
From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Brilliant intel moved by the E Consciousness within

The Planted Seed in all Humanity.

Meaning of Saintirana.. Investigating Consciousness… I.C

14 Functions.. 14=N.. Naturalness 1+4=5..E…


I.C.E…Same Thing O.N.E…

S.t.o.n.e…R…I.D..G.E (4 75/ 57 4..D Do-nna)

Santirana [aka: Santira?a]

First definition: Santirana is made up of san which means well and tirana which means appropriately investigating. So santirana citta is a consciousness that looks into the object of sampaticchana to work out what it is.

3 description(s) total

Santirana Citta

First definition: ‘investigating consciousness’, is one of the stages in the cognitive series. For the 14 functions of consciousness. s. viññanakicca.

Lady of The Lake..

Has Portals all over the world..

Just as Yeshua and the Christ Seed manifested in Every Country, Culture and Time Period in the World..

I simply read the codes- to anchor this as Truth and Intel..

Chest Nut… In the Chest there is a Nut.. the Sacred Heart..

The Madonna appeared there… Ma Donna… Mother of Ladies..

Ruth.. A Lover Companion and Friend- The Beautiful Vision

16 32..P.C..B..Personal Computer in Being… Which Nenad M. Djurdjevic and others are unwittingly Being.. The P.C is the Human Brain, The Entire Human Being and Body.. even if you are not aware that your Beingg and Body absorbs and transmits data of a mission- called this play…

See sacred Portal 16- Alien Mother


Affirmed today through Donna O’Sullivan and, Jonn and Donna’s visitor today..Renee- Reborn.

Sacred Portal 32.. Eros Kali… E.K- Destruction Creation D.C.. 43 Balanced

See Campaign.. 10 Downing Street- David Cameron..D.C.. 4 3

May 9.. Code 5-9.. E.I.. 59th Street Ritz Carlton- rendevouz place of Completion of the Mission of the Example..

In the Forest- Igbo means Forest.. and the Woods..

6 17.. Code for 6th Sense- is the 17=Q..Quantum Mechanism for Change..

Which completes its self from Unseen, energetic expression to F..

Full Circle it manifest as solid Fact..

Expression= Energy= Ahtom Molecules..Matter Body…Awareness Of Existence (E.X I.S..T.E.N..C.E), Creation-Conscious Harmony Infinity

E= E-A.M.M.B..A.O.E.C.C 2 Cee-(O)..C.H.I…Emeke Is to Praise

And that is how to wake up the dead.. and the body to Quantum Change Evolution..

The Heart..

Egyptian Goddess NUT..

Hathor the Colorful C.O.W… The Gopis! Krishna Radar…

Look at Nenad’s images..

A Mountain View..

A Passage way.. Steps…

A Color full Cow 1-7 Spectrum Rainbow.. S.R..


4 pictures a Cube…

A Beautiful Vision…

Chest Nut…

Sacred Heart..Explained


4th Chakra..

4th Dimension..

4th Letter..D..which is the Color Green.. A Forest..Outside.Green Life

G.. Grace.. G…7-1..Crown Chakra Kundalini Root Chakra..

Christine Kristine…

Ma..Donna..Ruth…Sophia… M.D..R.S…

/ S.R..D.M

Correct Orientation..M.D..R.S..

13 4..18 19..The sequence of numbers are correct… 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Z 27, (Easter-Esther!), Zeina Hanna Anthony Spencer Anthony Pitts

28..8-28.. Donna O’Sullivan..

Expansion of the Heart is the beginning of the process of the bodies, physical transformation, it opens the Chest..when the Heart is finally in balance of expression of White Light -Harmony, and Balance Red of the Passion of the Red Rose..Suzanne! Suza!

The Two come together through understand ones life as a full circle.

Then linked to reading and meaning, links the Merkabah Ascension (Elevator)- Body, and the Butterfly Torus (B.T..Beautiful Twins.. Tom Benzian Amy Harper Willis) Body and Being to Link…

Body is the Inner Link..I.L, the Line- the Arrow of Energy God.. E.G..57..

while the Being is the Butterfly Transformation Outside of the Body shaped like the Infinity of number 8…It represents two full Circle of Body and Being connected and linked by the Aware and conscious expression by the Individual of the Process of Self Activation..

And so MA-Donna…

And this Intelligence from the E

which required expansion (Explanation)

from the Chest Nut to to the Mighty Tree of Life..

Non Promise the Three of True Life..

Aspect 4, in my Creation Story..

Noni Promise – N.P..Nature Paradise, New York Paris..

Is the Teacher of how to Enter True Life..

and from the Root, a Heart, in a Treasure Chest of the Body,

Opens up, is expanded to a Full Page of writing from 4-5 anchored codes..

Does and did, the seed of Truth,

open up in the Soil. of the first Note of Do.. Red blood pumping through the veins, messenger of Venus Light and Lucifer, Son of the Morning and Evening Star…Link together, to Explode in the Heart and Expand outwardly,

Radiating Pulsating, Tendrils Shoots, Pushing through as Light Rays burst forh from the sacred heart..

And rise, expand.. Cupid Eros! to encompass All that every was or could ever be..

Until All was Transformed,

Nature Existence and All manner of Body-Being..

BB..22..V.. 5!


Kings of the 5th and 6th Sense..

5-E, 6-F.

Expression which is a Fact…

That is how the Sacred Heart..

The Beautiful Nut..


Changed the World and All Natural Existence..

In Beauty Beautiful

Mother of Ladies Rose, Beautiful Orientation Wisdom..


From the Bow of I.E..

Inside the Arrow..

Outside- the Harmonious Butterfly Bow.. Torus..



David Arro Racz..Arro-w.

Isis Osiris…I.O../ O.I

2:26 p.m

To Beauty so Exquisite..

That Lady T-Ruth,

Bowed in a gesture of Natural Appreciation to the Lord of Men

A M. E.N

2:27 p.m


Esther Uzoma





I Cee

I See..



111..1(3)..1 Consciousness

Saint ir Ana…

Santirana [aka: Santira?a]

First definition: Santirana is made up of san which means well and tirana which means appropriately investigating. So santirana citta is a consciousness that looks into the object of sampaticchana to work out what it is.

3 description(s) total

Santirana Citta

First definition: ‘investigating consciousness’, is one of the stages in the cognitive series. For the 14 functions of consciousness. s. viññanakicca.

C.I.. Ga-La!-X.Y..Z.A-A.P

Zorro Anthony Appreciate Praise..

I Zaap!

1O 11..21

..Universal Cee..

There is only 1 Consciousness..


a.n.d Universal Cee.

Everything Else is not True Consciousness, T.C.

It does not even Exist, and all that exist not in this Cee have only sustained an Existence by the E line C Line-K…

on Loan

until the End of Time..Which is now..

Time is not but a story, a narration, a Good book. an Amazing Book..

But all books End…

And so that is why the Codes..

To understand the E Harmony Consciousness is the only way to Exist..

Because the E line will not sustain this World any Longer..

For its story has reached its end..

The Book was about creating an E Manual of Evolution of came through Consciousness.. call the E.Truth Cee.. E.T.C…

of Emmanuel…Energy God O.. E.G.O

Was always here guiding you..

And instead All turned round in a moment of forgetting

and Violently betrayed Loves Expression…



4:32 p.m

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