
From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

This post of N M D

Which links the Natural Line

White and Brown

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

The ones who stay behind to rebuild a world

9:49 pm


Nenad’ has been crowned the rep of that line-

There will be others…

But he is the one Crowned witnessed myself, just as Nnameka has been chosen by the E T to represent the Old Ways


A Savior Messiah and Dibia

And Line of Sarah Nkem Blackstock and Stella Antley

Portals between the Past and the Present

The Story the 4th Dimension and the 5th.

I have no family or place amongst you and my connection was to simply bring the knowledge of E Evolution to thee

Alfie Nze

Moira Judith Mann


The A M of the World I leave forever behind.

Now that The Past has the knowledge of the present and the lines of The Chosen ones ( chosen because they chose to pay attention to the E and the Evidence)

This Transfiguration Post


20 16 20


Should complete my 16 yr mission in New York linking the Old World to the New

Nenad is the line link of the Elu

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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