
From Michael Trahe…

From Michael Trahe…

On the background on my way preparing to coming to New York.

I had had the music of Grove Armada.. G.A.. as well as Eminem in background..

A.G.E… Crazy huh?

The Power of E Harmony and listening

hearing the Incredible patterns in Hindsight..

The piece I had written it on I had uploaded it on Face Book..

To The Silence One More Time… TT..S.O..M.T

was written in 2001 February….

Eminem Grove Armada… E.G.A… 2001

From Alan Ginsberg And Edmund White….A.G.E…W…1993 Paris

Message from Anamla Qayin 2016.. D.M.I.C…T.P/K 115 A.G.E…

This was what I noticed in Paris 1993, when my Journals were discovered..

Talking To The Silence… TTT…S…Orien Laplante.. O.L.. Vivian Lavey V.L.

TTT S O L …S.O.L.V.E…L.(V=5=E)…TTT (60) S.O.L.V.E..C.T…

TTT..Solve C.T… Coco (Channel) Tanaid…Bottom Feeder.. Uranus…Passage off Shit… Brown Channel.. the Large Intestine- Colon…

Solve E.C.T… the code of E=Consciousness Truth…

…I had discovered that everything I did, I left a Trail.. A Code, Knowledge…

I did not fully understand the messages, which would turn out to be the riddle, but there was no doubt that I could read it…

I was leaving a pattern behind me… Who was writing, spelling out this?

And how is it that it was where I ended up going even to Delta Manor..

Was I the only one..?

I soon discovered no.. that everyone leaves a Spirit Paper Trail

and it is suffice to look back in Hindsight and see.. look!

Same as the Sub-conscious… it absorbs everything we observe and then translates it but filtering it through our literal original Programing Dna.. Purpose and then translates into action..

In all things with us there is a another Being who is moving us, literally moving us through a maze and purpose…

A Memory of why we each are here…

And so it was because, I had visited the light and then made this startling discovery…

I had a choice, edit the work, become rich and famous from the journals, but by having myself as the central character which people perceived as a Romantic E.T looking for Beauty… not knowing the Beauty exists within him’, as Lafont had noted in the critique of the books and why when edited it could be a block buster…

Or I could follow the trail of messages and SecretionsI had left behind…

With not a little Sigh of frustration and the choice laid out, I elected to follow the pattern, to understand it.. aware that it was linked to that miraculous event…

I was back in the Human Emeka Dimension and perception of consciousness and could not easily ascend the elevator back to my True Consciousness.. T.C.. which is Home…

Where I am truly comfortable because that is my truest nature…

I had never been able to go there with any other living Human Being at that point so only when I was alone could I visit that state of Being…

But as witnessed in most of my poems and prose, written at the time in the journals, I would rise through the lyrical expression of prose and poetry… the flow would bring me home..

And the astute reader would recognize, as Rob Barr had, that I was no longer the same Emeka of whom I interact Down Here – but a lighter one communicating with a Truth which up to that point had been private..

I would Astral Project flying… traveling even through words to my home..

Passing through Dimension, I had descended from until I got to me Truth… And there would be me trying to get in and stay and Mother Supreme commiserating with me before gently me leading me back to thr portal to come back down.

Some of the Publishers who read it realized that… The prose and poetry was not prose and poetry but rather literal…

And they really knew me as E.T.. not of this world much more than I ever realized myself..

Evocative.. literal I would evoke and then you would watch through the poem or prose me moving upwards and inwards.. traveling..

In the Prose piece Take A Ride With Me… T.A.R. W.M….

S.T.A.R…VV M… WOMB…M.W..You call Milky Way

I am conversing with my Spirit who comes to me.. sort of like a E.T cooler version of Peter Pan but who is me.. And tells me he is taking me on a ride…

And the entire prose, details the Literal Even… exactly as I am doing on Face Book…

In that piece of Prose, I am with him, and he takes me to a World Outside, looking into an Orb, but we are in it and outside of it..

And he was showing the world which slept like a Large Pregnant Rat….

I remember seeing the same way again and again when I flew over Paris…and described it the same way.. but I was nearer to the city..

