZZ A ) ..P.I.E..Maker…

Another symbol of the Full Circle

just as Chris Forrester C.F. became my Face Book friend the very day I moved to 18 M.V Portal…

On the 19th it will be six months since I came into this portal and the two Avatar Guardians also being released from their Role in this ancient play of using Humans to navigate a much higher dimensional play which thier fear based consciousness would not have made it possible to let them in on the Play going on until I was brought to Face book, the Pit of human expression which had to be transformed into True Universe as Logos Harmony Harmonics as represented in its physical form, by matching it and expanding it through Express-Energy..

Equating the Pool and the First Drop, of the pool of reflections of the Source which created and manifested, naturally the first perfect circle of Symmetry which of course, signifies by its symmetry, and the perfect symmetry existing in all Energy and manifest Energy Nature Universe Physical Expression..E.N..U.P..E

Which created a ripple effect so Vast it created the Ocean as its physical representation, 1 Ocean- which became 7

1 Land Mass, Pangea which became 5…

The Ocean represents ‘Death for man, because it is water which can be drunk… and yet it also represents Movement Travel, a Vehicle which travels on the Vast Sea of the Source…

Thantos Hypnos…Hypnotic Expression…Peaceful Sleep..

Traveling through the Waters of your body 9O% Water, or 6O% Water..96 99 66 Same thing.. measurement really represents a code…Physical representing Expression Essence Energy…

Would this not mean that while human sleep, they are carried by their vessels, Bodies on a journey along a vast ocean, the See of Death,

their Spirits rise and play in an alternative dimension play..

The expression of the day, becomes linked to the play of night when instead of your body being in motion during the day, at night it is inversed 69-96..

Where your body lies still, and your Spirit Travels.. through a vast ocean of Death, Space, the Heavens..

The Physical expression of your day and its True Meaning is that which powers it for the great crossing, and then moving around the Vast Full Circle of the One Ocean, the One Great River..

Completion of Day and Night, is the Alignment of the Two realms E.P.EE..

(Sword in French), to one Expression E by the Full Circle in Life and Death

Awake Sleeping..A.S

Aware Dreaming..A.D…

Day and Night..D.A.N

to one Expression by understanding the point of the Source of Expression in these two universes really one…

And this alignment of completing the Full Circle, Below as Above, B.A, Inside Outside I.O…Creates B.A.I.O…Balance of Ba Personality Individual I.D..

Thus, the Circles of perfect Symmetry linking the 4 Realms or Universes really 4- 22-11..1…Creates rings, upon rings, on perfect symmetry aligned this World manifested by Humanity, to the Physical Natural world manifested by the Source OH. and beyond the Great Mouth of the First Pool and First Drop, to the vast ocean from which Emerged the First Man,

of 4-3 planes of Existence Air Ocean Universe Space..A.O..U.S..and finally E..Existence..

Just as now at present that same original play has been re-enacted bring this time the First Lady..F.L, and her Two Escorts, The First Man and the First Hue Man being… E-rose Cup-I.D..

And so everything manifests in this Material world created by Humans unconscious and truly unaware that their Potential had already been activated in the very beginning of creation as First Drop which became many…and their Infinite Possibilities and which possibility would you acknowledge, that which moves you, or that which you think you are moving…

A play of Chess between your True Ego (Nothingness Naturalness) or the False Ego- the Illusion, the Blind Projectionists..

For only the Child within Cees… the rest of you is blind because you are living in an awareness which can not see that every moment, ever post, everything you do has meaning, when seen through the eyes of a child, and the perception of youth.. Investigate… Y…



The Child came last in the correct story, the first drop was Individuality, Eternal Youth.. I.E.Y.-E…

It could C already, for in Y there already is the C.. (Y=25 th letter..B.E..C.K..Being Expression Christo Krishna…Chukwuemeka Kolo..see meaning)

Yep, Bend Space, Bend it like B.E.C.K..H..A.M.

Bending time and Space, is simply moving through the 1-44-22-11-1 points and transforming the Cube, to its Expression Symmetrical Perfection…

S.P…A Sacred Portal energetic, and its physically representation affirming that Truth.. is present…

Humanity as Children are not really of Existence until they move to the Consciousness of the Y…the Eternal Youth Consciousness and this consciousness is way beyond nature and the 4-3-21 Dimension..

It comes from an E.T Consciousness of the E.Y.E…

All Seeing eyes moving you, the planet in perfect symmetry but only you can links its meaning, and to do this, you must exist on the correct point of view, and flow down the Indus Nile River I…O-I.N.R.I..

of the acquiring a lexicon of language as you point out the View and the Anchors on on the River Banks, which inform, while forming a story the beautiful truth and the way home to your glorious Youth..

Waiting for you beyond time and space in the 5th Dimension..

This is what Nenad M. Djurdjevic post means to the E line..View.

3:3O p.m,

The River of Expression Bend Space and Time to its Will..

Because the Beautiful Truth is the Author of Time and Space to understand the Beautiful Roman-C.E, the Pan Door Ahs Book created from Panoramas Voice Box and Pandora Harmony, sitting quietly in the Library of Existence- Your Being, finally reading a Book, that her father and big brother wrote for Her, so that she too could experience what he and his Twins first Experienced, what it is to be a Man and a Wu-Man..

But not a Human Being, rather the story of how to become HUE Man

Evolution of an Entire Species

Evolution Of All,


3:35 pm



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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