But in Take A Ride W.M…..

M.W…R.A.T.. I was flying outside in Space what people call the 4th Dimension… he was showing me horror… Horror in the world… And what had been done to Beauty , Truth, Love Honor..

It was terrible and when I had tried to shield my eyes so that I would not see, the piece describes in ‘Real Time that my E-Spirit gently moves my arm away and tells me that I must see.. look..

Because something else happens…. As I look it evolves..

It moves and began to transform.. Dawn appeared and Truth who had been banished to some lonely Island, set forth on his crusade back into the World, Love, Beauty which had been so vilified and tortured broke their chains.. Every where the Glory, words of majesty began to rise from the Filth cleansed Triumphant…

And the Rat… I realized now was what had taken over the Milky Way Consciousness.. A constant birthing of the Rat Race.. horrors who ate everything in their path, diseased and contaminated…

That is what they looked like that is What the Great Mother Looked Like…

That is what the World looked like..

A Rat Infested World of Aliens..Rats… Birth Eating Consuming..

This is what it looked like…

But that was not what that really was..

And I understood why as the child the Pied Piper had struck such a powerful chord in me.. and the satisfaction of the way he had gotten rid of the Rats..

And so I understood… and finally understand…

So many yeas later…

How I travel, How I see, and what the Illusion of I was being shown by my Past which is of course Ones Spirit…Memory… Remembrance…

Ebeneezer Scrooge E.S..

I had to remember that awful awful vision which became a reality…

The Rat Race… America, the World are ruled by Rats… The Rat Consciousness the Literal Rat Race..

The cities of the World, New York Paris, London, Rome all are infested by Rats..

Filth Sewage, Garbage Collectors of the Universe and Humanity was the Garbage who could be consumed..

Because they were diseased..

Until that which is transformed that which transformed them into that illusion was transformed back into its Truth…

Need Greed.. N.G.. 147… Sacred Portal.. 21.. U..3..

The Human Mind,. and way of thought is Diseased..


These are the Aliens.. Human Being not evolved to themselves…

Take A Ride With Me… was the what I realized Sacred Portal 58 represented….

Spirited Away….the Correct Way…

The Wrong way was for my Spirit to take me, to a journey to a Past which had manifested.. But it was not the Truth…

It was a journey which I ended up living playing the Pied Piper to a World already aligned by 2001..To Eminem Grove Armada…

E.G.A.. L.A…X.Y….1O 11…C.I…

Meaning it was already re Aligned through Expression.. Natural Expression..

I was 33 and was conscious of the age of Christ and Alexander the Great…

I finished at age 32… That was literally 1999…(98-99)…

And that is why I resisted this journey then…

In 1997 I was on the Cover of the New York Times of Turkey..

The Title read Dikkat Emeka Borda….

Attention Emeka is Here…

I had made International Headlines for announcing a Festival of Paylasmak… Aesha Arman AA was the famous journalist who interviewed me…

When I came to New York.. William Morris.. T.A.R..W.M..

Arranged an interview with Diane Sawyer..D.S..

The Mission was to get the Attention of the World-That is what opens a Portal.. The Biggest Portal….


Today a man called Bill and I had a conversation, it was a long time coming.

He is one of the few men who is living here by choice, he is a college graduate of Science and has had a very interesting career…

He was offered jobs paying as high as 93, 000 00 a year..

(Yes,, 93.. I was paying attention)

And refused it..

But what he wished to talk about was Voodun- which he noted that I was the first person not not vilify him or criticize him for his love of the Science of Voodun..

He was a science major in University, he looks like a Scholar from the Hood…

And had already been linked to the play by the Bill code…Which I had known for years even before meeting Billy Hung..

That a Bill was being paid..

In fact, from the Green House.. a guy called Bill was the one whose Spirit made it clear that I was paying someone else’s enormous Bill..

59.7 Trillion…

Code 5..97….12…L.C..

With 6 sense Full Circle o 60… Solve the riddle if E.C.T…E… Energies Consciousness..Truth to E.T.C..I O.. Infinity…

To Fact.. Manifest Fact….

He listened as I spoke and then said, I always knew you were intelligent but now I see that you are also wise..

Ye has wearing the number 10..

I had noticed him years ago fully aware of his code and had mentioned it here….

And it is no coincidence that I am writing it on Michael Trahe page who understands more why I had to come to a Mental Health Shelter…

Because he is 34.. and the code 17… Is how long he was forced to rendevouz at this place Mental Health.. 17 17.. is 34…

Just as Bill had to be brought to Delta Mental Health by his Spirit because the thing he had experienced and wished to question me about was that he used to Astral Project his entire life… Pass through walls and everything…

And then he started hearing stories in this world of people of people who astral project and can not come back into their bodies and who are cast adrift aimelessly in space..

I heard those stories and myths. and how in Nigeria people knowing you had taken flight could move your body in face another way so that you could never enter…

He had gone into Fear and suddenly he stopped being able to fly and he wished to fly again..

I told him that it had been arranged for us to meet here..

Just as I had to meet Michael Trahe M.T.. Mountain Manifest Truth…

And Express the language of reason that showed them and all their Line including my David Roman Nicholas.. Erik Ebright..

That there was nothing wrong with you… and that it was your fear that manifested the end of Flight… Because you were afraid and you shut your Espirit of Awakened Memory.. who knows all… that you know this story… that you have been here before…

And that you simply had to link 34..3rd Dimension to the 4th Dimension not in the way of people living as rats,,,,

But by being Pioneers… Trail Blaizers…

T.A.R.. W.M… Tar the Road to VV..Your Double U? Your Double Vie to One..

By linking the Passed Sum Total to the Present… The True Present which is not a Rat Race… R.R…

But by linking Effective Cause to Cause Effect… E.C-C.E… 53-35..


H.H… Hector Herrera… H…E.C.T..O..R.E… H.E…R.R (Royal Reign.. 36..360..36/63…99…9…I..O.N…) E.R.A…

A Harmonious Idea as the Full Circle of Naturalness which creates the IONS which Spark the Awakening Memory of the Road..

Tar the Way to Link Double V.ie… VV..

Venkat Venkatsen.. Self Born..

Vinod Vinod… / DON..I.V.. the 4th… Dimension Delta,. Not reall Donald Trump..

but D.T… Darius Tolstoy.. D.T… 420…Code of Awakening E.Ebright…

King Darius…. And the Writer Tolstoy…. King and Writer.. K.E.W…

Alexander the Poet. Allen Ginsberg…Play-Right

Tar the Road to reach Dawn… So the Darkness is now lit up by the Full Circle.. The Moon and then the Stars…

That is what the City really is meant to mirror…

A City not filled with Rats…

But illuminated by Stars, people such as these great beings, whose lifes were transformed by an alternative reality and their own giving into their fears…Which is what governs the consciousness of the Rat..

You just as my David R.N.. had to be sure that there was nothing wrong with you..

And the Road is Built with beautiful Expression..

Which is Expression based on solid foundations which brings Facts…

The Light Clarifying Dawn Electricity.. E.L.E C.T…R. I.C..I..T Y (Y yellow is Y=25..7..G Golden Brick Road..

Hindsight -Foresight…

4:34 p.m

4:35 p.m

The Middle Finger…


Truth Manifest Facts…

20 13 6

33 6…

4:36 p.m

It was that you just did not have a language Vocabulary…

Which is where I came in…

Was Spirited Away back into that Past against the Law..

To bring forth not just one Star.. me who could light the way..

But almost 3 Billion who would light up the Entire Universal Existence

and all pathways of interdimensional Travel-

With no Fear in any part of the Galaxy…

Which then reveals Home…

The Place where every where is Safe but where there in Adventure Danger Trill Fun but always the knowledge that where ever you go..

You are Safe…

That was the mission…

Not to follow the thinking of the Herd..

But rather the Individual who Heard his Espirit..

Saw the Trail of your Expression in Hindsight..

H.E… A.. R.D.. Harmonious Expression Awareness creates a Road…

And a Rod… and a Door.. Dore

4:43 p.m

The Middle Finger is the Longest Finger in that Hand…

But now, and only now, it can also mean..



4:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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